"Lily? A supporter of the Sumo family?"

"You know her?"

"Well, I understand a little bit. There was a guild employee named 'Aegina' who came to our family to ask about the Sumo family."

"Miss Aegina actually..." Bell was silent for a while.

He is not stupid, of course he knows why the elder sister of the guild staff who was in charge of him approached the Loki family to ask about Somo.

While being moved in his heart, it also aroused his worry about Lily again.

"Actually, you don't need to worry about the safety of that supporter at all."

At this moment, Yun Tian spoke.

"After that conversation, I investigated the Sumo family a little bit, and to put it bluntly, they are a rabble."

"I remember the leader's title as 'wine guard'? The name... I don't remember, but I'm just a Lv2 adventurer."

"Although there are several Lv2 adventurers in the entire Suma family, there is not a single Lv3 adventurer, and the leader of the Apollo family is a second-level Lv3 adventurer."

As he spoke, Yun Tian glanced at Bell.

"The head of the Sumo family is a person who only cares about profit. Since he took away your supporters, it must be profitable. At least his safety can be guaranteed."

"And what you have to do is to defeat the Apollo family. After you defeat a large family led by a Lv3, the Sumo family will not have the guts to fight against you."

Of course Yun Tian knew that Hestia probably led the team to save people at this time, but he didn't intend to tell Bell, but hoped that Bell could turn this pressure into motivation.

Yun Tian was looking forward to whether the Son of Destiny who surpassed the original book in front of him would bring him some unexpected surprises.

"..." The white-haired boy was silent.

After being silent for a while, Bell slowly breathed a sigh of relief, raised the dagger in his hand, put himself in a posture and said to Yun Tian:

"I understand, Mr. Yuntian, please continue!"



The fist hit the city wall, and there was a violent bang!

Bell, who was concentrating on it, avoided this swift blow. He was already at Lv3, and his abilities were far superior to Yuntian, who was only at Lv2 at this time.

Speed ​​is his advantage, strength is also his advantage, and at the same time he is holding a short knife, while Mr. Yuntian is unarmed.

Avoiding this blow, finally found a rare chance!

This blow!can succeed!

"Simple trap, if you can't make an accurate judgment, then at least leave yourself room to defend at critical moments."


The fist that suddenly drilled out from the blind corner of the field of vision shattered all the thoughts of the boy.

"Instead of being like now, you can only take the opponent's attack without any power to fight back."

Yun Tian's words rang in his ears, but Bell only felt a creepy feeling.

Because he has already flown out, why can he still hear Yun Tian's voice in his ears?

Before he had time to think about it, the severe pain almost interrupted the teenager's consciousness.

Stepping Bell down from the air, Yun Tian looked at the young man lying on the ground and struggling to get up, and said:

"In a real fight, except for idiots, no one will give the opponent a chance to breathe. Don't think that the opponent will stop after eating the next attack."

While talking, Yun Tian stared at Bell's movements, saw him subconsciously touch his pocket, Yun Tian picked up a stone and threw it viciously.


The stone bounced off Bell's hand, and at the same time, Yuntian's voice came again.

"Using less elixir and props outside of critical moments will develop the habit of relying on external objects, and learn to let yourself drive your body in a state of fatigue, pain, or even near death."

"Otherwise, when you are really seriously injured, you will not be far from death."

Although Yun Tian limited his strength, he was merciless in his strikes, everything including the death point was within his attack range.

Yuntian has a sense of proportion, but Bell doesn't know that the terrible pain caused by the bombardment of some fatal positions and the instinctive death warning made the boy feel a huge pressure that he will be killed in the next second.

Yuntian used actions and pressure to make Bell's survival instinct realize.

If you can't do it, avoid it, or catch it, you will die!

When human beings face death, they often get evolution beyond imagination.

Chapter 1131 The start of the war game and the handover of the family work


The fist hit the abdomen mercilessly again.

Bell couldn't remember how many times this happened, it was still a terrifying shock, and still a sharp pain, but his body had gradually gotten used to reacting in this situation.

The dagger gave off a cold light, and Bell launched a counterattack to Yuntian while being attacked.



Under the shocked eyes of the young man, the sharp blade was lightly flicked away by his fingers, and Bell was distracted for a while by that powerless and miraculous movement.

"Monsters and humans fight differently."

At this time, Yun Tian's voice sounded again.

"Monsters will always try their best to attack you, but humans will change their actions because of changes in the situation."


The boy flew out again.

"As a result, movements become relatively predictable, while distractions, hesitation, and even sluggishness occur when encountering situations beyond one's own understanding."

"The so-called 'surprise' refers to this."

Yun Tian didn't chase after him, he stood on the spot and clenched his fists, recalling the feeling just now, with a trace of satisfaction on his face.

"When you are caught by a flaw, when your plan is successful, or when you plan to give a fatal blow, it is usually the moment when you are most likely to fail."

While listening to Yuntian's words, bearing it in mind, Bell quickly rearranged his stance and stood ready to face Yuntian.

Seeing this scene, the few people watching the battle all showed expressions of surprise.

"Unexpectedly blocked Mr. Yuntian's counterattack in that situation?!"

"Is it the instinct of the body? Or can he realize the problem at the moment when the counterattack fails?"

"Incredible combat awareness."

It has been almost a week since Yuntian began to exercise Bell.

Because it is a formal transaction, there is nothing to hide from the outside world. Many members of the Loki family who are interested will occasionally come to experience the training methods of the 'Juvenile Master'.

Then, they would be shocked by the tragic scene, cast a sympathetic look at the white-haired boy, and then quietly leave.

Yuntian's training for Bell was brutal, and everyone who came to see it had a common understanding, that is, after this training, Bell's ability to grow the most must be durability.

However, the devastation is finally over today.

The young man who was waiting in full force waited for a long time, but he still did not see Yun Tian attacking, so he asked with some doubts:

"That, Mr. Yuntian...?"

Before the words fell, the fist wind was already close at hand.


Yun Tian looked at Bell who raised his arm to block his attack, stretched out his hand to pinch the swung blade, and said:

"Just here."

"Huh?" Bell blinked, but failed to react immediately.

During this period of time, faced with the great pressure Yun Tian brought him, the boy had completely forgotten about other things.

War games, the safety of supporters, and why I am here to practice against Yuntian, all these are no longer important.

Because, without this level of concentration, the severe pain and terrifying pressure that seemed to die in the next second would sweep through the whole body.


Reaching out and flicking Bell's forehead, Yun Tian let go of the dagger in his hand, waved his hand and said:

"If you don't go back, you will miss the war game."

"War game...?! Ah!!!"

Bell, who came to his senses, exclaimed, and then bowed to Yuntian.

"During this time, I really appreciate your guidance!"

After speaking, Bell left quickly.


While Yuntian was training Bell, Olali was also slowly warming up.

The war game is just around the corner, and the heat is getting higher and higher day by day, prompting the masses to start discussions, and even many adventurers explore the dungeon less frequently.

The merchants sensed the business opportunity and began to fan the flames behind the bustle. The entertainment-loving gods were also happy to see this kind of scene.

For a while, O'Leary entered the festive atmosphere.

Twilight filled the city, and the sky slowly turned dark blue. The huge white tower standing in the center of the city was still overlooking the block where the magic stone lights began to light up.

"Master Freya, the things you ordered me to prepare have already arrived...Master Freya?"

On the top floor of the Tower of Babel, Freya did not respond to the voice of her family calling behind her, and just quietly stared at the distant scene.

What fascinated the silver pupils was the sparring that was unfolding on the city wall.

What was reflected in Freya's eyes was not two intertwined figures, but two continuously shining brilliance.

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