Riveria frowned, really didn't think that god would be with the evil god.

"Before I come again, I asked someone who is familiar with God Njord to ask about the situation." Yun Tian's sudden opening attracted the attention of several others.

"People familiar with Njord? Who? His family?" Loki asked.

"Barely counted, Riveria should still remember, a very famous assassin in the dark age."

Yun Tian didn't say the name directly, but looked at Riveria pointedly.

"A famous assassin in the Dark Ages?"

Riveria recalled it for a while, and finally dug out a code name from the depths of her memory.

"The Lv4 assassin 'Black Cat' with a nearly [-]% assassination success rate, she is not now... Wait, you said she is a member of the Njord family?"

Although the identities of the waiters in the Mistress of the Rich Tavern are secret, it is not secret information for the deputy head of the top family like Riveria.

'Gap', 'Black Fist' and 'Black Cat' were all mixed in. Anyway, Miya saw that it was impossible to make any noise, so the insiders chose to turn a blind eye.

However, Riveria had never heard of the 'Black Cat' being part of the Nyord family.

"It's not an affiliation, it's a transaction."

Yuntian also learned about it by accident, so before this departure, in addition to discussing things with Miya's mother, he also specifically asked Ke Luoyi about the god Njord.

"Originally, I planned to know the character of the head snake god at the destination in advance, but now it is a windfall."

"'Black Cat' discovered at that time that God Njord was receiving goods from suspicious groups, and it should be smuggled without accident."

"'The price for obtaining indispensable items for fishing at sea', this was the explanation of the god Njord at that time, but now it seems that it may be the magic stone or the piranha itself."

"As the price of secrecy, Njord updated the ability value of the notorious 'Black Cat' at the time, and 'Black Cat' buried the smuggling matter in his heart."

"That is to say, Njord was forced to do so, and there were some difficulties in the end." Hearing Yun Tian's explanation, Loki was visibly relieved.

Even Riveria's expression on the side relaxed a lot.

From their reactions, Yuntian and Edelweiss could see that the god Njord should be regarded as a kind god who won the hearts of the people.

"So, our final goal has to be on the family member in Orari who asked God Njord to smuggle, right?"

Edelweiss looked at Yuntian, and Yuntian nodded.

"But there is no clue in this regard, so I can only find an opportunity to let God Njord speak." Riveria sighed.

"No, it's not that there are no clues at all." Yun Tian smiled, and this smile was different from before, with a tinge of chilling excitement.

"What are you paying attention to!" Loki looked at Yuntian vigilantly.

Not to mention her, even Edelweiss and Riveria couldn't help but look at him carefully.

Having known Yuntian for so long, it is impossible for them not to understand what it means for Yuntian to show such a smile.

That represented a battle that was enough for him to look forward to.

"This is near Orari, pay attention to the influence!"

Listening to Loki's instructions, Yun Tian restrained his smile and rubbed his forehead helplessly, but this little action caused Loki to bark his teeth, so he stopped halfway.

"I'm not going to do anything here." Yun Tian made an innocent smile.

But neither Edelweiss, Riveria, nor even Loki believed it at all, and a strong sense of foreboding enveloped them.

"Really, I just feel that there is no suitable excuse for worrying about it, and now people come to your door by themselves, it's great~"

"... Explain to me clearly, what are you planning to do?" Even Riveria couldn't sit still anymore, and shot her sharp gaze over.

"What do you think of the arrival of the Kali family?" Yun Tian didn't care about their expressions, and asked back.

"From the point of view of timing, it is hard to say that it has nothing to do with it." Edelweiss gave the answer.

As for Yun Tian, ​​he ordered the table and muttered softly:

"Smuggling that can hide the Loki family and the Freya family, and even prevent the Adventurer's Guild from getting news, there are not many families of this level in Orario."

"I have confidence, or I am crazy enough to achieve the goal regardless of the cost, or maybe I am used to being unscrupulous? Only such a god dares to collude with the dark faction and the remnant party."

"Finally, being able to contact the Dou Kingdom, the holy land of Amazon female warriors, in other words, has a strong relationship with the Amazon race."

Every time Yun Tian said a word, the blueprint he drew became clearer.

Finally, at the moment when the last sentence fell, even Edelweiss, who was not familiar with the details of Olalie's power, knew what Yuntian was talking about.

"Behind is... the Ishtar family?!" Riveria was very surprised.

But Luo Ji waved his hand and interrupted what she wanted to ask, and slightly opened his squinted eyes, stared at Yun Tian earnestly, and asked:

"What do you want to do?"

