"In that case..." Yun Tian and Edelweiss looked around carefully at the surrounding walls at the same time as soon as they made a judgment.

"Sure enough, they are parasitic in the gaps in the meat wall. These eggs must be the source of the scorpion colony outside."

Edelweiss frowned as he looked at the ugly monster eggs.

Hearing her words, Yun Tian nodded.

"It should be, but this number is much more than I expected."

Looking deep along the passage, densely packed eggs are inlaid between the gaps in the fleshy wall, which is simply a nightmare for trypophobia.

As if sensing someone invading, countless eggs trembled at the same time.

"Xiao Ai, I will leave the job of guarding the gods to you."

Yun Tian first said something to Edelweiss beside him, and after getting a nodding reply, he shouted to the others:

"Alize, Kaguya, you two are the forwards. Laila and Asfi stand in the center with several gods. Your task is to assist the forwards. Lyu, the rears are in your hands. Watch the timing and chant magic .”

"Let's rush! Run!"

Following Yun Tian's instructions, the entire team began to speed up, and at this moment, scorpion monsters also came out of the wall.

Some of them have just hatched from eggs, and some are hidden in the walls in advance.


Alize and Kaguya waved the weapons in their hands, and countless scorpion monsters were cut into pieces by the two of them, turned into dust and scattered in the wind, leaving only magic stones falling to the ground.

No one went to pick up the so-called trophies, Yun Tian and the others rushed directly into the scorpion group, and advanced towards the depths of the passage at high speed.

"Except for the quantity, it's not too difficult for the time being, but I don't know if there will be any special abilities."

Yun Tian was also in the middle of the team. He didn't rush to make a move, but followed the team while observing the scorpion monsters.

"The weaker one is Lv3. A small number of elites have the potential ability value of Lv4. It is not difficult for Alize and the others to deal with them."

"With the weakness of the magic stone, it is no different from the monsters in the dungeon. It is simpler than imagined...is that?"

Yun Tian, ​​who had a relaxed expression, suddenly saw something. He stared at Alize and Kaguya at the front, observing their movements carefully.

After a while, Yun Tian suddenly opened his mouth to warn the whole team:

"Everyone be vigilant, this group of scorpions will evolve by themselves!"

Yun Tian's words surprised the others, especially Alize and Hui Ye, who were in charge of opening the way and didn't have much time to observe other things.

Now with Yun Tian's reminder, they were more careful and paid a little attention to the scorpion they killed.

Lv5 killed Lv3 instantly, and the scorpions that died in their hands turned into dust, but as time passed, the bodies of dead scorpions gradually began to be left on the ground.

It doesn't matter to Alize and Kaguya, regardless of whether the body is left or not, it is all a matter of a sword.

But in fact it is not like this.

There are corpses left behind, indicating that the damage of their attacks to the scorpion group is decreasing.

Maybe it's still insignificant now, but if this change continues for a while, the moment they can't kill the scorpion with a single sword, danger will come.


The blade of the sword smashed the scorpion's shell and penetrated into the inside, but Alize found that the scorpion under his sword did not die immediately.

In the next second, the scorpion tail stabbed fiercely!


Another sword strike directly turned the scorpion that was trying to fight back into a corpse.

Without wasting any time, Alize turned around and also disposed of the other scorpion.

Behind the smooth movements is the unbearable shock and fear in my heart.

If it wasn't for Yun Tian's reminder, she might have been hit by the blow just now because of her habit.

Maybe it's just a minor injury, but the speed of the team's progress will definitely be affected.

"Super-speed self-evolution, the scorpions outside the ruins don't have such an unreasonable ability!"

Kaguya who encountered the same situation beside Alize couldn't help complaining.

"Mass proliferation and self-evolution, this is probably not their own ability, but brought by the flesh wall covering them."

Compared to Alize and the others who didn't have much time to observe during the battle, Yun Tian who didn't make a move quickly analyzed the reason.

At the same time, as the conductor, he also gave new instructions.

"Lyu, I'll leave it to you, clean it up together with the wall of meat!"

The moment his voice fell, the elf's singing sounded.

Chapter 1062 The Riot in the Dungeon

Orario, the residence of the Loki family, the Twilight Pavilion.

"What did you say? I can't take a step away from Orario?"

