Chapter 1149 Right, Wrong and Responsibility

The sudden appearance of uninvited guests and the interrupted ceremony made the entire sky courtyard fall into silence.

Members of the Ishtar family, the Hestia family, and the Jianyulei family all looked at the figure standing in front of Chun Ji in a daze.


Chun Ji looked at Yun Tian, ​​she wanted to ask a question, but found that she was so choked up that she couldn't speak.

Tears flowed down unconsciously, the fox girl just looked at Yun Tian stupidly, without saying a word.

But in fact, she has too much to say.

Why are you here?

Chun Ji wanted to ask this question, but she actually knew the answer, and it was to take her away.

I'm a whore and I'll get you in trouble.

Chun Ji wanted to say this, but she also knew that Yun Tian's presence here meant that he didn't take these so-called troubles seriously.

The emotions that had been suppressed in her heart gushed out like a bank burst, Chun Ji trembled, and said to the figure standing in front of her:



The girl opened her mouth, but found that she couldn't make a sound.

She thought she was too emotional, so she calmed down a little, and then spoke again.


Eh? !

what happened? !

Why can't I speak? !

At this time, Chun Ji realized that it wasn't because she was choked up that she couldn't speak from the beginning, and the faint blue starlight surrounded the girl's body, protecting her and at the same time muffled her voice.

With her eyes wide open, Chun Ji looked at Yuntian in astonishment. Although she wasn't sure, she also guessed that it was related to Yuntian.

The girl's face was full of confusion and bewilderment, and the tears shed just because she was touched hadn't stopped. Because she couldn't speak, her expression was very easy to cause misunderstanding.

At this moment, a slightly surprised voice sounded on the battlefield.

"Mr. Yuntian?! Why are you here?"

Bell was the first to recover from the silent atmosphere, looking excitedly at Yuntian who had rescued Chun Ji.

The white-haired boy guessed that Yuntian was here to help, and while he was moved, he also worried that Yuntian didn't understand the situation, so he immediately shouted:

"Mr. Yuntian, the life-killing stone inlaid on that short sword is a magical tool that can transfer the soul of a fox. If you destroy it, Miss Chunji will be able to... Yun, Mr. Yuntian?"

Halfway through the speech, Bell suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Because Yuntian didn't destroy the killing stone, but hung it around his waist instead.

The Loki family cadres headed by Edelweiss also came to his side at this time, Yun Tian felt the solemn atmosphere because of his actions, and announced with a smile on his face:

"Our Loki family wants this person."

The unquestionable tone and the pressure that suddenly enveloped the audience, coupled with the almost malicious and insolent smile on Yun Tian's face.

At this moment, everyone understood what he meant, and understood the purpose of the Loki family's presence here.

They are here to rob people!

Not long ago, the Ishta family who had just fought against the Loki family had a deep understanding of the strength of Yuntian and others. Their faces were very ugly, but they did not dare to act rashly.

Ke Beier, the members of the Hestia family around him, and the members of the Jianyulei family who were Chunji's childhood playmates could not remain indifferent to Yuntian's declaration.

Especially Bell, he looked at Yun Tian and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he felt that he was overthinking.

Having not had much communication with Chun Ji, Bell came here tonight for the purpose of saving his companions and friends.

In his mind, the most normal situation would be for Chunji to join the Jianyulei family, after all, they were all her childhood playmates.

Even Yamato Ming of the Hestia family was temporarily converted from the Jianyu Lei family. After the one-year conversion restriction time is over, Yamato Ming will return to the Jianyu Lei family.

But now, Yuntian's declaration undoubtedly told them that Chun Ji would be taken away by the Loki family.

This is not a bad thing. It is impossible for anyone in Orario who has not heard of the name of the Loki family. Joining this strongest faction can be said to be an opportunity that countless adventurers dream of.

However, Yun Tian's performance and his unilateral domineering declaration really made people wonder.

Anyway, shouldn't the matter of joining the family be decided by the person concerned?

If Chunji wishes to be with her childhood friend, isn't Yuntian's declaration...

Thinking of this, Bell suddenly realized something, his pupils shrank, and he was reluctant to believe the speculation in his heart.

The white-haired boy hesitated for a moment, and then asked Yun Tian in a slightly trembling tone:

"Yun, Mr. Yuntian... Well, shouldn't you ask Miss Chunji for her opinion first? And the killing stone, why did you..."

