The stars above the urban night sky shine extraordinarily brightly as if the light of blessing descended, and the crescent moon is also extremely clear, as if the heavens are celebrating the birth of a new generation of heroes.

Their feats caused residents, adventurers and gods to fall into carnival.

"Anyway, everyone, the expedition has worked hard, cheers—!"

At the same time, Yun Tian and others also went to the tavern that they often care about to raise their glasses to congratulate under the guidance of Shangshen.

The Feng Rao Mistress Tavern, located on West Avenue, is doing a brisk business, and a large section of it is filled with tables and chairs occupied by Loki's family members. They are noisy, wantonly expressing the enormous pressure brought about by this expedition.

"Don't drink too much and mess around, Bert."

"Tsk, I want you to take care of it!"

"Refia, can you bring me the barbecue over there?"

"Okay, okay...but Miss Diona, this is already the fifth set?!"

"I ordered a lot later, don't worry about not having enough food, ah, give me another plate."

"Oh, Finn, didn't you say that the deficit is serious, and if this continues, it will be completely overrun."

"It's all right, the most important thing is to be happy at the banquet, and Yuntian brought back a large amount of extra income today, um, it's not a problem to launch another expedition immediately."

"??? Did he go to the money exchange?"

Listening to Riveria's advice, Burt, who successfully drank too much at the last banquet, looked depressed, Refia continued to deal with the hungry Amazon sisters, and Grace looked at the crowd with a big wine glass and chatted with Finn .

Others included Rocky, who was already blushing after drinking, and Raul, who scattered around and formed his own small circle.

I kept adding more orders, whether it was frothy ale or the tavern's signature fruit wine, they were all brought over barrel by barrel.

The table is packed with colorful delicacies, all kinds of vegetables, egg dishes, steamed fish or grilled meat, thick steak and so on.

As for Yuntian, he sat on a chair with a glass of fruit juice and watched them quietly. Sitting beside him were the equally quiet Edelweiss and Ais, and Liu who was called by Yuntian.

They weren't as loud as the others, but they were chatting with each other in a relaxed and harmonious way... logically, that's how it should be.

But today, things are a little different.




"..." Yun Tian's expression was a little stiff, he picked up the cup, and took a sip of the juice as if to cover up.


stare--! x3

"...Let me tell you, haven't you seen enough?"

Finally, Yun Tian, ​​who couldn't bear it anymore, put down the cup in his hand, and expressed his dissatisfaction to the three women around him who were staring at him in a daze.

However, with little success.

The thin-skinned Lyu's ears were red from embarrassment, but Edweiss and Aisi were an old couple, and the other didn't care about such things at all, and they still stared at Yuntian.

Lyu, who originally looked away, secretly turned her gaze back as if she was encouraged by the behavior of the other two.

This made Yuntian rub his forehead helplessly.

Needless to say, Yun Tian naturally knew what was going on with the performance of the three of them, and the effect of the new skill Hero Essence really left him speechless.

But to be honest, the effect of this skill is not very exaggerated. At best, it makes Yun Tian a lot more pleasing to the eye, making it easier to be trusted and approached.

At least when he was communicating with Tione and Tiona, although he could feel that the two of them had spent more time focusing on him, their attitudes didn't change, at most they were a little surprised.

As for the situation of the three of Edelweiss, it was because they themselves had a very high opinion of Yuntian, so this effect was further amplified.

In the eyes of Edelweiss and the others, Yun Tian suddenly became handsome, as long as he entered the field of vision, his eyes would move subconsciously.

But Yun Tian, ​​who only had a partial understanding of this skill, was quite speechless.

Fortunately, Loki who suddenly stood on the table attracted everyone's attention and saved Yuntian from the embarrassing atmosphere.

Really, Yuntian has never felt that his God is so pleasing to the eye like now.

"By the way, it was temporarily decided today that the Shenyue Festival will be held!"

Loki, with a drunk face, threw out a topic without thinking. Those who didn't know it were very confused, but those who knew it were surprised with some excitement.

"What is the Divine Moon Festival?"

Edelweiss was the one who didn't know, so she curiously asked Yun Tian beside her.

It's a pity that although Yuntian has spent nine years in this world, he is a representative of the Gan Emperor adventurers who don't listen to the outside world.

