There is no need to worry about Edelweiss, what Yuntian has to do is to separate from them, and suppress the riot as soon as it happens.

After all, since Freya entrusted Loki, of course she will pay the corresponding reward.

For the Loki family who had just failed in their expedition and their finances were a little tight, this was just the right amount of assistance.

"Speaking of which, if I remember correctly, there should be a silver-backed ape that was specially left for Bell by the goddess Freya, right?"

Recalling the plot of the original book, Yun Tian shook his head helplessly.

Yun Tian, ​​who didn't know much about it before, but now knows the common monsters by heart, knows exactly what the Silverback Ape means to Bell at this time.

The elite monsters that are usually seen after the tenth floor, usually need to be treated with caution by the Lv2 senior adventurer team if they want to crusade.

And Bell, a Lv1 rookie who has just become an adventurer.

"The goddess Freya really thinks highly of him."

"I really don't know whether to praise her for her good eyesight, or say that she is cruel to newcomers."

Thinking about it, Yun Tian also laughed.

"Speaking of which, I still have to thank Bell."

If it weren't for what he said at the beginning, Yun Tian might not be able to form a bond with Edelweiss.

"Well, let's go and see later."

Chapter 879 The Unknown God

This is a place with insufficient light and a bit dark and humid.

There is only one magic stone lamp hanging from the ceiling, and the others have been extinguished.

Shadows were formed in every corner of the room, and wooden boxes were scattered here and there, giving the impression of disarray.

In the dark space that looks like a warehouse at first glance, there are many 'cages', and the monsters tied by chains are locked in the cages and sleep.

The large room in the basement of the arena's backstage is simply a waiting room for monsters to appear.

According to the procedure, the monsters will be taken from here to the center of the arena together with the cage by the person in charge, and then they will be released from their shackles, allowing them to fight against the animal trainers prepared in advance on the field.

"What are you guys doing? The next show is about to start! Why don't you bring the monster up!"

With a sharp sound, the door of the room was opened.

The female members of the Ganesha family rushed into the room with a fierce look on their faces and scolded.

She is the team leader in charge of the festival's backstage work. Seeing that the time for the appearance is approaching, but the monster has not been transported up, she is so anxious that she came to check the situation in person.

However, no one answered her angry questioning.

"What?! Hey! What's the matter?"

In the room, the companions who were originally in charge of transportation all fell to the ground, lying or sitting motionless.

She panicked, and hurried to her nearest companion.

"Breathing, great... no trauma?"

Doubt and anxiety flashed in her heart, and she checked the other people, and found that it was the same, and none of them were in danger of life.

They just lost their strength and consciousness like a puppet with a broken string.

"Ah... ah..."

'Not toxins, what the hell is this? '

There was a faint voice in his mouth, his cheeks were rosy, and his pupils lost focus.

She had never seen such symptoms.

Just when she was about to stand up and look at the surrounding environment to make a judgment, the air behind her vibrated.

The adventurer's perception told her that it was not an attack and it was no big deal.

It's a leisurely gesture like approaching a friend, without any malice.

However, the terrifying pressure made her dare not move.

Until, her eyes were gently covered from behind by a pair of white jade hands.

Immediately afterwards, a tremor from the depths of her soul caused her body to convulse uncontrollably.

At the same time, a feeling paralyzed all her external sensory systems.

That is, beauty!

Irresistible, irresistible, ultimate beauty!

Consciousness was interrupted, and she was deprived of her freedom.

"Where's the key?"


"The key to the cage, you know, I need it."


Her body obeyed the command reflexively, her arms trembled, and she took out the key chain that restrained the monster's cage and chain from her bosom.

"Thank you~"

The key was taken away, and the hand covering the eyes was removed.

However, her eyesight and consciousness did not recover, but her body suddenly softened and she sat directly on the ground.

Like, those companions she just checked out.


Leaving aside the woman sitting on the ground, Freya came to the cage where the monster was held.

Freya has no ability to fight.

As long as she is in the lower realm, she is truly powerless.

However, even without divine power, that overwhelming dominance can still exert an effect that makes the gods fearful.

Simple and simple operation, for Freya, this can't even be called using 'charm'.

"Well... I'll choose you."

Stopping in front of a certain cage, Freya looked at the monster in the cage, and used the key to unlock it.

That's right, Silverback Ape.

"Ah, really, I originally planned to wait and see the child's growth for a while."

Stretching out her hand and gently stroking the silverback ape's forehead, Freya seemed to sigh with emotion.

She knew that Bell Clowney was growing at an astonishing rate.

Although she didn't know the reason, the extraordinary growth rate couldn't be hidden from the eyes of the goddess.

"I just couldn't help it and wanted to tease him."

Freya smiled like a child.

Play pranks on people you like to attract their attention, and want to see how they react after being pranked.

This kind of childish behavior.

If he accidentally dies.

"Then take his soul with you."

Freya smiled happily, with a joyful expression on her face.

But suddenly, as if remembering something, the smile gradually faded from his face, and turned into doubt and thinking.

"Will that Rocky kid..."

"Heroes, maybe, I should make more preparations."

Maybe he was worried that his plan would be disrupted by Yuntian, or maybe he was thinking about other things?

After a while, a sigh resounded faintly in the basement.

"Could it be you, Erebus... what are you thinking?"



Water drops fell and turned into water droplets.

Small voices from the ceiling to the floor vibrated the air and echoed in this silent space.

The monster woke up slowly, it slowly shook its body, and moved a little in the narrow cage.

Tranquil, dark, and cold, this is a basement with nothing special in it.

The monster didn't start moving immediately, it just woke up from a deep sleep, and its consciousness was still in a blank state.

It remained silent, looking around, confirming its state.

Then, it noticed.

The black cage that imprisoned him was liberated.

Without any hesitation, it left the cage, made a series of crawling sounds, and left the short, hard-to-breathe cage.


By the way, outside!

go outside!

It has nothing to do with intelligence, it is the innate instinct of the 'monster'.

It's not a thought, it's some sort of 'purpose' engraved in your mind.

The combination of the two drove it forward.

Get out of this darkness, head toward the direction where you can hear the sound, toward the place where you can feel the presence of many creatures.

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