In a trance, Andaris and Edelweiss in front of them disappeared, and the surrounding environment was no longer the tragedy of being ravaged by power.

The surface of the lake was as transparent as a mirror under his feet, and ripples spread out with his movements, but he stood on the surface of the lake as if standing on a flat ground, without any feeling of sinking.

The lake is very wide, and the shore can be seen at the end of the line of sight, where there are countless trees, making Yuntian feel that the lake under his feet is surrounded by a certain forest.

The sky was night, but it gave people an incredible feeling of brightness. The moon and stars hung in the sky and exuded unusual brilliance.

Dots of light kept falling from the sky, like flying fireflies, but Yun Tian knew that they were not fireflies, but rays of light emanating from divine power.

At this moment, Yun Tian suddenly noticed an extra breath coming out from behind him, turning his head, Yun Tian saw the goddess with long blue hair.

The familiar yet unfamiliar aura in front of him made Yun Tian hesitate, he hesitated for a while, and he was the first to ask:


"It's me, Orion... No, I should call you Yuntian, right?"

As if seeing the doubt in Yuntian's heart, Artemis smiled softly, took two steps forward, and said to him:

"She and I are both Artemis, the Artemis you know, yes... You can understand that I have temporarily changed my body outside, but I am a little sleepy."

"Outside?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Thanks to your communication with my power, and with the help of you, Orion, who is intertwined with my fate, I can barely regain the right to use a little power."

Artemis had a smile on his face, and he didn't seem to mind his current state at all, but was very happy.

Yun Tian didn't know why she was happy, but just looked at her, hesitant to speak.

Artemis knew what he wanted to say, but stopped him with his movements.

"Finally, I can meet you like this." Reaching out to caress Yun Tian's cheek, Artemis's expression was tender and happy.

Without giving Yun Tian a chance to speak, the blue-haired goddess continued:

"Bringing you in is to say 'thank you' to you personally. Really, thank you for everything you have done for me, Yun Tian."

"No, I'm just..." Before he finished speaking, he put a finger on Yun Tian's mouth, blocking all the rest of his words.

"I know, I understand everything." Artemis smiled lightly.

"If you want to use the power of the gods, your perception and communication alone are not enough, so..."

Before Yun Tian could react, Artemis' lips were on his mouth.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Looking at Yuntian who was a little dazed, the Goddess smiled happily like a child stealing candy.

"Now, you have this 'qualification'."

"This is... the kiss of the goddess?" Yun Tian touched his lips, and subconsciously asked in a daze:

"Shouldn't it be kissed on the forehead?"

Amused by Yun Tian's words, Artemis pulled the distance away, and said with a blush that hadn't faded:

"Where is the kiss is my freedom! This is the highest level of blessing from the gods, you must accept it with gratitude!"

After regaining his senses, Yun Tian looked at the pretty blushing Artemis and smiled helplessly.

"I see."

The moment his voice fell, the picture in front of him froze, and then shattered and disappeared the next moment.

"Time is up."

In the end, only one sentence remained in my ear.

"The promised 'love' is to replenish me, not like this journey, but the real 'love'...I'll wait for you."

The perception returned to reality, and everything just now seemed like a dream.

But the divine power that became docile and obedient around him and an extra skill on the personal panel of the main god's space told Yuntian.

That is not a dream.

Yun Tian slowly opened his eyes, touched his lips, and looked at the magic stone on Andaris' chest held by Edelweiss in the distance.

Looking at the blue figure inside the magic stone, Yun Tian showed a smile.

The next moment, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Holding the Black Furnace Demon Sword and Star Death Sword tightly behind him, he said loudly to the front:

"Little love, come back!"

In an instant, the pure white figure withdrew and retreated violently, while Yun Tian took a step forward.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword and Star Perishing Sword were suddenly unsheathed!

Two Swords of Life!

Moon God Sword · Waiting for the Night to Reflect Satellite Slash!


The blue radiance that bloomed in an instant took away everything in the field of vision!

That was a slash with the help of the power of the moon, no, the power of the moon god!

The cold and dazzling light shone extremely brightly. After accumulating energy for a long time, Yun Tian finally unleashed this divine blow!

Edelweiss, who retreated to his side, was the first to feel the extreme power contained in the blue sword.


At this moment, not only Edelweiss, but Lyu, Alize and others who were watching from a distance, as well as Hermes and Astria, all had the same idea in their hearts!

Yuntian succeeded!

There is absolutely no way this blow could fail, because it was a blow that truly represented the power of the Moon God!

However, the next moment, Andaris' reaction shattered everyone's expectations.

The blue light converged on the chest, which was the energy fluctuation that was almost exactly the same as Yuntian's sword strike.

That is, the power of the moon god!

Chapter 1082 I can still do it, stronger!

The collision of divine power and divine power!

Canglan and Canglan's Offset!

The only difference is a sword strike and a beam of light.

A terrifying energy shock crazily swept across the earth, and then, when it reached a certain critical value, the energy fluctuations suddenly disappeared.

The slash and the beam canceled out.

The sword of the moon god swung by Yun Tian, ​​who was hit by the god that everyone had hoped for, failed.

Of course, Andaris is not without consumption, on the contrary, like Yun Tian, ​​he has consumed almost all of his power.

But the difference is that it only takes a moment for Andaris, who is sitting on the body of Artemis, to start recovering his divine power.

As for Yuntian, he had to wait until Andaris used a lot of divine power before he could communicate with the moonlight again to obtain the power of the moon god.

However, it is hard to say whether Andaris, who has suffered once, will give him this opportunity, and more importantly, whether he and Edelweiss can suppress Andaris for so long again.

In terms of reserves of energy and physical strength, after all, they were no match for Andaris, the deified monster that devoured the gods.

For a time, an atmosphere of despair began to spread.

It seems impossible to save Artemis.

At this moment, an untimely voice echoed on the silent battlefield.

Ton, ton, ton——!

"??" x9

Ton, ton, ton——!

"?!?!" x9

The subtle voice made everyone focus on the source.

Then, they saw Yun Tian pouring something into his mouth bottle by bottle.

"Are you... potion?"

Edelweiss, who was beside Yuntian, was the first to wake up. She looked at Andaris, who was also motionless and recovering, and asked Yuntian hesitantly.

Looking at the behavior of his lover, Edelweiss didn't know what he should do.

However, Yuntian rarely responded to Edelweiss.

He seized every minute and every second, and poured down the medicine bottle by bottle.

High-level magic potion, elixir, panacea, and in a short while, the empty bottles at Yuntian's feet were filled.


"not enough…"

Yun Tian paused for a moment, and then, with the help of his clothes, he took out three bottles of different potions from his pocket.

There are only two bottles left of the divine potion 'Blood of the Son of God', the will potion 'Sword Heart', the spiritual potion 'Energy Blood', two B+ level potions and one B level potion.

Yuntian took it out in one bottle.

"We must ensure victory." Yun Tian muttered softly, and then drank the three bottles of medicine without hesitation.

'Blood of Energy' brings the body back to its peak state, 'Heart of the Sword' completely ignites one's own will, and 'Blood of the Son of God' provides an introduction to gather divine power.

The next moment, Yuntian threw away the three empty bottles, and gripped the Black Furnace Demon Sword and Star Death Sword tightly again.

The type is determined to be fencing!

It must be an attack released by the user himself!

The type of weapon held is a sword!

Positioning, the target is the last attack just launched!

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