Rao Yuntian couldn't resist being surrounded by such crowds, and quickly snatched back the fabric that she had pulled away from Aisi's hands.


The rubber band clattered against her waist, causing Ai Si to look up at Yun Tian.

There were doubts and bewilderment in his eyes, as well as a little grievance. The big watery eyes and the rosy cheeks that hadn't faded seemed to be questioning Yun Tian.

Why not let it be pulled?

Chapter 1092 Giving Up on the Struggling Riveria

"Oh! Oh! It's great! Girls exuding youthfulness under the sun, this place is simply a paradise!"

Loki kept looking at the girls in the family from the side, and from time to time, some idiot-like laughter came out of his mouth.

From her expression, she knew that she tricked the members into investigating this lake purely for the scene in front of her.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Loki no longer hides it, and looks at the shy family members unscrupulously.

Suddenly, Loki, who discovered something wrong, asked aloud:

"Huh? Where's Riveria?! Where's our beloved Riveria sauce!!!"

"Speaking of which, I really didn't see Riveria." At this moment, Yun Tian had just comforted the aggrieved Ais, when he heard Loki's shout.

Subconsciously, he searched along the words, and found that he did not see Riveria.

It's good that Loki didn't mention it, but when Riveria was mentioned, Yun Tian's curiosity was also aroused.

You know, this royal elf is a standard traditional elf type. Although he has been in Orario for so many years, many bad habits have been changed, and he can even accept Amazon's traditional costumes dangling in front of his eyes.

But in terms of her own outfits, Riveria has always maintained an almost extremely conservative attitude.

She will resist clothes that are slightly revealing, and she will not make irresponsible remarks to others, but she will not wear them even if she is beaten to death.

It is her limit to wear some slightly revealing dresses when necessary.

Even Yun Tian couldn't help being curious about Riveria, the royal elf's expression when facing a swimsuit.

"For Riveria, it's behind the rock over there." Sensing Yun Tian's curiosity, Ais beside him whispered.

At the same time, Edelweiss also found it interesting to add:

"Rivelia petrified after getting the swimsuit that Loki handed her, and the whole person froze there without moving."

Compared with other people in this world, Edelweiss can be said to have the highest acceptance of swimwear.

Born in the modern society, she doesn't feel ashamed to wear a swimsuit at all, her shyness is only aimed at Yun Tian's gaze.

It has to be said that those who are close to vermilion are those who are red and those who are close to ink are black. After getting along with Yun Tian and even Fan Xinglu for so long, Edelweiss has also been affected by their bad character to some extent.

Not only Loki and Yuntian wanted to see it, but even Edelweiss wanted to see Riveria's reaction in the swimsuit.

Not to mention them, in fact, many members of the family have the same thoughts, but there is one problem that cannot be solved.

"I want to see Riveria-chan's swimsuit! I want to see, I want to see!...I understand, let me do it myself!"

Loki, who yelled so loudly and rushed behind the rock, proved it with action.


"Don't think about—!"

"Don't be rude to Lord Riveria!!!"

Before Loki rushed out a few steps, he was ruthlessly suppressed by the furious elf girls.

Because of their looks, there are quite a few elf women in the Loki family, among them are Alicia, a Lv4 cadre candidate, and Refia, the heir to the deputy head.

Under their leadership, all attempts to harass the great royal elves will be ruthlessly suppressed.

Although, they are the ones who most want to see Riveria's swimsuit.

Seeing the scene in front of him, even Edelweiss was taken aback by the crazy attitude of the elf girls, let alone other family members.

Only Yun Tian rolled his eyes, quietly pulled Ai Si and said a few words in a low voice.

Then I saw Ais nodded solemnly, and with an expression of promise to complete the task, took advantage of the gap when the elf girls were distracted by Loki and touched behind the rock.

As I said earlier, Riveria was petrified while holding that swimsuit.


Ace's voice woke her up, and Riveria kept holding the swimsuit, turning her head a little stiffly.


"Don't you want to wear it?" Aisi tilted her head and asked, pointing to the swimsuit in Riveria's hand.

"This, this, this, how, how can this kind of cloth-like thing! No, I will never, never wear it!"

Asked by Aiss, Riveria couldn't even speak clearly.