Yun Tian didn't rush to answer Loki, but first took out a scroll and stood it on the table.

That was the proof that Finn handed it to him, and belonged to the supreme power of the Loki family!

"I want to start a war!"

Chapter 1109 Ishtar's confidence?

In this dimly lit room of magic stones, velvet curtains are hung everywhere.

The style of the whole room is very ambiguous, without windows, it looks like a room located underground.

There are many Amazon warriors standing in the room, they are members of the Kali family.

God Kali lay sideways on the sofa, yawning boredly.

Suddenly, the taciturn Baqie shifted his gaze to the only entrance of the room.

"It's all here."

Accompanied by the sound, a goddess pushed the door open and entered.

He has the same wheat-colored skin as Amazon, and his body is covered with real gold and silver necklaces, earrings, bracelets and other decorations.

But if what can really be called clothes, there are only the belt, waist scarf and tube top on her body, nothing more.

There is almost no difference between wearing and not wearing the goddess. The moment she entered the room, even the female Amazon warriors were stunned.

That is the result of looking directly at 'beauty', and it is the embodiment of the ability to charm the common people.

"You're here, I'm really waiting." Carly raised her head slightly, and glanced at the family members who came in behind her.

They are also Amazons, but they are more sparsely dressed than the female warriors of the Kali family, and they also emphasize style.

With one exception, it's sensational.

The charming goddess sat on the sofa opposite Carly, with the table in the center of the room as the boundary, and the two sides formed a confrontational situation.

"Just to make sure, you are Ishtar, right?"


Hearing Kali's question, the alluring goddess——Ishtar nodded.

'Beauty God' Ishtar, the god of the Ishtar family, the actual controller of Olali Happy Street, is one of the very few gods in the city who really have the right to speak.

"You are really crazy to specifically ask me who is thousands of miles away."

"I've emphasized, do whatever it takes!"

That's right, the reason Carly visited Harbor Town was because of Ishtar's request.

"In order to defeat Freya, I will do whatever it takes!"

Jealousy was burning in Ishtar's eyes, and her object was Freya, the strongest faction God who had the same reputation as Loki, the 'God of Beauty'.

She is also a goddess of beauty, but Freya has all her status and reputation in her hands, and even took away the title of world beauty that Ishta desires most.

This is the war between the beautiful gods that started before the gods came.

Ishtar vows to defeat Freya!

"When I first received the secret letter, I thought it was a joke."

Carly received a letter from Ishtar a year ago. In addition, Ishtar has sent family members to negotiate many times.

At first Carly was dubious, but when the envoy arrived with a tribute of 'a large number of first-level armed forces', she basically believed it and decided to think about it.

"However, didn't you agree very soon?"

"After all, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. To be able to fight the Freya family who is the strongest in Olali, you chose our side after knowing it, didn't you?"

For Dou Guo, who is eager to fight, Ishtar's entrustment can be said to be just right, and the two goddesses easily reached a consensus.

"Let me tell you the outline first. If you mess around, I will have a headache. After all, the preparations have not been fully completed."

"Why, you can't trust me?"

"Do you even need to ask? Just you beasts?"

Looking at Carly who was acting stupid, Ishtar put the tobacco rod in her hand to her mouth and took a puff.

Although the two sides are temporary allies, and both are female Amazon warriors, the atmosphere is not harmonious at all.

Aljana and the others showed a provocative smile to the family members behind Ishtar, while the family members on Ishtar's side stared back unwillingly.

Carly didn't care, but Ishtar didn't want the two sides to have a real dispute, so she waved her hand and said, "Sharmila."

A gray-haired Amazon followed Ishtar's call, unfolding a parchment on the table between the two goddesses.

This is the map of Orario.

"My territory is here. The southern area is near the Happy Street in the east, and Freya's base is in the bustling street in the south, in the very center. As for this harbor town, it is in the southwest of Olalie."

"So that's the case. In terms of position, it can be regarded as a form of front and rear pincer attack."

Ishtar pointed at the map, and Carly, who was looking at the map, nodded accordingly.

"After the war, I will attract Freya's attention, and you guys will take this opportunity to invade the city."

A surprise attack from behind, and there are two Lv6s leading the team, even the Freya family will be caught off guard.

Of course, the premise is that Ishtar must delay Freya's main force as planned.

"Hehe, is it the jealousy of a goddess? The combination of beauty and excessive self-esteem will give birth to such an ugly feeling."

Carly spit out a harsh mockery from her mouth.

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