Because of that fragment, there was a touch of expectation in the cruel life, and even Baqie didn't seem so scary anymore.

She was still living in despair, but her smile gradually became real.


"Sure enough, I shouldn't be reading to you."

Bache stood opposite Tiona, coldly denying the past.

Tiona was startled, and then noticed the change in Butcher.

Compared with when we parted back then, Baqie's breath was sharper and full of icy chill.

That undoubtedly shows that she is one step closer to what Dou Guo calls a 'true fighter'.

" killed Ernie?"

"That's right, Aljana killed Berenas, that's why we became Lv6."

Saying that, Bache had killing intent in his eyes.

"Next is you and Tione, I will turn you into bait, and I will continue to grow!"


At this moment, a sound came from a corner near the port on the other side.

"Chun Ji, do it."

Thick clouds covered the moonlight. In the middle of the night, the girl called 'Chun Ji' nodded numbly.

"Grow bigger!"

Then, she began to chant.

"Its power and deeds, countless treasures and countless wishes."

Contrary to that slender and illusory voice, it contained unimaginable power.

"When the bell strikes, pray for glory and fantasy."


Bells are ringing!

Because of the noisy sound of the port battlefield not far away, the unclear bell was not noticed by Aisi and others.

However, there was one person who accurately captured the familiar bell.

"It's different from Bell's roar that resounded throughout the world on the 18th floor, but it should be the same kind of thing without accident."

Yun Tian locked his eyes on the direction of the sound, jumped down from the building, and walked towards the direction where the bell rang.

"I remember that Chaldo called this voice... the Holy Bell Tower?"

After going back that time, Yun Tian asked Loki what the bell meant.

And Loki told him so.

"It can make the grace of the gods radiate a burning color and lift the limit of grace. It is a miracle proof that even the limits of the gods can be surpassed."

"Get bigger!" As Yun Tian approached, the melodious singing voice could be vaguely heard.

At the same time, the golden radiance rose up!

The misty magical power turned into a cloud of light, surrounding the girl with dreamlike particles of light.

The cloak covering his appearance was also gently blown up by the magic cyclone.

"This body that swallows the god's food, bestows the golden light of the gods!"

Girls hate this song.

Because this song can only hurt others and save no one.

"When the hammer returns to the earth, I bestow blessings on you!"

Unable to defy her fate, she has never expected redemption, because just "begging" is a shameless act for her.

Even so, she hoped that this golden light would one day turn into a true light of blessing.

Even if the filthy self cannot be redeemed, it will become a blessing of hope that truly helps others.


The girl looked at the head of the family who was waiting for her chant to end, her heart trembled, but she continued the chant helplessly.

Hanging your head, giving up seems like a miracle of liberation.

"Grow bigger!"

"Myriad Treasure Hammer—!"

With the end of the chant, the radiance turned into power.



Silver Flash smashed the monster together with the ground, and under the attack of Aisi, the last piranha was wiped out.

"The monsters are all wiped out!"

"Are there any casualties?"

"There are currently no deaths or serious injuries... Some of the injured members are organizing street residents to evacuate."

There are not many members of the Loki family here. Originally, only women came, and some people were also separated to suppress the mayor and the guild branch.

Such a result can be achieved, thanks to the performance of several Lv4 and Aisi, the Lv6.

However, listening to the discussion of the group members, Ai Si felt that there seemed to be some discord around her.

'The lights went out at all, because of the fight just now? '

Most of the monsters were killed by Ais. With the destructive power of Lv6 and the rioting monsters, even the port made of special materials became a mess.

However, is it really necessary to destroy all light sources?

The hesitation only lasted for a moment, thinking about the ship that had just set out to sea, Aisi quickly put this matter behind her, and Tione and the others were more important now.

However, the next moment, piercing laughter suddenly sounded.

"Quack quack quack quack quack! Do it!"

Chapter 1115 Concealing information?Or level up?

The laughter startled Aisi, and she stopped, but at this moment, countless black shadows had surrounded her and members of the Loki family.

After that, without any hesitation, he swung his sharp blade at members of the Loki family.

The sudden sneak attack caused the Loki family to lose their upper hand, but the members still avoided or parried the attacking sharp blade with their good skills.


"A sneak attack that has been ambushed a long time ago... Is it the Kali family?"

Surprised voices rang out, but the enemies were all wearing scarves on their faces, or they were wearing full-coverage armor, making it impossible to identify their identities.

It can only be judged by the color of their exposed skin that they are an Amazon team, which leads to the speculation of 'Familia Kali'.

The number of opponents was at least double that of their own. Coupled with the loss of the initiative and the exhaustion after the battle just now, the Loki family fell into a disadvantage almost at the beginning of the battle.

Aiz, who noticed this, immediately planned to help them open the gap, but...

"Quack quack, you belong to my mother!"


The terrifying attack shattered the ground, but Ai Si avoided this powerful blow with her keen reaction.

Pulling away some distance, the blow just now gave Aisi an idea of ​​the strength of the enemy.

Staring vigilantly at the smoke and dust raised by the attack, I saw a huge black shadow walking out of it.

"Quack quack, it's a bit tricky."

Harsh laughter came from the fully covered crimson armor. With the huge body and armor, the figure holding two large axes seemed very oppressive.

From head to toe, there is no omission of protection. Looking at the flickering streamer, you know that neither the armor nor the battle ax is defective.

It is conservatively estimated that it is also the best of the first-level armed forces, and it is even very likely to be the best.

But how should I put it, the terrifying figure was supposed to bring, but it made Ais feel a little impolite in her heart.

Because the shape is really weird, the armor is obviously tailor-made to suit the user's body shape, should I put it.

Giant metal toad? !

Different from the original book, Ais in this world is more focused on exploring the dungeon because of the existence of Yuntian, so she doesn't have much entanglement with the other party.

I'm not very familiar with it, so I didn't recognize it at the first time.

But this body shape and laughter are too iconic. After thinking about it for a while, Aisi knew the identity of the toad in front of her.

"Phrynny Jameel..."

"Hey, are you exposed? My old lady can be recognized even in armor. It really is a sin to be beautiful~"

Instead of worrying about the other party's inexplicable self-confidence, Ai Si pondered another question with some doubts in her heart.

'Man Killer' Phryne Jamil is the head of the Ishtar Familia, and she was present, which means that the other attackers are likely to be Ishtar Familia combat whores.

but why?

Before Aisi asked, Phryni lifted the mask of the helmet first, and said with a strange smile:

"Quack quack, originally I planned to meet that sword master, but it seems that he is not here?"

"It's okay. I just think you're upset. It's not bad to teach you a lesson."

The reputation of "Sword Princess" can be said to be known to everyone in Olali, and she is almost inseparable from Yuntian.

It can be said that the popularity and prestige of the Juggernaut is as high as that of the Sword Fairy.

Although there is a suspicion of smearing, neither Yuntian nor Ai Si will take this kind of thing to heart.

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