Chapter 1047 Landing and Advance

A torrent of light descended from the sky.

Before it fell completely, Lyu noticed a certain decisive difference between this time and the previous two times just by feeling.

It's not an increased power, but something more fundamental.

"It's not magic...that's the power of the gods?!"

With Lyu's shocking words echoing in his ears, Edelweiss held the sword in both hands, watching the attack above the sky, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The power of the gods, if only this level can be called a god, it would be too cheap."

As soon as the words fell, the starlight barrier above his head finally couldn't hold on anymore.


With the sound of cracking, the blue barrier shattered, turning into little stars and disappearing into the sky.

The next moment, Edelweiss moved!

Almost at the same moment when the barrier was broken, no one except Yun Tian saw the trajectory of her sword.

Invisible and silent, but the two sword lights really exist.

Against the torrent of light, it soared into the sky without any pause!


one strike!The unstoppable rain of arrows of light was scattered!

This is the slash of 'Bingwing' Edelweiss!

The two sword strikes defeated Guang Yu, and flew up to the sky for a long distance, leaving the sword marks along the way as if they had left imprints on the sky.

Lyu, and even the two gods Artemis and Hermes were shocked by Edelweiss' sword.

However, before they were given any time to stay in a daze, Yun Tian's voice sounded again soon.

"Don't be in a daze, the opponent's attack is likely to happen next time."

"Land down first, and it will only become a target in the air. We approach the ruins from the ground."

After finishing speaking, Yun Tian put his arms around Artemis, and drove the flying dragon to fall towards the ground first.

Regarding the torrent of light scattered by Edelweiss, Yun Tian was not surprised at all.

The sudden attack, the torrent of light falling from the sky is indeed far beyond ordinary magic, but if it is said that it is the power of the gods, I am afraid it is a bit exaggerated.

Yuntian did feel some kind of energy fluctuation different from star power and magic power, and that kind of energy did have a power that he could not ignore.

However, the total amount is too low.

Rather than saying it is the power of the gods, it is better to say that it is magic mixed with a little bit of divine power. In essence, it is an attack that uses magic power as the main driving force to explode.

It's just that this level is not difficult for Yuntian and Edelweiss to deal with.

What Yuntian really paid attention to was not this matter, but the meaning behind it.


There was no objection to Yuntian's instructions, and soon regained consciousness Lyu drove the flying dragon to catch Edweis in the air, and followed Yuntian together with Hermes.

Three flying dragons descended from the sky.

The first time they landed, Yun Tian and Edelweiss turned over and got off the dragon's back almost in perfect sync.

The two held the hilts of their swords and stared at the sky where they stayed before landing without saying a word.

After a few seconds, a dozen seconds, dozens of seconds, it lasted for a full 3 minutes, and Yun Tian and Edelweiss, who did not notice any changes, lifted their vigilance.

"That kind of attack is also a big burden on the enemy, or is the perception limited, thinking that we have been shot down?"

Edelweiss put away the two swords, but his hands did not completely leave his waist, but one hand remained on the hilt.

Her eyes moved from the sky to Yuntian, making a judgment, and at the same time asking for his opinion.

"It may also be because you are doing other things, so you can't spare too much power."

Yun Tian thought for a while, and gave another guess.

"For example, breaking the last remaining seal, or giving birth to more monsters, we don't want to and can't mobilize more forces to chase us."

"What shall we do next?"

After calming down the frightened Feilong, Lyu came over and asked Yuntian what to do next.

"Go directly to the ruins?"

"No..." Yun Tian shook his head, then looked past Edweis and Lyu to Hermes who was farthest away.

"Hermes, you said earlier that your family and other commissioned families are staying near here, right?"

"That's right, Yasifei and the others should still be in the camp. I asked them to continue exploring the ruins while I was away."

"Well, let's meet them first."

Hearing Hermes' answer, Yun Tian nodded and determined the course of action for the future.

