He didn't know how to respond, and the goddess didn't wait for his response.

But just such a sentence, such a chance encounter, gave birth to the strongest adventurer of Orario.

'The Fierce' Otta.


Just as Yun Tian guessed, after the last encounter, Ota specially trained for him.

Not long after that encounter, Ota took the initiative to find Freya.

"Master Freya, may I bother you?"

Stepping into the top floor of the Tower of Babel, Orta came to the room where God rested.

Shaking the wine glass comfortably, the silver-haired goddess overlooking the entire city did not look back, but she still responded to Ota.

"what's up?"

"I hope you can allow your subordinates to leave temporarily."

"Oh?" The movement in her hands paused, and Freya looked back at Ota with interest.

Otta, who was a servant, offered to leave Freya's side on his own initiative. This kind of thing can be said to be unprecedented.

After all, there was only one person who could serve Freya besides the female servants who took care of daily life.

That is to say, only the family that has won the most favor from the goddess can follow her, which is the highest honor among the Freya family.

It is precisely because of this that Freya was surprised by Ota's voluntary departure.

"Where are you going?"


It was a short answer, but it made Freya understand what he meant.

In order not to let his body become dull, Orta will also exercise regularly, and go deep into the dungeon alone to explore and fight.

But those are also the rules of the family and the requirements of Freya herself, but this time, it is obviously different.

"Are you going to exercise?"


Staring into Ota's eyes, Freya laughed as if seeing something interesting.

"You actually hide your thoughts from me... No, you haven't confirmed it yourself, you just made a judgment based on your feelings."

Freya easily denied Ota's words, those silver eyes pierced the fierce man's heart.

"Is the long-lost burning up? After meeting 'him'."


"You have always been like this, even at Lv7, you still won't be satisfied."

Ota was speechless, and Freya didn't mean to blame him, but smiled and agreed to Ota's request.

"I agree, you go."


After being picked up by Freya, Ota did not immediately become the goddess' family.

It was the grace of God that was brought up and taught by Freya, and then obtained after she clearly recognized herself.

Why fight?

No one asked him that, and he never asked himself, and never once wondered about it.

After all, the reason is very simple, because Ota only knows this.

Name, favor, food, clothing, shelter, affection, warmth, belonging, knowledge, education, everything named 'Ota' was given to him by Freya.

For Otta, Freya is everything, and Freya represents his world.

From the day he was picked up, Ota's world can be completed by itself as long as there is Freya in extreme terms.

But knowing nothing, he couldn't satisfy the goddess, and he couldn't make the goddess smile.

He can't do anything in return.

Then Horta got his first compliment.

It was his first time to upgrade, and Freya just said 'good' flatly, that's all.

But it was that sentence that I don't know if it was a compliment that made Ota find his own way.

Strength and mightiness!

Because that can be praised by the goddess, it can satisfy the goddess, and it can meet the goddess' expectations of him.

Simple but persistent pursuit.

But at that time, there were too many people who were stronger than him. For Ota, who yearned for strength, it was both luck and misfortune.

Fortunately, he can grow unscrupulously, chasing the goal ahead without any worries.

That was also the time when he grew most rapidly.

Unfortunately, those goals will eventually disappear one day.

They were surpassed, or failed, or died, or left.

When he woke up, it was the moment when the last person standing in front of him left.

"Miya, do you really want to leave the family?"

"This is something that was decided when I joined the family."

"...Don't go, I haven't defeated you yet."

At that time, Ota was taller than Mia.

"What can you do if you keep staring at me, idiot, look at other broader things, it's really useless to grow up such a big fool."


Aware of Ota's silence, Mia turned her head, and said with relief and regret:

"Just like you chased me, soon a bunch of guys will start chasing you."

Ota understood what Mia meant. She was telling herself that one day he would change from being a chaser to being a chased person.

He has that qualification and that talent.

And Miya is also right. In fact, from a very early age, there have been chasers around him.

A well-destined opponent, the young three leaders of the Loki family.

After that, the elves Hegni and Hedin who joined the family first, followed by the Gulliver brothers of the small people, and finally Alan the cat and his sister.

Ota has long since changed from the chasing party to the chased party, especially Alan and others. In order to compete for the sight of Beauty God, they pursued Ota as if they were seeing an enemy.

During this process, too many people fell behind, even Alan's sister was left behind by him because he couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Even so, Ota's position is still unshakable.

When he came back to his senses, he had already become the head of the regiment, and the fierce man who was immersed in fighting and growing didn't even realize that he had become the leader of the faction.

But from the moment he realized, there was no one in front of him.

All that remained were those chasing after him.

But to be honest, although it is very difficult to say, even though Ota has never behaved like this, he really... never took them seriously.

Because Ota's eyes can only look forward, even if there is no back, he still stares at the past era.

Until, the moment he found someone walking by, and the figure reappeared in the deserted wilderness.


Otta was suppressed.

Although he found a way to restrain Yun Tian, ​​but...

The difference in weapons, skills, and speed made Ota, who had the advantage in strength, fall into an absolute disadvantage in the battle.

After being hit by countless swords, Ota barely seized a chance to hit the elusive figure.

The advantages and disadvantages cannot be reversed, and even the disadvantages are getting bigger and bigger.

But Ota felt that fulfilling sense of satisfaction again after a long absence!

So gradually, he began to regain the feeling of being the chasing party.

Chapter 1155 Other Battlefields

The sudden battle between Loki and Freya's family made the other people present a little bit at a loss.

The Ishtar family, Bell and others who were supposed to be the protagonists, after witnessing the shock of the Battle of the Twin Walls at the beginning, became supporting roles like the crowd of onlookers.

Bell was the first to come back to his senses. The teenager looked at the Ishtar family and teammates who were still in shock, and then looked at the Loki and Freya families who had no time to take care of the other Loki and Freya families when the war broke out.

Swallowing, Bell knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The teenager didn't make any sound, and didn't even mean to remind his teammates.

He clenched Hestia's blade, slowly gathered his strength, and moved forward quietly until the moment when the distance was calculated.


Bell stomped hard, and his whole body turned into a white projectile and rushed towards the center of the sky garden!

Before the members of the Ishtar family could react, the white-haired boy had already passed by them.

Speed ​​up, speed up, speed up!

When everyone reacted, Bell had already approached the altar in the center.

His target is the fox girl bound by chains!

Like a white light flashing across the night sky, the boy swung the sharp blade in his hand and slashed towards the chain!

Haruhime opened her eyes wide, and members of the Ishtar family, Welf and the others all looked at that figure.

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