As if playing a fierce piano piece, Hilda stopped suddenly, and then tapped lightly on the armrest.

In an instant, the bionic device in the center of the star force riot environment turned into a streamer and flew out, passed through the prepared passage, and came to another room.

After inspection of the bionic device and several Wanying mines inside the device, they were all intact without exception!

"Well, that's about it."

With that said, Hilda stepped down from the central control seat.

Looking at the results of the experiment, Yun Tian asked her in surprise:

"This is, success?"

Yun Tian originally thought that the experiment was still in progress, but now it seems that it has been completed?

"Success? No, no, no, of course not."

Hilda shook her head exaggeratedly, then pointed to the bionic device displayed on the space window.

"At most, the preliminary results are as expected. You don't think that thing is exactly the same as the human body of Xingmai generation?"

"The experiment is divided into several parts, the environment simulation, the combination of the experimental body and the environment, and the safe transfer of the experimental body."

"These three points, including the initial environment simulation, all require the precondition of the experimental body, and without Ophelia, the only special experimental body, as the primer to connect the environment where the universal element is produced, it is impossible to fully achieve it anyway. your request."

"What I'm talking about a year is spent here."

Having said that, Hilda suddenly smiled strangely.

"Of course, if you can get Ophelia from that insidious fat man to cooperate with the experiment, then I can shorten the time to a few months."

"So that's it, the experimental subject." Yun Tian rubbed his forehead thoughtfully.

It is definitely impossible to ask Ophelia to cooperate with the experiment. Let alone whether Di Luke will agree, the purpose itself is to ensure that Ophelia will not die. Wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse.

"So, the problem is with the experimental subject..."

Suddenly, Yun Tian thought of something.

"By the way, Hilda, you said that the experiment to restore Ophelia was unsuccessful?"

"That's right." Although she didn't understand why Yun Tian asked, Hilda still nodded.

"At first I thought it was a matter of material. After all, Ophelia Landolphin is a very special individual. If she hadn't possessed such potential, she wouldn't be able to exert such a strong power now."

"But rare doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and even if it can't achieve the same result, according to my theory, it should be fully reproduced. At most, the power will be attenuated."

"My theory can't be wrong."

The failure of Ophelia's experiment to reproduce this is the only stain in Hilda's life. Since entering the scientific world, all the theories she put forward are correct, without exception before Ophelia!

And after witnessing the experiment just now, both Yuntian and Edelweiss understood her horror.

How long has it been?

It was less than a month from Yuntian's departure to Daoteng's house to his return to the city, but in this short period of time, Hilda had completed the first step of the experiment and even got the result.

"There must be a reason for not being able to reproduce that experiment. If your theory is correct and the problem is not with Ophelia, then it can only be something else."

Yun Tian's words aroused Hilda's curiosity.

Following Yun Tian's topic, she asked:

"You mean Wanying mine? But in the experiments I repeated several times, the purity of Wanying mine was even exactly the same as the observable. Besides, what is the difference between Wanying mine? The size and shape?"

Yun Tian shook his head, looked at Hilda, and said the conjecture that Di Luke told him.

"The longer Wanying Mine is in this world, the worse it will be."

"Deterioration? Oh? This is really an interesting idea." Yun Tian's words made Hilda's eyes light up, but she immediately questioned it.

"Specifically, what is the deterioration? The artificial universal mine is nothing more than that. Even if the natural universal mine is left for a long time, its internal energy and purity will not change."

"It's not purity, it's memory."


Even Hilda, known as the 'Great Doctor', was stunned when she heard these words.

"Memory? What memory?"

"Memories of 'That World'."

"?!" At this moment, all things were connected together in Hilda's heart.

"So that's how it is! That's how it is! It's actually like this, hee hee hee!"

"This will restart the experiment, hee hee hee, I'm going to get busy next time!"

Chapter 787 On the eve of the turmoil

Time flies, winter goes and spring comes.

But different from the usual peaceful daily life, during this time, Yuntian and Edelweiss have been running around with their plans.

Negotiate, coerce, and even deal with some people, and help Varda prepare the altar.

After all, the upcoming Wanglong Xingwu Festival will be the end of everything, or it will be a brand new beginning.

"By the way, it's almost time for the school festival again, right?"

"Huh? Ah, it's true to calculate the time."

As always, the meeting of the Golden Branch Alliance is going on on the spaceship, but today's time is slightly earlier, not at night.

