"Once Haidong Kingdom declares war, how can we resist? Just rely on him as an inheritor?"

"What do those officials think? It's fine for Su Chen to mess around, but they will follow suit!"

"Before Haidong declares war, Su Chen must hurry up and apologize!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Hand over Su Chen to Haidong, peace is the most important thing!"

"I was planning to study abroad there, how can I go now, Su Chen should be damned!"

"Damn! It's over, go if you can!"

"Hey... Fortunately, I have the foresight, and now I am already watching the cherry blossoms."

Countless complaints, cursing, and sarcasm are flooding the Internet.

But another voice that was opposite to it also rose very quickly.

"When the motherland is in trouble, it is when I is needed, and I will never leave!"

"If it wasn't for Su Chen, who of you could activate the ancestral symbol?"

"If it wasn't for him, who of you knew Dayu? Who knew Xia Dynasty?"

"His achievements are obvious to all! What have you 50 people done for the country? What confidence do you have to black Suchen!"

"That's right! Even if Su Chen didn't release those articles, do you think Haidong Kingdom would let us go?"

"That's right! It's not been a day or two since those dogs have been thinking about us! At that time, they wanted to snatch our ancestral symbol, have you all forgotten!"

"Su Chen now represents the ancestors, and it is absolutely impossible to bow to Haidong Kingdom!"

"If he wants to fight, then he will fight! Isn't it just a life, even if he dies on the battlefield, it will be a glory to the ancestors!"

"I'd rather die standing up than live on my knees. I'll fight Haidonggou!"

"If there is a war, I will be called back! On behalf of the veterans, I apply to fight for the country!"

"Although I am 87 this year, as long as the motherland gives an order, I will climb to the battlefield even if I crawl!"

"The three generations of our grandparents are all soldiers, always waiting for the call of the motherland!"

"Chinese people have never betrayed Sichuan, and Sichuan people will never betray the country! The Sichuan army applied to fight for the country!"


Although he knew that there was a huge disparity in strength, even though he knew that it was a road to death.

But between enduring humiliation and standing up to resist.

Most people choose the latter without hesitation.

Countless voices calling for war for the country continued to emerge, dispelling those yin and yang strange words in an instant.

These voices, like countless streams gathered together, turned into torrents in various chat groups and forums, constantly swiping the screen.

14 million people.

Some people have no hesitation, some people are anxious.

Some people drag their old bodies and want to do their best for the country.

Some people hurriedly transferred their property, just wanting to escape from the place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

But these people do not know.

Every bit of their reaction.

Every word uttered.

They have all been gathered under the huge building on the outskirts of Yanjing through various channels.

The galaxy computer group covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters is continuously screening the influx of information at a rate of hundreds of millions of times per second.

Outside the computer room, an old man and a young man were sitting in front of the screen.

A list, scrolling rapidly under their gaze, keeps getting longer.

"Mr. Su, all the people on this list can awaken their bloodlines, right?"

Li Shuhua looked at the densely packed names, his face flushed.

Su Chen didn't answer, but took a deep breath slowly.

When he said the number [-] million before, he didn't have any special feelings.

But now, seeing the names on the screen with his own eyes, Su Chen's heart was inexplicably touched.

Because these names represent not only a number, but also a living person. M..

It is precisely because of these people that today's Kyushu is formed.

Momentary words and deeds may not represent all of a person's thoughts.

But when the country is in crisis, these people can come forward.

Even if there is an abyss ahead, there is still no turning back.

That alone.

They are already worthy of the blood surging in their chests.

Worthy of the four words of Dayu's descendants.

"Old Li..."

Su Chen shook his head, put away his emotions, and his gaze became sharp.

"Inform General Zhu that we can start."

"It's fine if Haidong Kingdom doesn't come this time, as long as they dare to come, let them come and never come back!"


A day later, the uproar in the country has not subsided.

And a statement issued by Zhu Yuanzheng once again pushed everyone's emotions to the peak.

The statement is very short, with two main points.

1. Su Chen, as the successor of Dayu, will never go to Haidong, let alone apologize to the symbol of Jin Chunqiu!

2. We don't cause trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble, no matter what Haidong thinks, just let it go!

Seeing this statement, not only the country, but the whole world exploded again!

This is determined to fight to the end!

But where does your confidence come from?

Now is the era of inheritors and awakeners.

Do you really think that just one inheritor can stop the 10,000+ army of Haidong Kingdom?

Based on strength, that is called toughness.

But it's just a joke if you just talk hard.

Haidong Kingdom is already ready to move.

It's fine if you don't admit it, and you are ready to fight, isn't this actively courting death?

Many countries have experienced Jin Dachang's character.

When he saw this statement, he would definitely launch an attack with a thunderbolt.

In order to be quick for a while, put yourself in a dangerous situation.

In the eyes of everyone, this is simply stupid!

Zhu Yuanzheng is famous, so he shouldn't be so impulsive.

Behind this, [-]% of them are instigated by Dayu's inheritors.

In the eyes of many people, Su Chen undoubtedly made a bad move.

Not only will he kill himself, but countless people will be buried with him!

Chapter 27

three days later.

Haidong country.

Fuzha Port.

Jin Dachang stood with his hands behind his back, there was no regret on his face, only excitement.

In front of his eyes was the rough sea, and a huge ship was already waiting on the shore.

People who are familiar with military and martial arts can recognize it at a glance.

The largest ship, named Ma Mule, is Haidong's amphibious assault ship.

This is Haidong's largest and most technologically advanced ship.

Around the Horse Mule, there are dozens of large ships.

A year ago, these were Haidong's proud sea power.

Now it can only be used as a tool for crossing the sea.

Because behind Jin Dachang, 10,000+ Haedong country awakeners have gathered.

The crowd was so crowded that the sound of the battleship's whistle was suppressed.

The power of awakening mixed and surged, and the momentum was shocking.

Compared with this power, the power of modern weapons is nothing to mention.

"Even if I get Dayu's inheritance, so what, after all, I'm just a young man in his early twenties, so I can't hold back!"

"I really looked up to him before."

Jin Dachang smiled coldly, and turned his gaze to the person beside him.

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