
His hair stood on end, and the crisis came.

Quickly manipulate the Erawan Buddha to block the alms bowl in front of him.


There was a crisp sound, and a huge fist hit the bowl.

"Huh? The reaction speed is not bad!" The Black Lizard Demon said in a cold voice with a playful look on his face: "Humans, let's meet the storm of this demon next!"

Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, the lizard demon could speak human language.

However, before he could continue thinking about it, the Black Lizard's attack came.

"Roar! Black Demon Possession, Speed ​​Fighting Technique!"

next moment!

I saw a strong black light shining on the body of the black lizard, and a faint human-shaped shadow appeared behind him, and then sank into his body.


A large amount of black light suddenly appeared around his body, enveloping him.

"Fist of Speed!"

"First Form: Basic Attack!"

A big drink!

The Black Lizard in front of the Erawan Buddha disappeared.

Where have you been?

Even Lin Yu didn't find the other party's trace.

Could it be the power of space?

As soon as this thought came to him, he suddenly felt a crisis coming, and a huge fist suddenly landed on the top of his head.

The Erawan Buddha raised his head slightly, but before he could resist, he was hit on the top of his head by this punch.

Boom! ! ! !

The black lizard demon, which was only ten meters tall, punched the body, and blasted the thousand-meter-high Erawan Buddha tens of meters away.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone, and everyone's hearts were tugged.

"The situation is not good, the Erawan Buddha is no match."

"What's the hurry?"

"The big battle has just begun, it's just that I can't adapt to this guy's speed."

"Yes, once the Erawan Buddha gets used to the speed, he will be able to win."

"Look, the Black Lizard is attacking again."

Chapter 331 The Sword God is Coming

at this time.

Seeing that the Erawan Buddha was blown away, the demigod Hongling shouted: "Nonsense, don't hurt him!"

Before she raised her spear, a red sheep-headed monster slowly flew over.

"Red Jade Clan? Long time no see!"

"You are....."

"I am the Red Goat Demon Clan. I heard that your Crimson Jade Clan is good at controlling flames. How do you compare with this demon?"

Hong Ling immediately remembered this family, and had fought with this family of monsters last time.

Suddenly, streaks of light flashed in the hands of the Red Goat Demon, which turned out to be red and blackened flames.

The Red Goat Demon laughed and said, "This flame is taken from the underground Balrog's domain. It's called the Balrog's Fire. It has a very single function!"

"This fire has extremely high temperature and can burn everything!"

"go with!"

next moment!

Red and black flames shot out from his palm.

As soon as the flame appeared, the air was distorted, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply.

The trees under the island burned instantly.

Not only that, but even the seawater in the distance evaporated, forming a foggy scene.

When Hongling demigod saw this scene, she didn't dare to take it lightly, she raised the flame in her hand.

Flames emerged from the palms, turning into streamers of light and intertwining between the palms.

Finally, a huge flame net is formed.

"Thousand-color god fire net, can snare flames!"

"go with!"

Immediately, the divine fire net flew out from the palm of his hand, heading towards the flame demon fire net, this is to catch the flame demon fire.


The two collided together, and the powerful high-temperature power of the Balrog Fire melted away from each other the moment they collided with the Divine Fire Net.

Hong Ling was slightly startled when she saw this: "The flame is so strong, it can resist our clan's secret technique."

The Red Goat Demon was also a little surprised, squinting his eyes slightly and said: "Your clan is stronger than before! However, the stronger you are, the more interested you are."

"Hahaha!!! Then let's fight in close quarters! Let you see the physical strength of the demon!"

"Possessed by the Balrog! Fighting Technique of Strength!"

Boom! !

A vague shadow of the Balrog appeared above his head, and sank into his body with a whoosh, covering his whole body in a black and red flame light.

I saw that he had changed his appearance, like the black lizard, shrouded in a flame of light.

Seeing this, the demigod Hong Ling appeared with a spear in his hand, flapped his wings lightly on his back, and moved a thousand meters away in an instant.

However, the next moment, the Red Goat Demon followed closely behind.

"Strength Combat: Burning Fist!"

"Die, human!"

Boom! !

With a punch, the air was twisted with extreme heat.

Hong Ling was shocked, and blocked the spear in front of her.

Suddenly, countless flames intertwined to form a wall of flames.


The Red Goat Demon grinned grinningly and punched the wall of flames, which was pierced through by the punch.

Hong Ling couldn't dodge in time, was sent flying dozens of miles away, and landed in the sea.

This scene caught everyone by surprise.

Hong Ling demigod lost now?

Both the people at the scene and the people in front of the screen were stunned.

Is there such a big gap between demigods?

"It's over, there is still a demon who hasn't made a move yet."

"No, the Red Goat Demon has passed."

"Hongling demigod, dodge quickly, hurry up!"

"Don't die, I beg God, please bless Hongling demigod."

"That's right, her life has been smooth and smooth, how can there be hardships?"

"People who are yin and yang, please shut up!"

"I won't close it anymore, what's the matter? Haha, I'm going to die anyway. The Erawan Buddha was crushed and beaten by the Black Lizard Demon, and he has no power to fight back. The Hongling demigod was also crushed and beaten."

"You tell me, what hope is there?"

"Even if we are all dead, so what? That doesn't discredit our heroes."

"Hehe, the pedantic person is about to die, what's the matter with making sarcastic remarks?"

"Yeah, they're going to die anyway, can they turn around?"

As more and more desperate people speak out, the despair is getting stronger.

Many people fell into panic, they complained about life, and looked pessimistically at the future.

At this moment, they could not see the light in front of them.

In the eyes of some people who are still insisting on winning, they are laggards and scum!

However, they also admit in their hearts that the hope of victory is getting weaker and weaker.

Even Ge Lao and the others fell into silence.

Mu Ling'er brought the people from the Spirit Race to Elder Ge, she slapped the table and shouted: "We have to leave!"

The old man was silent and didn't say a word.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Mu Ling'er took it as acquiescence, turned around and walked outside.

Ge Lao looked at their leaving backs and said softly: "The sword god is here!"

As soon as the voice fell, they all visibly paused, and immediately stopped in their tracks.

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