"Businesses on the verge of bankruptcy are still generous and helping others."

"Even if life kisses me painfully, I will repay it with a song!"

He swung his right hand violently, and a picture appeared in everyone's minds.

It was a young man who looked about 20 years old, with a heroic face and a faint smile on his mouth.

"His name is Liu Zejun. He lost his father at the age of one and his mother at the age of three, leaving him to live with his mentally handicapped elder brother."

"After the stepfather remarried, his elder brother was sent back to his grandmother's house to be raised."

"But Liu Zejun continued to live with his step-grandfather."

"A 70-year-old man doesn't have any source of income. Liu Zejun grew up eating a variety of meals."

"But no matter how hard life is, Liu Zejun is still sensible and filial. If the school sends an egg, he will keep it and take it home to his step-grandpa."

"But the suffering did not let him go. When he was a teenager, his step-grandfather also passed away."

"In this world, Liu Zejun has no relatives anymore."

"But he didn't go astray because of this, but chose to become a firefighter!"

"In June 22, a fire broke out in the area of ​​the fire station where Liu Zejun was located.

Firefighters arrived at the first time, put out the fire and rescued the people. "

"But Liu Zejun, who was only 20 years old, failed to get out of the fire."

"This world has given Liu Zejun the greatest malice!"

"But he used his short life to return the greatest kindness to others!"

Speaking of this, Su Chen's voice trembled a little, but he insisted on speaking loudly.

"Two questions like this have been asked before."

"Why doesn't China have superheroes?"

"Why don't most Chinese people believe in gods?"

"Today! I will tell these people the answer!"

"In Huaxia, if you are accidentally run over by a car, a group of people will rush out, lift up the car, and rescue you.

"They may be traffic policemen, couriers, delivery boys, or passers-by shopping.

"In China, if there is a natural disaster, countless people will travel day and night to rescue you."

"They could be wearing camouflage, or they could just be wearing a hoodie covered in mud."

"They are not gods!"

"It's not even a superhero!"

"They are all ordinary Chinese people!"

Su Chen's eyes are firm, his face is resolute, and every word is sonorous and powerful.


"We don't need superheroes!"

"We don't even need to believe in gods!"

"Because each of us can be a hero!"

"Because as long as we unite as one, miracles can be created!"

"We Chinese people never believe in any gods! It's our ancestors!"

"What we in Huaxia worship are not superheroes, but brothers who are connected by blood."

"This! This is our Huaxia's own belief!"

Su Chen's voice gradually stopped, but no matter whether it was in the square or in the live broadcast room, there was no movement for a long time.

Everyone was still immersed in the previous picture, immersed in Su Chen's words.

Zhu Yuanzheng raised his head and stared at Su Chen intently.

He has been in the army for decades, but now there is no majesty in his eyes, only admiration and excitement.

It took several minutes before he slapped his thigh violently.

"Okay! That's great!"

"We don't need superheroes, because each of us is a hero!"

"We don't need gods, because we can create miracles ourselves!"

"Why we love Huaxia, because this is not only the place where I was born and raised, but also because there are 14 billion Chinese compatriots living here."

"When it's okay, everyone refuses to accept each other. In order to be better than someone's hometown, they will fight on the Internet."

"But quarrel is quarrel, scolding is scolding, once something happens, these people will still lend a helping hand without hesitation."

"Because no matter where they are from, in the final analysis, they are all Chinese."

Zhu Yuanzheng's face was flushed, and he was extremely emotional. He grabbed Li Shuhua's neckline next to him and kept shaking him.

"What's the boy's name?"

"Based on his words, I don't believe he is just an ordinary student!"

Li Shuhua was full of blood, and was so moved that tears filled his eyes.

Suddenly it was held by Zhu Yuanzheng and shook violently for a while, and he almost didn't lose his breath.

"What are you doing!"

Li Shuhua tried his best to break away from Zhu Yuanzheng with great difficulty, gasped for a while, and said angrily.

"His name is Su Chen, and he is indeed a student."

"Hey! Didn't you still believe him before?"

"If I hadn't insisted on letting him try, maybe you would have died heroically by now!"

"What? Now you know how to take it?"

Zhu Yuanzheng stared, his lips moved for a long time, but he didn't speak.

Before, I really didn't believe that Su Chen could activate the ancestral symbol.

But you, Li Shuhua, are you still a dead horse as a living horse doctor?

How did it get into your mouth, as if you have a discerning eye?

But no matter what, it was indeed because of Li Shuhua's insistence that Su Chen came.

Otherwise, Huaxia must have fought with the Haidong people by now.

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzheng was silent, a smile flashed in Li Shuhua's eyes.

He and Zhu Yuanzheng have been old friends for decades, and they were often angry with each other before.

Today I finally got back a victory, and my heart suddenly felt indescribably comfortable.

But Li Shuhua also understands that all this depends on Su Chen.

He understood better that the reason why Su Chen said so much was to let Dayu recognize the Chinese descendants.

Li Shuhua had mixed feelings in his heart.

Young, but familiar with the unknown history.

With his own strength, he showed the unity and unyieldingness of the descendants of China.

This kind of knowledge, this kind of vision, this kind of concentration that never stops.

How did this young man named Su Chen do it?

Chapter 13

From what Su Chen said before.

Li Shuhua already knows that China is not only 300 years old.

Instead, there are a full 5000 years!

In such a long and vast time, how many amazing and brilliant ancestors have appeared?

Li Shuhua felt his scalp go numb just thinking about it.

As the dean of the History Research Institute, no one knows better than him the significance of these ancestors to China. ..

History is not just a past.

It is the root of a nation and the soul of a country.

If Su Chen didn't show up, Dayu would never be known by Huaxia.

The Qing Dynasty is still the only dynasty in China.

but now.

In front of all Chinese people, Su Chen awakened the forgotten ancestors and recreated the buried dynasty.

It also connects the hearts of all Chinese people together through pictures.

He let the Chinese descendants understand.

How heavy is the word Huaxia!

What a deep meaning lies behind these two words!

The significance of all this, in Li Shuhua's view, even surpassed the awakening of the bloodline.

At this moment, both Zhu Yuanzheng and Li Shuhua felt deeply fortunate.

Fortunately, China produced a Su Chen.

I am even more fortunate that although Su Chen is young, he has already deeply grasped the word Huaxia in his heart!

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