"300 years ago, the worlds invaded!"

"Aura revived, and countless animals evolved one after another, mastering incredible abilities!"

"And we humans have also gained the ability to create altars. Through altars, we have ushered in an era of national awakening."

"However, although we have gained extraordinary power, the strong from all worlds, as well as the monsters that have evolved from the local area, have been compressing the living space of human beings!"

"After 300 years of hard work, we have stood firm!"

"However, compared to 300 years ago, when humans were the rulers of Blue Star, we are just living in a corner now!"

"Human beings only have three hundred cities, occupying less than one ten-thousandth of the territory of the entire world!"

"But monsters and alien forces occupy most of the area!"

"This is the tragedy of mankind and our shame!"

"In the future, the arduous task of recovering the lost land will be entrusted to you!"

"I hope you can let Teacher, in your lifetime, see the moment when human beings return to their peak!"

"In addition, because of the invasion of the worlds, our world has become a transfer station for the worlds, and we can go to any other world from our world."

"The transfer station is a battleground for military strategists!"

"That's why there are too many alien creatures in our world."

"However, fortunately, strong people like gods can't come in..."

He wandered off and ignored what the head teacher said.

He had already learned this knowledge from the memory of the original owner.

Not only that, it is even more detailed than what the teacher explained.

The worlds invaded, and Blue Star became a transfer station, so it became a place of contention.

Countless forces have settled in Blue Star. Although the gods cannot enter, they still threaten the survival of human beings.

For this reason, countless wars have occurred between humans and other worlds.

So, don't look at them now that they are safe, but you don't know when a war will break out.

A city may be destroyed directly!

This sense of crisis, like the sword of Damocles hanging above the head, filled people with a sense of urgency!

He really wants to go hunting now, upgrade his talent level and combat power as soon as possible, and only by becoming stronger can he solve his anxiety.

Four to ten minutes passed in a very torturous manner, but Zhao Ke memorized all the knowledge points very seriously.

Lin Yu looked at the blank notebook and shook her head.

"Okay, get out of class is almost over, I'll make an announcement."

"Congratulations to Zhao Ke in our class, who was admitted to the Chaos Elemental Academy, one of the top ten schools, in advance. Everyone applauds!"

Clap clap clap!

Warm applause rang out.

"Okay, be quiet for a while, everyone should know that after you have awakened your talent, it's time to prepare for entering university."

"Each university has unique exams, you sign up now as soon as possible, and then prepare for it in the next time."

"I suggest that students with A-level talents can enroll in the top [-] prestigious schools."

"As for students below A level, it is not recommended to enroll in prestigious schools, because it is difficult to pass the examination."

"In addition, in order not to take up your training time, class meetings will be held every other week in the future, and you don't have to come to school at other times, you are free!"

"Okay, I'll stop here, get out of class is over!"

Then the head teacher called Zhao Ke away again, and after they left, the class became lively.

"In our class, apart from Ban Hua who is an SS-level talent, only Li Wu is an A-level talent awakener."

"Hey, I, a C-level talent awakener, should I go to college? Or go to society?"

"Never mind him, let's practice first, and then we can do whatever we want!"

"Yes, it's best if you pass the exam, if you don't pass the exam, find a class!"


Lin Yu was absent-minded the whole time, which was in line with his usual style.

Zhao Ke was called out by the head teacher again, and it was rare for him to be quiet.

after an hour.

"Jingle Bell!"

After school!

Chapter 7 Hunting out of the city, breaking through the first-order combat power

From now on, I don't have to come to school every day.

You only need to come to school for a class meeting every Monday, of course, if there is something important.

The teacher will also notify in the group that this is the practice of every senior year of senior high school students, and the purpose is to give everyone more time to practice.

After all, combat power and talent are the main considerations for college entrance examinations. As for cultural courses, they can basically pass the test!

What's more, in the two years of study before awakening, I have learned all the knowledge that should be learned.

Now that everyone has awakened their talents, cultivation is the main task.

This is good news for Lin Yu.

He can finally go out of town to hunt for upgrades.

After leaving the school, he went straight to the gate of the city.

After walking for a short time, I saw the tall city walls and gates of Jicheng from a distance.

There are no guards at the gate of the city, because the entire city is controlled by the central intelligence, and there is no need for human guards to guard the gate.

This city gate is said to be a city gate, but it is actually a network structure made of blue energy intertwined. Once someone breaks in, it will be shot into a hornet's nest by high-energy rays!

If there is a strong enemy that cannot be dealt with by the city gate, the city guards stationed not far from the city wall will immediately dispatch to resist the strong enemy.

This is the defense system at the gate of Jicheng City.

Lin Yu walked to the gate of the city, took out his student card and put it on the sensor device at the gate of the city.

Suddenly, there was a beep.

[Drip, pass the identity test: Lin Yu, a student from the third high school in Jicheng! 】

[Please tell me the purpose of your leaving the city! 】

"I'm going out of town to hunt!" Lin Yu said.

[Drip, the test passed, you can leave the city!Your information has been registered. 】

[Reminder: The wild is dangerous, please pay attention to safety, and be sure to return to the city before night. 】

The next moment, the energy of the city gate converged and a passage was opened.

Lin Yu hurried over.

Passing through the city gate and coming outside the city, one can see a desolation without a single blade of grass, which makes one seriously doubt that the city is located in the desert.

But he knew that this was deliberately made into a desolate scene for the safety of the city.

Even, there is not a single grass in a radius of one kilometer around Jicheng.

"If the plants are not cleared, the plants will block the view, which will make some beasts hide in them, which is not conducive to the safety of the city, so some people regularly weed."

"Jicheng faces the mountain on one side, the river on the other, and the south and west sides respectively. The purpose of my trip is the Undead Canyon ten miles to the west!"

"The monsters here are not strong, just right for me now!"

"set off!"

He has already improved his combat power once, so his speed is not slow.

After 10 minutes, he stopped.

"It's here!"

"Undead Canyon!"

The Undead Canyon is surrounded by mountains on all sides, dark and humid, without seeing the sun, it breeds countless undead.

This place used to be a normal canyon. 300 years ago, due to the invasion of an undead world, the energy of death poured out, creating a fog of death that lingers here all year round.

And this place has become a breeding ground for undead creatures!

However, the energy of death is not very strong, so undead creatures are generally not strong.

Roughly, it is better than the school's undead secret realm!

That's why he came here to hunt.

Lin Yu found a big rock to hide, and then released the clone talent.

Suddenly, white light flickered, and two identical clones appeared in front of my eyes.

"Brothers, it's up to you, go!"

The two clones nodded, walked a few steps, found two bone sticks, picked them up, and walked towards the distance.

Lin Yu relied on the sight of the avatar and saw that they did not go deep, but wandered around the periphery, and would only attack when they encountered a single monster.

At this time, they quietly walked around behind a lone skeleton mage.

Clone No. [-] pretended to attack, and the skeleton mage angrily chanted a spell to release the spell.

Just as the skeleton mage was chanting the incantation, No. [-] rushed out from behind the skeleton mage, and hit the skeleton mage on the head with a stick.


The skeleton mage was hit, and his skills were interrupted immediately, and he was briefly stunned.

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