Everyone is an awakened person above the seventh level, and they travel very fast.

In less than ten minutes, Donghai City was far away.

And ten miles west of Donghai City.

Fu Yaozi stopped the large army.

Hundreds of meters ahead, everyone saw a city much smaller than Donghai City in the distance.

I saw that the outskirts of the city almost turned into a swamp, surrounded by fierce beasts in the sea.

Fu Yaozi frowned and said: "This city is a subsidiary city of Donghai City, named Binhai City, everyone, who will solve the crisis in this city?"

After the words fell, many people enthusiastically signed up.

However, when Lin Yu came out, everyone shut their mouths.

Lin Yu took off the disguise, and that slightly immature face appeared in front of everyone.

"Senior, let me go." Lin Yu said calmly.

Fu Yaozi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Lin Yu to come, and then he was overjoyed.

With Lin Yu coming, the battle will be more stable.

"Lin Yu, I am very glad that you can come, but this fierce beast outside Binhai City is only suffering from scabies, you are overqualified for using you."

Fu Yaozi already regarded Lin Yu as his general strategic talent, so he naturally didn't want Lin Yu to go over.

Only by staying with Lin Yu can he play a greater role.

However, for Lin Yu, he can maximize his benefits by killing monsters non-stop, and now is the time for him to accumulate upgrade points.

This opportunity cannot be passed up.

"Senior, give me 10 minutes, and I will be able to resolve the crisis in this city!"

10 minutes?

When the voice fell, everyone was shocked.

Although this coastal city is not big, but it is close to the sea, there are many fierce beasts outside the city, at least a million at a glance, if you count the fierce beasts in the sea that have not landed, the number will be even more.

10 minutes?

Arrogant or sure?

Many people don't believe it. Even though you are strong and your avatar is not weak, you can't let your avatar explode outside the city, right?

If you blew yourself up, the city might be accidentally destroyed by you, so they ruled out blew up.

However, if you kill one by one, the speed is too slow, you have to kill until the year of the monkey.

Fu Yaozi sighed: "Since you insist on going, Pindao can't stop you, but Pindao gives you half an hour. After half an hour, no matter whether the crisis in this city is resolved, you must leave for Donghai City, because You are needed more there!"

Lin Yu nodded and said, "Okay, it's a deal!"

Lin Yu didn't talk much, but he acted extremely fast.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fan was already flying towards Binhai City.

Everyone looked at the backs of the two and talked a lot.

"Although he is very strong, no matter how fast his hands are, it is impossible to kill all the beasts outside the city in 10 minutes."

"Yes, I think he should use some tricks, such as killing the leader of the beast, so that the beast will be afraid and retreat by itself."

"I also agree with your statement, hey, Lin Yu is still too young, a little arrogant can be understood."

"After he has experienced the polishing of society, he won't be so reckless."

"Yes, you can't talk too much when you talk, you have to learn to be more tactful."


Everyone didn't believe Lin Yu's words, but Fu Yaozi harbored expectations in his heart.

He said in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

Everyone stopped discussing and shouted: "Yes!"

For Lin Yu, the distance of hundreds of meters is within a few seconds.

He had just arrived above Binhai City, and countless seabirds circled in the sky and looked at him.


As soon as these seabirds found Lin Yu, they attacked frantically.

Lin Yu snorted coldly.

"Sword Qi!"

With a buzzing sound, countless sword qi condensed around the body.

"go with!"

A stream of sword energy cut through the void.

The next moment, tens of thousands of seabirds died and turned into bird rain.

Below, countless sea beasts also let out angry roars.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Then let you taste the power of Chewing Moon."


With a flash of white light, two thousand clones appeared around.

Lin Yu said silently: "Let's use Moon Eater together!"

Including Lin Fan, a total of [-] black moons suddenly appeared in the sky out of thin air.

As soon as the black moon appeared, the black lights emitted by each other intertwined to form a black curtain.

The curtain blocked the sunlight, making it dark below.


Chapter 280 In an instant, everything disappeared

At this moment.

In Binhai City.

The city lord was lying on the bed weakly. A few days ago, he led an army to break out of the siege and lost to the siege of sea beasts, and was seriously injured.

Not only was there a penetrating wound on the right chest, but even the soul was severely wounded.

At this time, his breath was sluggish. Although he had passed the dangerous period under the treatment of the medically awakened person, he was fine for the time being.

However, he wanted to go back to the battlefield, but it took ten and a half months to recover.

He lay on the bed, restless.

He knew that Binhai City's formation would not be able to hold back for too long, at most one more day, and the formation would collapse on its own due to the lack of energy crystals.

At that time, without the protection of the formation, Binhai City will be in danger.

How to do?

He was anxious.

Suddenly, he widened his eyes, looked around, and asked in doubt: "What's the matter, why is it suddenly dark?"

At this time, the surrounding area was dark, and it was obviously bright just now, but now it seemed like night.

Although it is not so that you can't see your fingers, it is also difficult to see.

Tread, step, step! ! !

There was a sound of footsteps, and a guard walked in.

He was overjoyed and said: "My lord, good news, here we come to support you!"


When the city lord heard the words, he was overjoyed immediately, and he didn't care about the injuries on his body, and hurriedly walked towards the door.

The guard's face was also full of joy. He was also stunned by the scene in the sky just now.


The guards had just followed, and the city lord looked at the sky in shock.

"My lord? My lord? What's wrong with you?" the guard asked cautiously.

The city lord was shaken and woke up. He pointed to the huge black moons in the sky and said:

"What is that? Is that really support? It's shocking!"

The guard smiled and said, "My lord, look carefully at the black moon, is there a group of people standing there?"

The city lord looked and saw a group of people, but because the sun was covered by the black moon, they couldn't see their appearance clearly.

Now with the guard's pointing, he quickly saw the figure behind the black moon.

That's right, support is here!

Binhai City is saved!

His excited heart was pounding.

"It's saved, it's finally saved, that's great!" His hands and feet trembled with excitement, and he stuttered while pointing to the sky.

The guards were also happy. Sure enough, the higher-ups hadn't forgotten them. They had sent someone to rescue them.

At this moment, the entire Binhai City was in shock.

Countless people pointed at the shocking black moon in the sky and opened their mouths wide.

"Is that the support person?"

"Who are they? It's shocking!"

"I don't know what the black moon does, but there are millions of sea beasts outside the city."

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