"It's not here, I'm afraid it didn't fall with us, or it fell to a lower level." It was Edweiss who answered Lyu.

With the end of the rain of light, she and Yuntian no longer need to maintain the barrier. Hearing the conversation here, the two also came over.


At this moment, Edelweiss kicked something under his feet, and there was a clear sound.

The body paused slightly, and Edelweiss looked towards his feet, froze for a moment, bent down and picked up the thing.


Holding the metal flagpole in his hand, Edelweiss inserted it on the ground and pulled away the broken flag on it.

The blue background, the crest of the moon, bow and arrow, and the content on the flag are revealed in the eyes of Yun Tian and others.

"Is this the flag of the Artemis family?" Yun Tian, ​​as a senior member of the Loki family, knew this flag.

It's just that Artemis himself doesn't seem to be carrying a flag, so the presence of this flag here means...

Chapter 1067 Killing God!

Yun Tian glanced around for a while, and then walked to a nearby rubble pile under the gaze of Edelweiss.


Remove the stone.

"Sure enough..."

Everyone was attracted by Yun Tian's movement, after he removed the stone, Edelweiss asked:

"They are?"

What appeared in front of everyone were corpses, several intact, and some inhuman wreckage crushed by gravel.

"...they are my family."

Artemis, who had been silent all this time, stood up from the ground, walked towards the corpse, and whispered to everyone:

"In order to investigate the abnormal proliferation of monsters near the ruins, I led my family here. I originally planned to check whether the seal of Andaris was loose. Who knew that Andaris had already awakened."

"Facing monsters of this level, our group is wiped out."

As if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him, Artemis no longer had much grief and anger in his heart about this matter.

Maybe there are some more, but adventurers are like this, they are ready to die in battle from the moment they become warriors.

After the family members died, the High God could bring their souls with him when he returned to the heavens, and Artemis planned to do the same.

Therefore, when things come to this, regret is greater than sadness.

"However, I was not sent back to the heavens."

"I fought with the children and tried to save their lives. I should have been killed and sent back to the heavens."

"But at a critical moment, someone interfered with the process. Even if it was only for a moment, Andaris still seized the opportunity."

"Then who are you standing here now..." Lyu couldn't help asking, but stopped in the middle of speaking.

Because she saw that the gray-haired goddess handed the spear in her hand to Yuntian.

"I'm just the wreckage left behind, the body of thought lodged in this Arrow of Orion, the wreckage of the mind left by the goddess Artemis in the artifact."

"I am Artemis, but I am not Artemis either."

She looked at Yun Tian who had received Orion's arrow, and stretched out her hand to hold his hand holding the arrow.

"Andaris, who possesses the power of a complete god, can use divine power as an ancient monster, so it is not bound by any rules. It can recklessly squander the power of the gods to distort everything."

Artemis' words made everyone present tremble.

Laila looked at the silent crowd around her, and asked with a stiff expression:

"Hey, hey, doesn't that mean that what we are going to face next is a monster with the power of a god?!"

"Are you kidding? No matter how you think about this thing, it shouldn't be the enemy we took over, right? Didn't the great gods think of a way?"

Hearing what Lila said, and feeling the unrest in her tone, Astoria walked over and gently hugged her in her arms.

This action made Laila calm down. Afterwards, Astoria also said to her and others, especially Yun Tian:

"There is only one way."

Astoria stared at Yun Tian, ​​as if waiting for his decision.

"At the moment of being devoured, Artemis summoned the god-killing weapon from the heavens to this land—the Arrow of Orion!"

"Andaris was originally a powerful ancient monster, and now he has the power of a god. It is impossible to defeat it with Olalie's current combat power."

"However, Artemis, which is integrated with the magic stone and turned into the core center of Andaris, is both its strongest point and its greatest weakness."

"The magic stone infused with divine power cannot be easily destroyed. Destroying that magic stone is tantamount to directly confronting the god Artemis itself."