"Why? Didn't I submit the application and reasons? Explain it to me!"

Loki asked Finn something with astonishment and puzzlement on his face.

And Finn shook his head helplessly, and said:

"The application has indeed been submitted. I have sent someone to verify this. However, the instructions from the guild are that you must stay in Olalie."

"I said it all, didn't I give a reason!"

"The attitude of the guild is quite tough. I'm afraid something special has happened. Of course, the action to go out can only be temporarily terminated."

Hearing Finn's final conclusion, Loki kicked a chair angrily, and complained dissatisfiedly:

"Damn it, what the hell are those people from the guild doing!"

There are not only Loki and Finn in the room, but Ais and Refia are also here.

However, Refiya listened to the conversation between her God and the group leader with an embarrassed expression, while Aisi walked to the balcony and silently looked up at the sky.

"Miss Ace?"

Noticing the strangeness of Aisi, Refiya also came over and asked softly:

"Is there something wrong with the sky?"

Aisi didn't look back, still staring at the sky.

"Moon, it's kind of weird..."

"Moon? How is it possible, it's early morning... Ah, really, it's so strange."

After hearing what Ais said, Refiya followed her gaze and looked towards the sky. Sure enough, a crescent moon was hanging in the sky.

"Maybe it's a little too early, and the sky hasn't completely lit up yet. Look, isn't the moon looming?"

Refiya didn't think too much, and quickly found a suitable explanation to convince herself.

Ace seemed to have a different opinion, but before she could speak, Loki's sudden question in the room attracted all her attention.

"By the way, where did Yun Tian go these days? Xiao Ai is not here, did he go to the dungeon? Why didn't you bring Ai Si?"

The first time she heard this question, Ace put all other things behind her, and shot her sharp gaze directly at Loki... Finn beside him.

There is no way, after all, she is really curious.

Although Yuntian greeted him in advance, Ai Si only knew that he had something to do, and didn't know where he went or what he was doing.

Already at Lv6, and Yuntian proved his strong strength in the last expedition, coupled with the record of fighting Ota, now Yuntian has no restrictions on his actions at all.

Unlike other cadres such as Ai Si and Bert, Yun Tian didn't need to worry at all.

It's just that it's a bit outrageous to disappear for nearly ten days at once, which is longer than the last time I said hello to leave.

The fact that Loki and Aisi didn't inquire until today is proof that their trust in Yuntian is far greater than ever.

However, no matter how much you trust, it is almost at the limit.

Finn looked at Loki who was asking questions and Ace who was looking at this side, reached out and picked up a document on the desk and handed it to Loki, and said at the same time:

"He accepted a commission from the Hermes family, which was directly designated by the guild, and it is regarded as a compulsory task."

"Ten days ago, that is, the day of the Shenyue Festival, I left Olalie."

Finn paused for a moment. He looked at Loki who was reading the information, and Ais and Refia who came over, waiting for them to digest the contents of the document.

Then he went on to say:

"The compulsory mission issued by the guild cannot be refused unless it is necessary, and this time the reward is double the reward provided by the guild and the Hermes family. I have no reason to refuse."

"I didn't think it was a big deal at first, but now it seems... Loki, have you found out?"

After reading the information in his hand, Loki handed it to Ais beside him, with a pensive expression on his face.

"Even Ai Si left in a hurry, what kind of commission could be in such a hurry? They didn't even return to the station to pack their luggage... No."

"It's not that I didn't take Aisi with me, but I couldn't bring Aisi with me."

"Is the ban on first-level adventurers not allowed to go out? It has been in effect since the day of the Shenyue Festival. I have never heard of such a thing."

"Is not letting me go out also related to this matter..."

Loki pondered the chain of events.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of running outside the door.


Under the surprised eyes of several people in the room, Raul almost broke open the door and rushed in.

Before Finn could ask, he said anxiously:

"No, it's not good! The guild's urgent call!"

"The summoning order of all the family members of Olali, the emergency situation, the monsters in the dungeon have rioted!"

"The currently detectable floors, including the monsters in the deep area, have started to move upwards frantically. We must organize a defensive team immediately, otherwise the monsters are likely to rush out of the ground!"

"The monster's riot, so that's the case. The ban during this period is to deal with it." Finn nodded after listening to Raul's words.

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