This thing was chosen by Loki. The underwear that Riveria usually wears has more fabric than this thing.

"But, everyone is wearing it."

Ai Si's words immediately blocked all of Riveria's follow-up words.

That's right, everyone wore them except Riveria.

This is also the biggest reason why she hesitated here for so long.

I once said that Riveria dislikes her royal status very much, and is very resistant to this uniqueness and the respect of people around her.

The reason why she slipped out of her hometown was largely because she couldn't stand this and wanted to get rid of the shackles of her royal status.

But now everyone is wearing it, except for Riveria. This is undoubtedly a special behavior, and no matter what kind of excuses there are, the fact of being special cannot be concealed.

She is not the only elf in the family, nor is she the only one who is shy.


Riveria looked at the swimsuit in her hand, compared it with her body a little, but couldn't make up her mind.

"It's such a shame..."

Ai Si looked at Riveria's tangled expression, and found that it was exactly the same as what Yun Tian told her, so she followed what he said, walked to Riveria's side, and pressed her to the ground unexpectedly.

"Huh?! Ai, Ai Si? What are you doing? Wait...don't take off my clothes!"

As a Lv6 extreme adventurer, even if she is not proficient in strength, she is not comparable to ordinary first-level adventurers.

But it's a pity that her current opponent is Ais, who is also Lv6. Because of the skill bonus, Velia is really not Ais's opponent in terms of pure strength.

Being pressed to the ground, Riveria struggled with a blushing panic, but she was afraid of hurting Aisi so she didn't dare to use force, so she could only resist and question anxiously.

"Yuntian told me, Riveria, you must not be wearing a swimsuit, that's why you're struggling. He asked me to come over and change it for you... Well, don't move around."

Because of Riveria's resistance, Aisi was unable to complete the goal for a long time, her little face puffed up a little angrily.

"Yun, Yuntian?!?!" Riveria was not in the mood to take care of Ai Si's emotions at this time, she gritted her teeth, and roared in her heart while resisting.

At this moment, Ai Si suddenly remembered Yun Tian's last words.

So he approached Riveria's ear and whispered to her:

"Everyone is waiting for Riveria alone, and Alicia and the others are also looking forward to it."

"Everyone... looking forward to...!!!"

Ai Si's words directly hit the hesitation in Riveria's heart, and with her mind relaxed, her resistance became slightly weaker.

Essie, who had been prepared for a long time, suddenly brightened her eyes. Before Riveria could react, she slapped her with two small hands and quickly disarmed her.

"Ai, Ai Si!!!"

Riveria, whose defense was defeated, could only blushed and gave up struggling.

Chapter 1093 Start a new collection

"That, is that Lord Riveria?!"

The moment Aisa showed up with Riveria who had changed into her swimsuit, everyone in the Loki family fell silent.

Wearing a black split swimsuit with strong provocative meaning, it brings a visual impact that is completely opposite to the conservativeness of the past.

A few seconds later, screams and exclamations broke out that could not be stopped.


"Lord Riveria! awsl——!"

"Lord Riveria! Look this way! This way!!!"

The leader is Alicia, the elf girls who just suppressed Loki.

The crazy screams and praises of the girls made Riveria's body tremble slightly, and the blush rose rapidly, extending from her cheeks to her pointed ears.

She even had a small thought of wanting to hide behind Aisi.

Stepping on the sand with bare feet, he moved a little, but finally gave up the idea driven by pride.

Riveria blushed, looked around for a week against the fiery eyes of the girls, and locked her eyes in a certain direction.

Gritting her teeth, Riveria walked over in shame and indignation.

"Yuntian! You...!"



However, before she could finish her words of incrimination, a strange voice and a flash of light interrupted her words.

Riveria looked at Yuntian suspiciously, he couldn't hide anything with only his swimming trunks on, and he didn't do anything with his empty hands.

But the ominous premonition rising in her heart made Riveria unable to let go.

"what have you done?"

"Huh? What?" Yuntian blinked innocently, and made a gesture of spreading his hands, expressing that he couldn't understand Riveria's question.

Riveria felt helpless, but she really didn't find any problem. She was sure it was not her illusion, but she couldn't find the problem and didn't know what it was.

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