As if he understood the meaning of Yuntian's words, a smile appeared on the face of Hermes, who had his back to several people.

He replied to Yun Tian without turning his head:

"The destination is the end of the continent far away from Orario, the ruins of Elsos located in the three great secret realms 'Great Tree Sea'."


The sky was getting dark, and Yun Tian and others, who had been flying for a whole day, finally landed and found a place to set up camp.

Although it is a rush on time, but when it is time to rest, you still have to rest.

Even if Yun Tian and the others are fine, the three flying dragons won't last long.

After landing, the first thing to do after setting up the camp is to start a fire and cook.

Food was provided by Hermes, and Yuntian and the others were responsible for finding firewood and water.

However, before that, Yuntian had another very important matter to resolve.


Feeling the gaze staring at him from behind, Yun Tian sighed helplessly, then stopped and looked back.

"Hmph!" Edelweiss, who had been staring at Yun Tian, ​​turned his head away when he saw Yun Tian turning his head.

Lyu, who was standing beside Edelweiss, shrugged, and gave Yun Tian an expression of 'you can figure it out'.

Rubbing his forehead, Yuntian didn't know how to deal with it.

After all, he was the one who hugged Artemis on his own initiative, no matter how reasoned he was, the fact would not change.

Seeing the 'make me happy' expression that Edelweiss almost wrote on his face, Yun Tian put down the firewood in his hand and walked towards Edelweiss.

Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, although Edelweiss was fully focused on Yuntian, he had an 'unhappy' expression on his face

It wasn't until the footsteps stopped beside him, and after waiting for a few seconds that there was no follow-up, Edelweiss turned his head back with some doubts in his heart, and said at the same time:

"Don't you think I'll take it easy...huh???"

Grasping the opening moment when Edelweiss turned his head and spoke, Yun Tian pushed her against the tree behind him, ignored Lyu's shocked eyes, and kissed her directly.

The picture seemed to freeze.

After a while, Yun Tian let go of Edelweiss.

"Huh, you, you! Why are you...uh!!!"

Before Edelweiss could take a breath, her mouth was blocked by Yun Tian again.

Another long time.

Edelweiss, who finally regained his freedom, blushed and kicked Yuntian with his feet.

"Lyu is watching from the side! You are going to die...Huh?!?!"

This time, Edelweiss fell into Yuntian's embrace.

Lyu watched the battle dumbfounded, she was obviously just watching, but she blushed even more than Edelweiss.

The scene of "one button three times" in front of me greatly shocked this elf girl who would blush and shy even holding a small hand.

Words like 'shameless' seemed to keep echoing in her heart, but she didn't look away until the end.


"Aren't you angry anymore?"

"Angry, you shut up!"

Yun Tian hugged Edelweiss and leaned against the tree, while Lyu who was beside him had already run away.

After Yuntian stopped, the elf girl recovered from the state of watching the battle, before Yuntian could speak, she couldn't resist the shame in her heart, turned her head and ran away.

For a pure elf, this is a little irritating.

Therefore, only Yun Tian and Edelweiss were left here.

"If you are still angry, then I will continue?"

"what are you doing?!"

"Am I kidding you?"

"Are you such a coaxer! Where did you learn from!"

"Taught by Bell."

"Do you think I would believe it!"

"It was really taught by Bell, think about it, wasn't Bell taught before?"




Chapter 1041 The Spirit of Romanticism

After tossing for a while, Yuntian and Edelweiss finally calmed down.

"So, what's going on?" Edweiss wasn't really angry.

After all, they have been together for some time, and Edweis, who knows Yuntian's personality, naturally knows that he will not hug Artemis for no reason.

Moreover, Artemis' gloomy expression was vaguely seen by Edelweiss who had been staring at Yuntian.

There was no need to hide anything, Yun Tian directly told her his speculation about Hermes and Artemis.

"Is that so..."

After hearing this, Edelweiss also felt a little emotional.

"That is to say, at least this entrustment we have to face some crises that will make the gods of the lower world helpless?"

"It's probably like this, and [-]% of the reason for the birth of this commission is Artemis." Yun Tian nodded, agreeing with Edelweiss' statement.

"That's why it's that expression."

After listening to Yun Tian's description, Edelweiss recalled the expression of Artemis he saw, and his hostility towards her dissipated a lot for a while.


"What's with 'necessary'!"


Hearing Edelweiss' questioning, Yun Tian couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

"Didn't I not ask in detail?"

"So you really plan to have a relationship with her?" Edelweiss gave Yun Tian an angry look.

"That's not enough." Yun Tian smiled.

"It's all about letting nature take its course. The main reason is to reassure a travel god who has done his best to arrange it. Otherwise, he will come up with some tricks when he has nothing to do. I can't stand it."

"Excuse me, big carrot!"

"Ah this..."

Gaining a blank stare again, Yun Tian could only shake his head helplessly, and stretched out his hand to hug Edelweiss into his arms.

"You should also be aware of it, Artemis' state still has that arrow."

This time, Edelweiss didn't speak, but buried his head in Yuntian's embrace.

After a while, she suddenly raised her head and said:

"Tomorrow I will ride a dragon with her."


Hermes prepared a lot of supplies, so Yuntian and the others had a very rich dinner.

With enough water and food, tents were set up, and shifts were arranged, Yuntian and others rested.

The next day, the team took the flying dragon again and took off towards the destination.

Only this time, the combination of the flying dragons has changed a little.

Holding the slender body of the elf girl in his arms, Yun Tian felt amused when he noticed her stiffness, so he put his head next to the other's ear with a little teasing, and said softly:

"What's the matter, Lyu, you seem nervous?"

"Eh?! No, no, I didn't, I didn't! It's just... just... woo..."

The moment she heard Yuntian's voice from beside her ears, Lyu's face quickly blushed, and within a few seconds, the elf girl whose ears had turned red was like a bright apple.

Stuttering back to Yun Tian's words, Liu couldn't sort out her thoughts at all, even she didn't know what she was talking about.

Lyu's reaction was really interesting, especially when he learned from Edelweiss that the one who convinced her was this shy elf who couldn't even speak, Yun Tian was really surprised.

The huge contrast made Yun Tian feel playful.

"However, your body is very stiff, and you will get tired soon. Come on, relax."

Yun Tian grabbed the reins with one hand, and squeezed Liu's shoulder with the free hand, as if to prove that her body was really stiff.

Then with a little force, the girl leaned back into his arms.

"Cloud, cloud sky?! This! It's too, too close..."

Lyu didn't relax because of this, on the contrary, she became even more rigid, her whole body stretched into Yuntian's arms, feeling the breath from his body, the girl blushed and completely lost the ability to think.

At this moment, Yun Tian suddenly blew softly into her ear.



An extremely cute voice came out of Liu's mouth. If she hadn't heard it with her own ears, Yun Tian really couldn't have imagined that she, who was always cold on weekdays, would actually make such a cute scream.

The corners of his mouth curved slightly, and a malicious smile appeared on Yun Tian's face.

Quietly turned on the recording device, Yun Tian looked at the elf girl who was almost ashamed, and leaned into her ear and said:

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