"Very close."

"This is... Andaris!"

The roar that shook the air and the huge pressure that followed made everyone's footsteps stop. Even if it was the first time they heard it, everyone recognized the authenticity of the voice.

Yun Tian looked at the steps in front of the passage, because it was difficult to distinguish the difference in the environment because of the fleshy wall, but the roar just pointed out the location for them.

"Go ahead." Yun Tian issued an order.

Passing through this last passage and stepping up the steps, the team came to a vast space.

A circular square, probably located in the very center of the ruins, with the zenith spreading upwards, is the giant tower they saw outside.

The top was not sealed, and the dark night sky was exposed in the field of vision, with a crescent moon hanging in the sky emitting a dazzling light.

However, Yuntian and others did not notice the abnormality of the sky immediately.

Because the moment they entered the square, they were completely distracted by the huge monster in the center.

The scope of the circular square is huge, and there is a huge hollow in the center, and in the middle of the hollow stands a round platform that is flush with the ground.

The peculiar shape forms a hollow arc like a moat, enclosing the round platform in the middle.

That monster was lying on the round platform in the center.

Its purple-black shell, bright red energy lines, a pair of giant pincers and the huge scorpion tail behind it told Yuntian and others its identity.

'Scorpion of Calamity' Andaris!

Seeing the huge body, everyone was shocked.

The human body is not worth mentioning in front of an ancient monster of this size, as if standing at the foot of a mountain and looking up, the feeling of insignificance is extremely clear at this moment.

Being able to bring this feeling to Yuntian was definitely not only due to the difference in body size, but also the effect of the terrifying aura emanating from Andaris.

The incomparable sense of existence and the unbelievably large energy fluctuations magnified Andarish's already overwhelming body without limit.

After the initial shock, the first thing Yuntian noticed was the countless 'tentacles' extending from its body.

Like a tree branch, countless tentacles protruded from Andaris' body and connected to the walls around the circular square. They turned into colorful fleshy walls and spread around, from which scorpion eggs were born one after another.

Apparently, this is what turned the ruins of Elsos into a lair of monsters.

However, before Yun Tian had time to do something.

"Oh!" Artemis suddenly covered his chest, and fell to the ground with a very painful expression.

Instead of falling to the ground, she was caught by Edelweiss who was beside her and held her in her arms.

"Artemis? Are you alright?" Edelweiss asked Artemis worriedly why she fell down suddenly.

For a moment, the eyes of the team also focused.

However, Artemis did not respond to Edelweiss, she panted violently, as if just breathing would cause a huge burden.

But she still raised her head reluctantly, looked directly at Yuntian, and handed him the Orion Arrow in her hand.

"Shoot through it...please, Yuntian."

Artemis' voice was weak, and everyone could see that her state was not right at the moment.

However, the strong will contained in those words made them follow Artemis' words and look at Andaris.

Although it is the 'mother' of the scorpions outside, the appearance of Andaris is different from the scorpions outside. Apart from the huge scorpion body, there is also a human-like half body on its back.

The half body of the human figure is also a pair of giant pincers at the arm position, and the countless scorpion legs on the back dance like spears.

While everyone was looking over, Andaris seemed to be looking over too.

Then, as if resonating, the chest cavity of the humanoid half body on the back of the scorpion suddenly cracked, revealing a huge magic stone in front of Yuntian and the others.

The moment they saw the magic stone, everyone couldn't believe their eyes, only Yun Tian sighed softly as if he had expected it long ago.

"No way…"

"What kind of joke is this?!"

"Why, no, how could such a thing happen?"

The words that Alize and the others blurted out subconsciously represented their wavering mood at this time.

"Why, Lord Artemis is inside the magic stone of Andaris?!"

Asfi and Lyu asked their own gods, Hermes and Astria, with one voice.

In the magic stone on the monster's chest, an identical Artemis sleeps in it, hair color, appearance, clothing, everything is exactly the same as the 'Artemis' around everyone.

However, before he got a reply, Andaris made a move first.

