The Hermes family is in charge of the follow-up finishing work of this mutation, and the money is handed over to Yasifei, and Yuntian hopes to use it for post-war revival.

The scorpion swarm of Andaris, and the subsequent battle between Yuntian and Andaris almost completely destroyed all the surrounding environment.

There used to be quite a few villages and towns nearby, and the pre-war residents were all moved to the outskirts. People were fine, but they were considered homeless.

The Artemis family is quite wealthy, and it is an astronomical amount for ordinary people. Coupled with the other recovery funds provided by Hermes and the guild, it is more than enough for post-war reconstruction. .

In this regard, the two teammates of this incident, Edelweiss and Lyu, are also very supportive.


After finishing all the follow-up work, Yuntian is currently updating the ability value in Loki's room.

Not only him, but everyone in the entire family has completed updates in the past few days.

After experiencing the city defense battle of the Dungeon Riot, as the main force, many members of the Loki family have made considerable progress.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Yun Tian to exaggerate.

the sky

Affiliation: Loki Familia

Race: Human/?

Ability value:

Level: Lv6

Strength: E 477 - SS 1023

Durability: E 406—SS 1040

Dexterity: D 511—SS 1098

Dexterity: D 568—SSS 1119

Magic: F 301—SS 1081

Ability to develop:


Abnormal Resistance: F

Monster Hunter: F-E

Magic Defense: E—D

Governance: H—F


'I can still, stronger! '

Skill: slightly

Looking at Yun Tian's exaggerated growth, Luo Ji fell into deep contemplation.

In one battle, the total growth of more than [-] ability points, and even the development ability has been upgraded by one level, and the newly acquired 'governance power' has been directly upgraded by two levels.

But thinking of the battle that Yuntian experienced this time, and his 'Full Albert' skill increase, Loki felt that it seemed reasonable.

However, whether it is reasonable or not, how long has it been since Yuntian upgraded from Lv5 to Lv6?

Looking at his current ability value, Loki asked in a daze:

"Do you want to upgrade?"

That's right, as long as Yun Tian thinks, he can immediately upgrade to Lv7, becoming one of the strongest who can stand at the peak of Olali just relying on the God's Grace panel!

Faced with Loki's subconscious inquiry, Yun Tian was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly:

"You haven't told me about this growth yet, how do I know whether to upgrade or not."

Yuntian's voice awakened Loki, she shook her head, and said to Yuntian again after regaining her composure:

"All ability values ​​have grown to SS, agility is SSS, dexterity is only 2 points away from SSS, and the total growth exceeds [-], you can choose to upgrade."

"Agility is the only SSS, that means there is still room for growth, right?"

Yun Tian's rhetorical question was almost equivalent to telling Loki the answer, and he had some understanding of his character. This decision did not arouse Loki's surprise.

She just nodded, then picked up the parchment and began to copy the ability value on Yuntian's back.

"Except for the growth of ability value this time, there is no other change." Yun Tian noticed Luo Ji's reaction and felt a little bit emotional.

He didn't yell like before, it seems that he didn't discover any new skills.

"No, a skill has been added." At this moment, Loki's calm voice came over.


Yun Tian suddenly turned around to look at her with question marks all over his head.


Slapping Yun Tian on the head, Luo Ji said angrily: "Don't move around, I'll copy it down for you to see for yourself."

Within a few seconds, a piece of parchment was handed over by Loki.

Yun Tian took the parchment, while looking at it, Loki's voice rang in his ears.

"I'm almost used to it. It's just a new skill. I don't think it's strange for you."

'The Savior'

* When encountering events related to keywords such as 'rescue' and 'rescue', it is easier to become a candidate and executor

* In the face of world-level disasters, it will become one of the possibilities of salvation

* After the skill is triggered, a slight luck bonus is obtained in terms of smooth actions, and a slight bonus is obtained in terms of personality charm

"It's within expectation." Yun Tian looked at this new skill without much surprise in his heart.

In any case, it was a perfect solution to a disaster of extermination. It is not surprising to find a skill related to salvation.

If Yuntian needs great achievements to upgrade, this experience probably won't become a skill, but will be transformed into a huge great achievement enough for him to upgrade.

"Apart from this new skill, there seems to be no other changes...Huh?"

After browsing the contents of the parchment for a while, Yun Tian found a different place, and then asked Loki:

"Loki, didn't you make a mistake here?"

"Ah? What?...Let me see."

After looking at the parchment, Loki looked at the record on Yuntian's back, and then said affirmatively:

"It's not that I copied it wrong, it has indeed changed."

'Full of greatness'

It is condensed by a large amount of experience, accumulation, and great achievements that exceed the current level.

* Before the accumulation is exhausted, the growth rate is greatly improved

What has changed is this skill, which shows a slight change. The most important thing is that the effect has changed from 'super large' to 'large'.

"It's a matter of course. This skill supports you to surpass the accumulation of the entire Lv6 level in a short period of time."

Loki patted Yun Tian on the back, motioning him to put on his clothes.

"I'm surprised that you can still maintain a large bonus now. I originally thought that you would be exhausted at your current level."

"Okay, I got up, I still have something to tell you."

Luo Ji drove Yun Tian off the bed, and after seeing him sitting on the chair, he straightened his expression and asked:

"You and Xiao Ai used the inherent spiritual outfit this time, right?"

"You know?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, then nodded thoughtfully.

"It's Hermes."

"Yes, he asked me."

"What's the result?"

"I fooled it. Anyway, it's not me cheating. Even if he really intends to investigate, he can't find anything."

Having said that, Loki paused for a moment, as if recalling Hermes' performance at that time.

"However, Hermes doesn't seem to have any intention of pursuing it, and he didn't tell the other gods. I'm afraid he didn't even tell Uranus."

"It's like simply coming to me to verify whether you and Xiao Ai are cheating. It feels weird. Do you have a clue?"

After hearing what Loki said, Yun Tian probably guessed what Hermes was thinking.

Smiling a little, he felt relieved, and said to Loki:

"This time he owes me a favor that is not easy to repay. Before this favor is repaid, he should be regarded as our reliable ally."

Chapter 1086 Going Out to Investigate

"Allies..." Loki opened his squinted eyes slightly, staring at Yun Tian, ​​wondering what he was thinking.

"Forget it, let's not mention this matter first, and there is another matter. I heard that you are going to apply to go out again? Why, didn't you just come back?"

"Ah, just to go to the harbor town at the southwestern gate of the city." Yuntian didn't plan to travel far this time, just to pick up someone.

However, Luo Ji's reaction surprised Yun Tian a bit.

"Harbor Town?? Meilian? What a coincidence?!"

"It's Meilian, that's right... what's wrong?"

Yun Tian looked at Loki suspiciously, while Loki sighed helplessly with a very complicated expression.

"I also plan to take people outside the city. There are some things to investigate, and the destination is Meilian..."

"Oh? That's really a coincidence. It just so happens that I will take over the job of the guard. Anyway, my affairs won't be delayed for too long."

Seeing Yuntian's normal expression as he prepared to take over the job of guarding as usual, Loki's face suddenly collapsed, he hesitated for a long time and couldn't speak.

"No... this... this time, I think I won't bother you, and it's not a big deal... Uh, you, didn't you just come back, how about resting for a while? Leave the pick-up to me!"

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