"This method is almost impossible to succeed, but now there is an extremely simple shortcut. The Arrow of Orion is a god-made weapon connected with the fate of Artemis."

"It can easily penetrate Artemis, and easily penetrate that magic stone."

The method is self-evident here.

Just use this arrow to crush the magic stone of Andaris, then the crisis will be lifted, and everyone's life will go back to the way it used to be.

"If it's you..." Hermes' voice sounded right after Astoria's words.

"With your strength and speed, facing Andaris, who has not yet fully recovered, can be said to be a piece of cake."

Hermes pressed the brim of his hat with his hand from beginning to end, preventing anyone from seeing his expression.

His tone was very complicated, so complicated that even Yun Tian couldn't tell what kind of emotion was contained in it.

"This matter was planned by me alone, and this solution was also proposed by me... It can be said that it is the worst trial I have ever prepared in my career as a god."

"You can hate me... No, of course you will hate me, it doesn't matter, you can do whatever you want me to apologize for after the matter is over."

"However, the bond between you and Artemis has been completed, and the resonance of fate is enough for this Orion's arrow to penetrate Andaris."

"Only this time, I promise, please accept the worst trial in history."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Yun Tian seems to have seen water dripping quietly from the bottom of the travel cap.

"Please, 'save' Artemis."

However, before he could say the last sentence, he was interrupted by Yasifei who suppressed his anger.

"Wait a moment!"

"Asfi..." Hermes raised his head and looked at his family member.

"You... are you going to hand over the fate of the whole world to Yuntian alone!"

Hearing the suppressed anger in Asfi's tone, Hermes paused, but he finally said with a sigh:

"There is no time left, we have no choice..."

"What a joke!"


Yasifei grabbed Hermes by the collar and directly pressed him against the stone behind him.

This was the first time she had burst into real anger in the face of Hermes. She glared at her own god, no, I'm afraid she should be glaring at all the gods who knew behind it.

"You! You... Even so! Even so! Are you going to blame all the sins of killing gods on one person!"

"Take your faults! Use the so-called salvation as an excuse! Leave it all to Yuntian alone!"

Asfi yelled at Hermes.

Her words caused the three gods present to fall into silence by coincidence, and Alize and the others also looked heavy, not knowing what to say.

Yasifei's anger was not unreasonable, on the contrary, she expressed what Alize and the others were thinking.

In this world, in this age, in this present moment when the gods actually exist.

Killing God is an absolute heinous crime!

No matter what excuses you have, no matter what reasons you have, once you kill the gods, your future life will be turned upside down.


What would ordinary people who have been taught to believe in and fear gods from birth think?

What would the adventurers think if they had a god and regarded him as their parents, relatives, and partners?

What would the high gods think when the same kind were killed by the people of the lower world?

Once Yun Tian makes a move, all the prestige, admiration, contacts, and trust he has accumulated so far may fall apart in an instant.

Because, he committed a major crime that this world and this era will never allow!

Killing God!

Chapter 1068 Yuntian: I refuse!

"The monster successfully broke through the surface. This can be said to be the most unacceptable scenario in the Lower Realm."

Finn planted the flag in his hand beside him, and the clown pattern on it represented the family that is now commanding the all-Olalie coalition.

Beside him, the cadres of Loki's family, the strong and the backbone of Olali's other families are all ready to go.

"The time has come! Everyone!"

"This is the city of adventurers, we will never allow monsters to ravage us!"

The shock has already come, and everyone knows what it is, and they all understand what they are about to face.

But they can't retreat, because if they retreat, the city and even the entire lower realm behind them will be exposed to the claws of monsters.

At this time, Finn was making the final mobilization before the battle.

"There is only one thing we have to do! Defend! Never let any monster break through the line of defense!"

"""Oh oh oh oh oh oh--!"""

In Orario, the battle between adventurers and rampaging monsters is imminent.

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