I have been looking for it for a long time!

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Stretching out his hand, he took out a lump of meat from the belly of the squid.

Energy emerged from the palm, turning into a sword-shaped slash.


The lump of flesh split open, blood splattered, and the outline of a sword could be vaguely seen.

The sword body was soaked in blood, revealing a section of the sword tip.

"Haha, after a hundred years, you have finally reappeared in the world!" He grabbed the hilt of his sword.

"come out!"


A soft moan sounded, and the lump of flesh split into pieces in an instant, and even the blood turned into ashes and disappeared under the light of the sword.

Looking at the sword, he murmured to himself: "As expected of the previous city lord's semi-divine weapon, it's so strong!"

Holding the sword, he felt that the sword did not repel him, and he also found that the sword had several inherent skills.

"Demigod-level skills?" He was surprised and excited.

"It's no wonder that when he became the city lord, the oppressive sea clan couldn't hold his head up. It turns out that he can be so strong with a half-sacred weapon!"

"It's a pity. If he hadn't died back then, he might have already been in the realm of a demigod."

"With this divine sword, why are you afraid of the Sea Clan?"

Chapter 311 Demi-artifact: Tide Sword

on the sea.

The waves calmed down and the wind stopped.

There is only a three-foot long sword, which is so powerful that it scares away sea beasts in a radius of several miles.

The sharp sword energy wrapped around the sword body, and when he swung the sword lightly, there would be a slash comparable to the ninth rank.

After looking at the sword for a while, he finally found two characters on the hilt.


Tidal sword, this is the name of the demigod sword.

With this sword, the former city lord not only secured the first-class seat in the cabinet, but also suppressed the Hai clan who couldn't lift their heads and dared not invade, and their prestige was unmatched for a while.

If he hadn't fallen in that battle back then, he might have become a demigod!

Holding this sword doubled his confidence, as if holding the heaven and the earth, giving people a feeling of being in control.

"too strong!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

He laughed wildly, and he could hear it clearly for miles around!



A skinny arm stretched out from the void and grabbed the tide sword.

"Boy, level nine is not worthy of owning the Tide Sword. Bring it, this divine sword belongs to the old!"

Before the words fell, the palm of his hand was about to touch the tide sword.

So fast!Fang Jin was shocked, pulled out the tide sword, and quickly slashed towards the opponent!

"The tide is boundless!"

Immediately, one after another azure blue tides floated out of thin air in the void. The tides carried a heavy aura and also had a sharp aura. The two combined into one, wrapping the skinny palms in the tides.

"Stop!" Fang Jin shouted softly.

boom! ! !

The azure blue light was bright, and the tidal compression formed huge pressure.

Suddenly, Fang Jin turned pale with shock, and hurriedly retreated several miles away.

The old voice sounded again.

"Hehe, even the lord of Donghai City back then couldn't hurt the old man, let alone you?"

"Bring it, Tide Sword!"

He waved his arm lightly, and the tide wrapped around his arm was shaken away.

Then, his arm continued to grab the tide sword.


The arm speed was too fast, Fang Jin didn't respond, his hand was empty.

The tide sword has been robbed!

He looked at the empty palm, angry and helpless in his heart.

At this time, the owner of the skinny arm appeared. Holding the tide sword, he laughed loudly and said, "I have searched for a hundred years, and I have to thank you as a human being. I will send you to die."

After finishing speaking, he raised the tide sword and slashed towards Fang Jin.

"Humans, go to hell!"

Boom! ! ! !

A blue tide condensed into a slash of hundreds of meters.

The slash fell, and the wind blew up.

Fang Jin wanted to dodge, but he found that the slash had locked him, no matter where he hid?They will all be caught up by this slash.

Looking at the approaching slash, he said in despair, "Am I going to die here?"

"Is this the fate of our Donghai City Lord? Both generations died at the hands of the same alien race!"

"Hehe, I'm not reconciled!"

His eyes were red, and he shouted loudly: "Even if Fang Jin dies, I won't let him die in your hands!"

He compressed the energy in his body and shouted, "Explode!"

The energy was compressing, and seeing that he was about to explode, suddenly a pair of hands pressed on his shoulders.

In an instant, he disappeared in place, and the energy in his body quickly returned to calm.

Fu Yaozi said helplessly, "What's the matter with you, you bastard? It's not a good habit to blow yourself up every now and then."

The controller also came up, and said with a smile: "Don't be stupid, learn from Lin Yu, no matter how many times that guy blew himself up, there is nothing wrong with his body."

Yan Jun also comforted: "The opponent is a demigod, it's normal that you can't beat him, don't be depressed."

The divine monk sang a Buddha's name: "Amitabha, the poor monk believes that one can only reach the other shore after going through hardships, and the benefactor does not need to cry with a mournful face."

Fang Jin wanted to cry but had no tears. Although he was saved, how could he be happy.

The demi-artifact is gone!

My demigod!

He shouted desperately in his heart, but seeing the caring eyes of everyone around him, he fell silent.


In the end, all the regrets turned into a sigh.

Forget it, it's good to be alive, and if you lose the demi-artifact, just lose it.

"Cough cough!!"

He spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his body quickly withered down.

At this time, he had no mental support, and his body could no longer hold on.

Seeing this, the others quickly helped him up.

The controller shouted: "Quickly go to the awakened ones of the healing department, find a few more!"

Just as he finished speaking, the sky suddenly darkened.

"What's going on? Why is it suddenly dark?"

"Look at the sea, there has been a big change."

"My darling, this is a tsunami, which has covered the sky."

"Could it be that the Sea Clan is attacking again? They are really wicked."

"No, look at the picture shown in Tiantian's eyes, it is the method of that mermaid demigod."

"The demigod is so powerful, and can manipulate such a big tsunami."

"He now has two semi-artifacts."

"What can we do? The opponent is a demigod, can we fight?"

"Look, Lin Yu's body clone has gone."

at this time.

Lin Yu ordered the two clones to meet the tsunami.

They have just updated their strength, and they are in a combined state at this time. In terms of energy intensity, the quantitative change has caused a qualitative change.

In other words, these two combined clones already possessed the power of a demigod.

Although it is not a demigod in essence, it is comparable to a demigod in terms of strength.

I saw the [-]-meter-high body of the Erawan Buddha first reaching the bottom of the tsunami.


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