"Bell, I'm sorry." Yun Tian reached out and touched the dagger at his waist.

Of course he did it on purpose, otherwise he could easily resolve the misunderstanding just by asking Chun Ji to speak, but in that case, another goal of today would be impossible to achieve.

Yun Tian glanced at the direction of the stone bridge, and the corners of his mouth slightly lifted.

"I originally thought that what I said a few days ago would dissuade you from intervening in this matter tonight, but who knows, you are still here."

As he said that, Yun Tian swept his eyes over everyone around including Bell, and an invisible pressure made them subconsciously take a step back.

"I'll say it again, our Loki family wants this person."

Although they didn't completely let go of their aura, few people present dared to look at Yun Tian and the sword master of Olali.

Only, the white-haired boy never looked away.

He looked at Yun Tian, ​​took a deep breath as if to cheer himself up, and then the trembling disappeared.

The young man asked earnestly: "Mr. Yuntian, may I ask why you must let Miss Chunji join the Loki family?"

Without avoiding or covering up, Yun Tian answered Bell directly without hesitation.

"Because of her ability, that power, as the acting head of the Loki family, I will not allow her to fall into the hands of any other family."

"Even so, do you want to ignore Miss Chunji's own opinion?"


Yun Tian looked at Bell, looked at the serious expression on the boy's face, and said to him seriously:

"Bell, as the leader, both you and I must be responsible for the members of our family."

The word leader does not only represent power, but also a responsibility.

Bell knew what Yuntian said was right.

When the Ishtar family was arresting him, Bell personally experienced Haruhime's miraculous power, and the power of an adventurer who was obviously not as good as him suddenly increased dramatically.

Yamato Ming in his team was captured for this reason.

What Yuntian is doing now is to prevent the same thing from happening to members of his family.

In the final analysis, it was because they did not have the strength to hold on to this miraculous power. Whether it was the Hestia family or the Jianyu Lei family, the lower-level families who were not even the backbone were not qualified to hold this kind of power that made Olalie The power that double walls will envy.

It is not a difficult thing to understand that it is a crime to conceive a jade.

So, Bell was silent.

Chapter 1150 Wolf howling under the moon!

"Your Excellency Bell!" Yamato Ming watched Bell fall into silence, and couldn't help shouting anxiously.

She was Chun Ji's childhood friend, and of course she didn't want Chun Ji, who had finally escaped the control of the Ishtar family, to fall under the control of the Loki family again.

Don't blame her for thinking too much, in fact, Yun Tian deliberately used words that could cause misunderstanding, just to make them think so.

The Loki family is for Chun Ji's power. After she joins the Loki family, even if she no longer needs to be a prostitute, her life will be better, but it will not change the fact that her power will continue to be used by others.

All along, Chun Ji has no freedom to speak of.

Yamato Ming also deliberately looked at Chun Ji behind Yuntian. The fox girl's face was full of anxiety and worry, and her attitude of constantly signaling to herself made her firmly believe in her point of view.

Seeing Chun Ji who was afraid to speak out of fear of Loki's family, Ming gritted his teeth and took a step forward.

At the same time, there were several members of Jianyulei's family who made the same movements as her.

They were all Chunji's childhood partners, and they couldn't bear to watch her go back into the wolf's den as soon as she came out of the tiger's mouth.

Seeing their choices and feeling the gazes of Welf and Lily behind him, Bell clenched the dagger in his hand and took a step towards Yuntian.

"Mr. Yuntian... Sorry, I can't let you just take Chunji away!"

Hearing Bell's words, Yun Tian smiled.

The joy contained in that smile made Bell and the others a little puzzled.

But before they could think too much, a sword light soaring into the sky forced them to interrupt their thinking and dodge urgently.

At the same time, Yun Tian's inexplicable words echoed throughout the sky garden.

"Excuse, I've already prepared it for you."

call out--!

Responding to Yuntian's voice was a piercing sound from the direction of the stone bridge!


The violent collision caused a terrifying impact and roar!

In the astonished gazes of everyone, a huge sword that flew over collided with Yun Tian's slash.

After a stalemate for a few seconds, the slash formed by the sword energy was dissipated, and it was firmly inserted into the ground.

The sudden shock made Bell and the others, who had just moved, stop again in astonishment.

The surrounding members of the Ishtar family also stared blankly at the burly figure walking slowly over the stone bridge.

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