I've heard the name 'Shenyue Festival', but I don't know the specific details.

Aisi was no different from Yuntian, and it was Lyu who had a better understanding of Olalie who finally answered for the three of them.

"Shenyue Festival is a kind of festival that existed before the gods descended to the realm."

Lyu looked at Loki, feeling slightly puzzled.

"Although it has been held all the time, the scale in Orario is not large. Why did it suddenly..."

Chapter 1032 Hermes' Wish

Looking down, the streets of Orario are very lively.

The lights of the magic stone lamps flooded, and the whole city was filled with hustle and bustle that did not belong to the night.

Is it because the festival is approaching?

"Artemis, you are here."

On the huge city wall, the blue-haired goddess withdrew her gaze and looked in the direction of the voice.

"The holding of the Shenyue Festival has been decided." Hermes walked over while talking.

"Well, what is the Shenyue Festival?"

Artemis is the moon god, but the god-moon festival in the lower realm existed before the gods came, not a sacrifice to the moon god.

Finding that Artemis did not understand this ceremony, Hermes explained:

"It is a traditional festival that has been passed down from ancient times to worship the moon."

"The people of the lower world regard the moon as a god, and pray that they will not be attacked by monsters, that life will be safe and sound, and that there will be large-scale festivals such as a bumper harvest."

"However, because of our existence, the scale of this festival has become smaller and smaller."

The real gods are already close at hand, and this kind of activity of worshiping false gods will naturally become lonely. This is the same as the overhead goddess that the little people once believed in.

"Uranus re-hosted the large-scale Shenyue Festival because the time coincided. After all, the user of the 'Arrow', that is, your 'Orion' must be found as soon as possible."

Hermes' tone has returned to its usual elegance, and it seems that the previous haze has been dispelled by him.

However, Hermes knew clearly that the haze in his heart hadn't abated.

In order to strengthen his belief in the next action, he came to find Artemis, to find this goddess who seemed to have been bleached.

"Artemis, in terms of the nature of that arrow, if you want to exert its true power, you must communicate with the 'user', right?"

Hearing Hermes' words, Artemis froze for a moment.

But soon, as if recalling it, he nodded with some impression.

'Sure enough... dregs, imitations of that sublime figure. '

Suppressing the irritability in his heart, Hermes must further confirm his next course of action.

"Community of mind means that we must deepen the relationship with the identified user as much as possible. Otherwise, the 'arrow' will not be able to exert its power, and it is impossible to achieve the goal of shooting through Andaris."

"Is that so... No, that's right."

"For users who haven't met, if they are of the same sex, they should cultivate friendship or family relationship. If they are of the opposite sex... well, the easiest way is to cultivate love."

"Hermes, you mean...the kind of love between men and women?"

"It doesn't matter how deep it is, it's enough to be able to give birth to 'love'."

"Hermes, have you forgotten the authority that I am in charge of? As the god of chastity, I never fell in love..."

Hermes' tone and expression were completely opposite to the wavering in his heart, but Artemis lowered his head somewhat disappointed.

Seeing her like this, Hermes couldn't help squinting his eyes. He stepped forward, approached Artemis, and said in the most gentle tone:

"In that case, how about I teach you what love is?"

These words, Hermes is from the heart.

Tests and trials from the heart!

If it was the Artemis he knew, he would have knocked him away the moment he heard those words.

He would still say something like 'dirty guy, full of filth, kill me'.

That chaste goddess will never be fooled by such sweet words, even in the current situation where her heart is extremely empty, she will never be fooled!

Artemis looked at Hermes and gave the answer.

"Impossible, Hermes, I am the god of chastity, and I have a mission to complete soon. It is impossible for me to accept your so-called 'love'."


"This 'love', I feel, has to be found out on my own."

Hearing this answer, Hermes grabbed the brim of his hat and pulled it down, blocking his expression that he could no longer disguise.

'Damn, damn, damn! '

Why didn't she agree? It would be great if she agreed.

As long as she agrees, Hermes will definitely step forward to guide her about 'love' knowledge.

Then, make a decision in your heart, completely treat the person in front of you as a scum, and use it mercilessly as a pure prop until the end.

But now

'Sure enough, even if it's just a wreck, Artemis is still Artemis after all. '

As if giving up struggling, Hermes smiled again.

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