"Oh, where there is justice, there will naturally be evil, who knows why~" Yuntian spread his hands innocently, that expression once again provoked Huiye to grin his teeth.

Astoria sat on the side, looking helplessly at the bickering between the two of them like a child arguing.

At this time, Alize who heard Yuntian's words suddenly laughed and said:

"Hahaha, what Yuntian said is right! There is evil, so naturally we hold the banner of justice high!"

"When you come back, you will catch up with the resurgence of the dark faction. This just shows that the world is yearning for justice!"

"That's right! The Astoria family led by me who is smart and beautiful is the protagonist of this era! We are the destiny!"

Alize triumphantly published the 'shocking' declaration, and for a while, everyone including Yun Tian was stunned by her.

"..." x5

The five looked at each other, especially Yun Tian and Hui Ye, who were still bickering just now, felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

Seeing that the cold scene continued, Lyu couldn't bear to look at her team leader in embarrassment, so she said in a low voice:

"Also, let's talk about the business first."

"Ah, indeed."

"Well, that's fine too."

"Don't ignore me!!!"

Everyone unanimously approved Lyu's proposal, and even Astoria stroked her forehead in distress, ignoring the triumphant red-haired idiot.

"So, you let us sneak back to Orario just to deal with these dark forces that are emerging now?"

It was Laila who spoke. She is the negotiator of the Astria family, and she still does so after all these years.

"That's right, there are too many hidden cards on the opposite side. If we didn't gain a little from coming to Meilian this time, we can say that we don't know anything about it."

Yun Tian nodded to Leila.

"So I want to increase some available hidden cards, and there are more choices at critical moments."

"I see... I personally have no objection, what about Lady Astria's opinion?"

Laila's previous title was 'Sly Rat', and from this title, she can see her behavior style, so she has a positive attitude towards Yun Tian's request.

But in the final analysis, this matter still depends on the decision of the god and the leader.

Astoria glanced at Alize first, and the other party stopped making trouble when the business started to talk.

Alize, who saw Astoria's gaze, nodded, and said to Yun Tian at the same time, "We agree."

After giving the answer first, Alize said with a smile:

"It's all thanks to you that we were able to return to Orari, no, you saved the lives of me, Kaguya, Lila and even Leon."

"The Andaris incident is the same. Your kindness to us is so great that I don't know how to repay it."

As she said that, Alize showed a distressed look on her face, but at the same time, she also had a little helplessness and emotion.

In the end, everything became firm, and she made an oath to Yuntian on behalf of the entire Astria family.

"As long as we can do it, you don't violate justice, we Astria family will be the sharp blade in your hand!"

Yun Tian looked at the will that flashed in Alize's eyes, felt the belief that the others did not reject at all, and couldn't help feeling a little moved in his heart.

Responding to Alize's decision, Yun Tian solemnly nodded to her and said:

"I see, since this is the case...you go to be a waiter first."

"??????" x4

In an instant, Alize and the others were all dumbfounded.

Only Lyu, who guessed what Yuntian was thinking, covered her face.

At this moment, she finally understood why Miya's mother was so forthright when she asked for leave this time, even with a happy smile on her face.


Yun Tian quietly returned to Olali with Alize and others.

Although Meilian was not far from Olali, because Yuntian and the others had to pretend not to be discovered, their speed was somewhat affected.

Once back and forth, the whole day is almost over.

At this moment, Tione and Tiona, who found an opportunity to sneak away, were talking in a corner.

"What's the matter? Tione, why did you call me out all of a sudden?"

Tiona was forcibly taken away by Tione, so now she looks at her sister with some doubts.

"Did you hear that Refia was attacked during the day today."

"...Hmm." Suddenly understanding what Tione meant, Tiona fell silent.

Of course she heard about it, after all, Refia and the two sisters had a very good relationship, it was impossible for Diona not to know about being almost taken away.

"If it wasn't for Xiao Ai's presence, Refiya would have been taken away by now. Their purpose...you don't need to tell me, do you know it?"

"Yeah." Tiona just nodded quietly.

She knew what her sister meant, because their relationship hurt their friends and brought troubles to the family that might start a war.

Suddenly, Tiona asked:

"What are you going to do?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

Facing her sister's gaze, her younger sister also looked directly at her.

"I want to settle accounts with them!"

Hearing her sister's unwavering declaration, Tiona lowered her head and whispered:

"Why don't you tell Aisi and the others?"

"...This is, our fault! We are the ones who got Lefia down!"

"But, we are a family now, right?"

Tiona raised her head, her words stopped Tione's angrily.

"We're not what we used to be."

The younger sister's rebuttal annoyed the older sister, because she knew that the younger sister was right.

"Besides, when we fought on the street before, Yuntian must have been angry. We even ignored the physical skills he taught and let our instincts dominate us. If we acted casually this time..."

Tiona's words made Tione tremble, and subconsciously touched her neck.

However, after a pause, she threw something to her sister.

It was the emblem of the Loki family, with four knife marks carved into the funny clown's face.

There is a vertical line across the top of the three horizontal lines, which is a symbol used to express "infinity" in Dou Guo.

"This is their threat, and the address is engraved on the back."

"If we don't go to the 'ceremony', the Familia will face endless harassment from those guys."

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking.

If the two Lv6 are hiding in the dark and chasing after them, Tione and the others are not afraid, but what about the ordinary members of Loki?

Edelweiss came to the rescue today, what about tomorrow?What about the day after tomorrow?

Understanding this fact, Tiona fell silent again.

Chapter 1113 Turbulent Port

Late at night, approaching morning.

Yuntian, who returned to Meilian, found a top of a building with a wide view in the center of the town, stood on it, and looked around.


After leaving for a whole day, Yun Tian knew that both the Loki family and the Kali family must be very lively.

At this moment, a pair of figures sneaking towards the port in the dark of night appeared in the distance of sight, and behind them, another figure followed silently.

Suddenly, as if aware of Yun Tian's gaze, the figure at the back suddenly turned around and shot over with a sharp gaze.

But immediately, the vigilance in his sight disappeared, and not long after, a familiar voice sounded from Yuntian's ear.

"You're back?"

"Yeah." Yun Tian nodded.

As for the woman beside him, Edelweiss pointed to the two figures in the distance and said:

"Tione and Tiona sneaked out, probably because of the incident that Refia was attacked during the day."

"Anyone hurt?"

"No, the other party has restrained, probably because they don't plan to kill them. They gave up after I appeared."

After hearing what Edelweiss said, Yun Tian raised his eyebrows.

"I thought people from that country would be a little more brutal."

"Probably the meaning of God Kali, your previous outburst of momentum is not a small deterrent."

"That's right... Forget it, I'll leave it to you." Yun Tian shook his head.

"What about you?" Edelweiss looked at Yuntian.

"I want to confirm with my own eyes a certain person, or a certain ability."

Seeing the smile on Yuntian's face, Edelweiss sighed, didn't ask any more questions, and disappeared in a flash.


There was not a single boatman in sight in the dark port, all the magic stone lamps were extinguished, and an ominous silence wafted across the area.

Tione and Tiona came here, and waiting for them was Aljana, and behind her stood a large number of Amazons.

"Tiona, you go in this direction, you will arrive there not too far away, Bache is waiting for you there."

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