There is a huge gap between the two in terms of the most basic reaction speed.

Therefore, if his attack wants to hit, there is a prerequisite that Yuntian must solve, that is to make his reaction be able to keep up with Fan Xinglu.

Or... slow down her reaction speed!

The distorted space created by the force of destiny combined with the characteristics of the future eternal calamity cut did not disappear with Yuntian's sword.

Under Yuntian's deliberate maintenance, the light path still connects him and Fan Xinglu.

Here, under Yuntian's control, the time and the causal line of the two are not consistent!

The absolute inequality made Yuntian finally achieve equality with Fan Xinglu.

He looked at her and took a deep breath

Then, I laughed.

Not alone.

He laughed, giving it his all.

She laughed, the opponent's full force.

Put the Star Perishing Sword and Black Furnace Demon Sword back into their sheaths in their hands, this time, Yun Tian's posture is no longer a crooked cross behind his back.

He took off the Star Death Sword and the Black Furnace Demon Sword from behind, and hung them on the waist again, one on the left and the other on the right.

Putting on a good posture, Yun Tian began to charge up before using his sword skills after a long absence.

The inspiration for this trick actually came from others.

However, it's not exactly the same, Yuntian can't reproduce that kind of sword skills, and doesn't need to replicate other people's sword skills.

What he wants is the idea in that secret sword.

Turn everything and even your existence into fuel, and unleash the fastest blow!

The physical strength quickly faded, the flame of magic power was extinguished, the power of the stars also dried up at this moment, and the scabbard of Jing Xin was snatched by Yun Tian at this moment.

All the forces that can be mobilized gather together at this moment.

Facing Fan Xinglu directly under the unparalleled pressure, Yun Tian was able to deeply understand his own insignificance.

But at this moment, both tension and pressure were left behind by him.

Don't need to think about anything else, gather everything together, in this final blow, even breathing is superfluous.

Refining all power, extracting everything you own, even, this sword doesn't even need power!

The pitch-black flame covered the Black Furnace Demon Sword and dyed the pure white blade black.

Stars lit up on the black sword of the Star Death Sword, similarly, that was the appearance of the 'cutting' ability being mobilized to the limit.

No need for power, no need for destruction, no need for killing.

This blow only needs to hit, and only needs to hit!

The next moment, the sky moved!

There is nothing else, just a light.

Together, the sword light transformed from Yuntian's figure!

Star Sword Art Mysteries!

Sword Drawing Skill Star Flash!

It has no power, just hits, and the limit is a blow of speed!


The jet-black sword light slashed across, and the broken clothes and splashed blood undoubtedly declared the hit of this blow.


"Really, you have exceeded my imagination time and time again."

Words rang in my ears.

But Yun Tian, ​​who had poured everything into this sword, was already unable to distinguish other things.

All he saw was the clenched fist.

Then, the next moment.

The world is broken.


The picture faded from the eyes, and the sound disappeared from the ears.

It seems to be in a pure white empty sky, and it seems to sink into a black and soundless abyss.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe a year, maybe a few days, maybe a few hours, maybe a few minutes...or, just a few seconds.

Yun Tian regained consciousness.

But when he instinctively planned to drive his body, he found that he could no longer move.

There was no severe pain, because at this moment Yun Tian's body didn't even have the strength to transmit the pain.

It can still move, only the line of sight that can barely be deflected.

Then, Yun Tian saw clearly the tragic situation around him.

Mountains, land, sea of ​​clouds, trees?


It's all gone.

Yun Tian lay in the pile of rubble, with the deserted land beneath him.

But this is not the change of the world. The leaf fragments sticking to his face and the occasional water flow at his hand told him that the world has not changed.

Instead, everything is destroyed.

But Yuntian couldn't understand the current situation, his thinking was still stuck on the last sword that he tried his best to show at the last moment.

What happened afterward?

Why is this the result?

What is this...

As if sensing Yun Tian's doubts, a sound accompanied by footsteps reached his ears.

"You survived with one punch. You passed the test. This is a perfect answer."

The voice was crisp and melodious, very nice.

It was Yuntian's familiar yet unfamiliar voice.

Familiar, because he recognized the owner of that voice.

The strangeness is because the voice is no longer as immature as in the impression.

Chapter 829 Unwinnable Battle

Following the sound of footsteps, what appeared in front of Yun Tian was a stranger he had never seen before.

A head of long silver-gray hair hangs down like a waterfall to his waist, and the butterfly style tied with part of the hair at the back of his head is familiar to Yuntian.

With a delicate pretty face and a perfectly sculpted face, Yun Tian couldn't help but admire the woman in front of him even if he was used to beauties of Edelweiss' level.


The woman's clothes didn't fit well, and they were tightly stretched on her body like a swimsuit, and on the exposed abdomen, a hideous sword mark that was still oozing blood was engraved on it.

"You survived with one punch. You passed the test. This is a perfect answer."

Listening to that familiar yet unfamiliar voice, Yun Tian immediately understood the identity of the young woman in front of him.

'How can you recover like this? '

Yun Tian intends to say that, but at this moment, although his body is recovering as much as possible, he still can't speak for a while.

However, the woman seemed to understand the meaning in Yun Tian's eyes, she chuckled and said:

"You can use your sword skills to pry the mystery of time, how can I not do it?"

"Although limited by the reincarnation secret technique, the old body must maintain the young body to grow slowly, but it is still easy to restore the peak in a moment."

"You think this way, don't you underestimate the old body?"

Listening to Fan Xinglu's words, a trace of helplessness flashed in Yun Tian's eyes.

It's not that he underestimated Fan Xinglu, and it's not that he didn't think about it, it's just that he couldn't think about it.

Because once that is the case, the consequences are obvious.

Fan Xinglu also proved this point with practical actions.

One punch, just one punch, and Yuntian was defeated without a doubt.

As Fan Xinglu is a universal god, her star fairy technique is indeed extremely terrifying.

However, before that, she who was known as a demon fairy did not rely on some star fairy art.

But gymnastics!

Both the young Fan Xinglu and the adult Fan Xinglu are immeasurably strong, but as an adult, Fan Xinglu can do his best to use physical skills.

He is the real Millennium Fairy!

"However, to be honest, it's an unexpected and exciting thing for you to hurt my old body."

Fan Xinglu stretched out her hand to touch the wound on her abdomen, feeling the blood and pain flowing, her eyes flashed with brilliance and fanatical fighting spirit.

"Although it's just a momentary carelessness of the young old body, but you can do this, you are proud enough."

Although she said praises in her mouth, Fan Xinglu's expression gradually changed from full of fighting spirit to a little regretful, but in just a moment, this regret was put away by her.

Instead, contentment and contentment.

"Ah, it's been a long time since I let go of my muscles and bones, and it feels really good."

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