The opponent will spawn monsters, and Yuntian needs some auxiliary combat power to ensure that he will not be disturbed by mobs during the battle.

Just in case, Edelweiss had better not do anything. It would be a bit uneasy to rely on Lyu alone. The head of the Hermes family, the 'Almighty', is a good candidate.


"I'm a little concerned about their safety. If we encounter the attack just now, it is very likely that the camp will suffer heavy losses now."

"According to their situation, we can roughly confirm which of Xiao Ai's and I's deduction is closer to the truth."

This journey has always been led by Hermes, but that was without reaching the destination.

Now that he has arrived around the ruins, the next course of action will naturally be formulated by Yuntian.

Unlike ordinary adventurers, Yun Tian is actually one of the commanders of the Loki family. Even Artemis and Hermes will not object to his words.

It was impossible to go in the air, so Yuntian and the others took the flying dragon and walked to the camp of the Hermes family under the guidance of Hermes.

"It's kind of weird..."

After walking for a while, Lyu, who was very sensitive to the forest, was the first to notice something was wrong.

She looked at the trees that died due to erosion, then observed the surrounding environment and status, and then said to Yuntian and others:

"There should be 'creatures' living in groups here."

"You mean before the forest died?" Yun Tian stopped.

"No, after death."

Lyu pointed to certain places, her expression became serious.

"The traces are not covered up, but they are covered up by the natural environment in this dead forest. If I'm not familiar with the forest, I might miss it."

It's an emergency now, and Liu suppressed the shyness and unnaturalness in the face of Yuntian, so she couldn't tell the priority of the matter.

"It should be a kind of creature that spreads all over the forest in great numbers, I'm afraid..."

"That kind of scorpion?" Yun Tian nodded thoughtfully.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Edelweiss looked around, then let go of his perception, shook his head after a while and said:

"This forest seems to have a similar effect to the dungeon. The perception is suppressed, but at least there are no monsters around."

The monsters that should have spread throughout the entire forest, Yun Tian and the others walked for a while but didn't meet any of them.

"It's dead, or something caught their attention first... Go! Let's speed up!"

Chapter 1048 Unexpected Reunion


The team accelerated forward for a while, and the sound of the battle faintly entered everyone's ears, and the figure of a monster also appeared in the perception of Yun Tian and Edelweiss.

"It's not the same as what you encountered before?" After confirming the situation, Edelweiss warned others in advance to make them mentally prepared.

"The size and shape have changed, it should be a stronger scorpion."

"Three people were surrounded, all of them were women, and they were obviously in a bad condition."

"Save people first." According to Edelweiss' words, Yun Tian immediately made a judgment.

"Lyu stay here, protect Feilong, Artemis and Hermes, little love, let's go."

Before the words finished, Yuntian and Edelweiss had disappeared in place.

When they reappeared, they were already among the scorpions, and the blades in their hands were unsheathed at the same time!


Swipe across horizontally, and immediately countless scorpions turned into dust under the sword light.

Even the stronger group of scorpions was no different from paper in front of Yun Tian and Edelweiss.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword and the Anyao Twin Swords complement each other, Yun Tian and Edelweiss unstoppably penetrated the entire scorpion group, and soon came to the center of the encirclement.

Then, at the moment when both sides saw each other clearly at the same time, there was a chorus of surprise.




the other side.

After Yuntian and Edelweiss left, Lyu stopped at the same spot, looking worriedly at the direction they left.

At this time, Hermes approached Artemis, and said in a somewhat complicated tone:

"The journey is almost over..."

"Yes." Artemis didn't look at Hermes, but raised her head and looked at the sky through the gap between the trees.

"Have I achieved a heart-to-heart connection with Yuntian? Can I fully exert the power of Orion's arrow?"

"The enemy's arrow is being completed at an unimaginable speed. Yuntian used his divine power to slow down the process a little bit, so we can still have time to rest."

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