The preparations for the plan were basically completed. At this time, Yuntian and the others no longer had to be as cautious as before.

Not participating in the discussion between Mathias and Di Luke, Yuntian and Edelweiss sat on the other side chatting.

"There is no way to go shopping at the school festival this year." Although Yun Tian said so, there was not much regret in his tone.

"If you really want to take time, it's not impossible at all." Edelweiss smiled.

Then he said pointedly: "You haven't met Claudia and the others for a while, don't you plan to take this opportunity to take a break?"

"Forget it, it's important." Yun Tian rolled his eyes at Edelweiss, how could he not be aware of his lover's little thoughts.


"It's not entirely because of my relationship that we didn't meet. Aren't they all busy with their own things recently?"

Hearing what Yun Tian said, Edelweiss sighed, and said: "It's no wonder, after all, our movements are getting bigger and bigger, and they have more or less noticed something is wrong."

"A while ago, didn't you hear that the sister named Tianwu Lingdou was coming from Tianwu? It seems to have woken up."

"Based on her knowledge of Mathias and Varda, she may be following the clues to find a way to disrupt our plan."

"In addition to the guard captain Helga, I don't know how many people will choose to stand on the opposite side of us in the end."

"Who knows..." Yun Tian didn't answer Edelweiss' question, because he didn't know about it either.

After all, the return of the Falling Star Rain has a bearing on the safety of the whole world.

When Yuntian and Edelweiss stood on the opposite side of the whole world, and even personally participated in planning this plan that could destroy the whole world.

Who will continue to choose to believe them?

Who has the courage to continue to stand by them?

Edelweiss didn't know, neither did Yuntian.

Just as Mathias and Di Luke, Yuntian and Edelweiss were chatting with each other, Varda, who was sitting alone in a daze, suddenly spoke.

"My power has been cracked."

In an instant, Yun Tian and Edelweiss looked over, and even Mathias and Di Luke, who had been discussing the details of the plan, stopped talking and turned their heads.

"what happened?"

"It's a memory tampering imposed on Tian Wuyao. I don't know how she did it, but it can be concluded that Tian Wuyao has recovered her normal memory. At least, I, Mathias, and Di Luke have been completely exposed. identity risk."

After hearing these words, Di Luke glared at Varda directly, and sarcastically said:

"Your power is really easy to release."

"Impossible." Perhaps because she didn't hear the sarcasm, Varda answered Di Luke calmly and seriously.

"Normally, other than Fan Xinglu's level, it's impossible for anyone to interfere with my power."

"Even if the tampering of Tianwuyao's memory was carried out in a state where she sealed herself in a deep sleep, all the effects are somewhat incomplete, and it is impossible for ordinary people to interfere."

Varda's brainwashing or tampering through the ability of mental interference, the longer it takes and the more times it is repeated, the stronger the effect.

She has worked hard on Tian Wuyao.

"I'm afraid it's due to the captain of the guard." It was Yun Tian who spoke.

"I've seen her use her ability at close range. I can't overestimate the power related to time. What's more, it's the captain of the guard. It shouldn't be difficult to release Tian Wuyao's mental ability."

"So that's the case, but there is a possibility." Mathias nodded.

"In this case, the evaluation of the captain of the guard will be further improved."

Hearing Mathias speak, Di Luke's biting eyes immediately moved over.

"How dare you be so leisurely? If we are not careful, our identities will all be exposed!"

Di Luke's voice was full of dissatisfaction and anger.

"I've warned you many want to say that, right?" Mathias still sat motionless on the chair, and even deliberately responded with a provocative smile.

"Isn't it! If you get rid of her earlier, there won't be so many problems. Am I wrong?"

"Hmm..." Instead of Mathias answering Di Luke was a motor taken out of the case.

Then a huge crimson sword appeared, and the tip of the Chixia Demon Sword just touched the tip of Di Luke's nose.

"Huh? What? Do you think that I'm still afraid of your threats?"

"Haha, I never expected you to be so likable."

If Di Luke was someone who would be intimidated by threats, Mathias wouldn't have pulled him into the gang in the first place.

"Compared to a bunch of nonsense explanations, I think it might be better for you to see it with your own eyes."

"Oh?" Not only Di Luke, Yuntian, Edelweiss, and Varda were also attracted by Mathias' words.

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