I discovered the arrival of Yuntian and others. To be precise, I discovered 'Artemis' and the long spear in Yuntian's hand that brought it a strong threat.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!"

The roar that had been heard just now resounded through the entire ruins again, and the sound set off a strong wind and shock, interrupting the questioning of Asfi and Lyu.

Then, a huge wave of energy that was different from magical power, but which made everyone feel horrified at the first moment, soared into the sky!

Alize and the others didn't know this kind of power, but Yun Tian, ​​Edweiss and Liu had seen it once when they arrived here.

That is, the power of the gods!

"Yuntian!" Edelweiss immediately issued a warning.

"I know." Yun Tian also stared at the sky with a serious expression.

Probably because he recalled the situation where Yuntian and others blocked his attack three times. This time, Andaris used the power that both Yuntian and Edelweiss had to treat with caution.

The divine power fluctuated straight into the sky, and a moment later, the rain of light fell from the sky!

Boom, boom, boom, boom—!

The moon absorbed the divine power, and the torrent of light that was once called the difference between heaven and earth swept down!

The earth crumbled, the cliffs collapsed, and the forest was turned into ashes. These are just the ruins affected by the aftermath.

Inside the ruins, the circular square that bore the brunt fell apart in an instant, and everything fell under the torrent of light.


"what happened?!"

"Why did the sky suddenly darken? At night?"

"Hey, hey, it was noon just now, and you told me it was night in a blink of an eye???"

In Orario, the adventurers of various families gathered in the central square by the guild were looking at the sky that suddenly darkened.

Almost everyone was talking in a daze.

They were originally to fight against the rioting monsters in the dungeon, but who knew that when they went out, they saw this sudden change in the sky.

There was a lot of discussion for a while.

Chapter 1065 He Agreed

Before the adventurers figured out the situation, many people looking at the sky discovered something was wrong again.

"Look over there, what's that?"

"The moon... no, why are there two?!"

The members of the Loki family were also here, and Ais stood in the line, looking up at the sky.

Under the dark night sky, two moons in opposite directions hang in the sky, one left and one right, one of which has a slightly different color from the moon we usually see.

It seems that the emitted light is brighter?

"No, that's not the moon."

Ai Si looked at the 'moon'. She had already noticed something was wrong when she looked up at the family station, but compared to then, the feeling now is more obvious.

That's not a moon.

It is a 'moon shape' formed by densely arranged magic circles of different sizes in the sky!


"What the hell is going on?!"

Loki, who was meeting Freya on the top floor of the Tower of Babel, looked at the arc of the moon in the sky and couldn't help but speak.

Freya also looked at the sky, heard Loki's words, and laughed softly:

"The catastrophe of the gods was performed by borrowing divine power. It seems that it should be the bow and arrow of Artemis."

"Of course I know this kind of thing!"

For Freya's nonsense behavior, Loki didn't mean to argue.

"The use of divine power of this scale in the lower realm has even caused catastrophe. This is obviously against the rules!"

"If that idiot Artemis really intends to do this, it's tantamount to making an enemy of the heavens. What are those trash in the sky doing? Where's Uranus?"

Loki's tone was different from usual, his words were full of murderous intent and malice.

Ota, who was standing by the side, couldn't help being startled by the strong sense of threat that unconsciously emanated.

It wasn't the oppression of the momentum, but the monstrous malice contained in the momentum that made him vigilant instinctively.

At this moment, Ota seemed to understand why there are so many gods in Olalie, and there are many famous gods among them, but his own god chose this usually inconspicuous Loki as his partner.

There is only one reason.

This 'lunatic' must not be her enemy.

"No one of the gods in the heavens made a move. They were either blocked, or they 'complied with the rules', and the means they used were within the limits of tolerance."

Freya put away her smile, shook the wine glass in her hand, and said to Loki:

"Artemis is probably involuntary..."


At this moment, an obvious violent vibration came over, causing Loki and Freya in the conversation to pause at the same time.

"The dungeon is vibrating." Loki felt the direction of the vibration, and his expression gradually changed.

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