The emperor laughed when he heard this.

That's right, they are all children, and they can only be regarded as young children in the face of the future divine disaster.

Not even young children, how can a 300-year-old extraordinary race compare with a tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years of extraordinary race?

Mismatches in time scales inevitably lead to huge differences in details.

For example, it took one country 200 years of development to be caught up by another country in 40 years. There is a huge gap in the background.

Only by keeping pace and developing continuously can we completely surpass the opponent.

At this time, the cheers of the people stopped.

They looked at the Sword God together.

He shouted loudly: "Senior Sword God, please join us!"

"How to have fun together?"

"Drink, okay?"

"Of course!"

Chapter 347

Sword God and Lin Yu stood among the crowd.

Surrounded by people who participated in this battle.

Ge Lao first raised his wine glass and shouted:

"Sword God! The guardian god of our human race! Lin Yu, the pillar of the rise of our human race!"

"They have done so much that words cannot describe it."

"Today, raise your glass, fellow citizens!"

"Let's put all our emotions into the wine!"

"To our venerable heroes!"


Tens of thousands of people raised their wine glasses, with tears in their eyes, staring at Sword God and Lin Yu.

At this moment, Lin Yu and Sword God have become the center of their eyes, like the sun, emitting gentle light, warming their hearts and illuminating their way forward.


Lin Yu also raised his wine glass and clinked it full with Sword God.

The two looked at each other, smiled, and drank in one gulp.

How can we express our full respect when the glass is exhausted?

"Come again!"


Another glass of wine fell down.

At worst, they are all seventh-rank powerhouses, no matter how much they drink, they will not get drunk.

Drinking cup by cup, the barrels on the ground have piled up into a hill.

When everyone drank to their heart's content, they sang in unison.

"Sing together!"

"stand up......."

Singing loudly, trembling the sky, spread all over the place.

The atmosphere was too strong, and those foreign races who surrendered looked enviously at the singing human race.

The human race has two demigods. This is the luck of the human race. They are really envious.

Many foreigners drank wine with melancholy faces, but what they drank was happy wine, and what they drank was anxiety wine.

I don't bother to break down the alcohol after drinking a cup of wine, it's better to let myself get drunk!

After a great war ended, two different worlds were actually divided on an island.

Time passed slowly, and the sun rose in a blink of an eye.

The orange sunlight illuminates the island, and the afterglow falls on the people.

They sat on the ground and were tired after a night of partying.

Some meditate and rest, while others chat with others.


A loud voice rang out, piercing the quiet morning, and everyone was awakened.

"what happened?"

"Sword God and Lin Yu are gone!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, thinking that something big had happened.

Ge Lao smiled wryly: "Don't be so surprised in the future, the old man is old and can't stand the ups and downs."

"They left last night!"

"Get up, don't rest, start busy."

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

Ge Lao said with a smile: "Next, our human race will enter the next step, expansion!"

Everyone was overjoyed upon hearing this.

Expansion means an increase in resources, which is helpful for their cultivation.

"Despite the elder Ge's orders, we will definitely do it."

This is a decision that concerns everyone's interests, and no one opposes it.

"Always pay attention to the news of the watch, our cabinet will issue decrees one by one!"

"Okay, let's take your seats first, and you will receive news soon."

Without doubt, everyone dispersed.

Some of them are adventurers, some are soldiers, and some are members of big families, but at this moment, they all began to look forward to it.

The country laid down by Sword God and Lin Yu will bear fruit, and they will benefit.

At this moment, they were even more grateful to Sword God and Lin Yu, and they kept their gratitude in their hearts, and if they had the opportunity, they must repay it.


A new decree spread to every corner of the human territory.

First of all, the first decree was issued to the surrounding clans.

[Our human race, in line with the principle of peaceful development, is unwilling to lightly use weapons. Therefore, our human race proposes that with our human race as the center, within a radius of [-] miles, there is no race of demigods. You must surrender within three days, otherwise you will bear the consequences .There is a race of demigods, you can make friends with our human race, and you can also form an alliance! 】

As soon as this order is issued.

Suddenly caused an uproar.


After receiving this order, the emperor of the Celestial Race fell into distress.

They have helped the human race before, so they won't let them surrender, right?

At this time, the general returned.

He said: "Your Majesty, I have made it clear that my clan, the Fire Crow clan, the undead clan and other races that have been kind to the human race are not included in this list. Not only that, the human race will also help our clan develop. This is what they gave Proposal, please see."

The emperor of the Celestial Race received it in his hand, opened it, and looked through it.

"So that's how it is. My Celestials can enter the Human Race University."

"It's not too late, let's send foreign students immediately."

"Be sure to establish a good relationship with the human race!"

The ministers quickly said: "Yes!"

Other races were not so lucky.

Even the Titan Snake Clan and the Dryad Clan signed a non-aggression treaty with the Human Race first, but now the Human Race has not excluded them from the outside.

That is, they have to surrender.

With a sigh, how could he not understand what the human race meant.


The arms can't twist the thighs, but they, a race that has signed a non-aggression treaty, can obtain a high degree of autonomy, which is much better than other completely subordinate races.

As everyone knows, a large number of low-level races are kept as pets by the human race.

It is already conceivable that the era of human keeping pets is coming.

After all, they are not humanoid, and have a natural barrier with the human race.

Other races are much worse than them.

It doesn't matter what race you surrendered to, after all, you have already surrendered, so it doesn't matter.

However, those races that had some strength and were also small overlords were embarrassed.

Surrender or not?

this is a problem!

Everyone knows that the human race is very strong, and everyone is smart, waiting for a fool to be the first bird.

However, after waiting for a long time, the ultimatum came down, and the idiot still didn't show up.

give up!

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