He chatted with Zhao Ke for a while, and then hung up the phone, because Zhao Ke should go to class.

With a smile on the corner of Lin Yu's mouth, she put down her watch and continued walking towards the library.

While walking, he muttered: "Eldest brother, you won't forget, right? I have to find a chance to mention the matter of chance. Eldest brother is really unreliable."

The college is not very big. With Lin Yu's speed, he came to the library in a few minutes.

There are no guards in the library, and daily affairs are managed by the college's intelligent system.

Lin Yu took out his ID card and placed it on the induction table in front of the library.

[Drip, Lin Yu, a student of the Supreme Academy, has been detected, and the identity test has passed, please come in! 】

With a creak, the library door opened.

Lin Yu walked in.

The library is large and luxurious, and robots will come to clean it regularly. Lin Yu started to look at the first area, and he found that there are many books that he has heard of before.

Such as "The Essence of Energy", "The Application of Talent", "Energy Transformation" and other books.

He picked out a few books and walked towards the quiet room, intending to finish these few books before reading the others.

He even set a goal for himself to read all the books in the library within a year.

The quiet room is a closed room for students to study quietly. Lin Yu entered the quiet room, put the books on the table and arranged them one by one, then took out one of the books called "The Array of Five Elements" and read it.

After reading for a while, he rubbed the center of his brows, but put the book aside helplessly.

"It's too boring. I am really suitable for coordinating operations and hiding in the dark as a commander. Let's leave the study to the clone."

Lin Yu divided one hundred avatars and asked them to choose books to read by themselves.

As the main body, he closed his eyes and calmed down before turning on his watch to read today's news.

He doesn't surf the Internet often, because the information on the Internet is too messy and easily affects people's mood. The only thing he likes to read is the daily news, which allows him to understand the information of the outside world.

Open the daily news proficiently.

[On March 3th, another sea monster riot broke out in Donghai City, and Donghai City was in danger. Overseas Sanxiancheng Dongxu College has sent elite teachers and students to support it. 】

[On March 3, the undead world once again clashed with our human race. The human race from our world and the Canglan world joined forces to expel the undead world. The undead world retreated and signed a non-aggression treaty with our two human races. 】

[On March 3th, the undead world unilaterally tore up the treaty and brought hundreds of millions of undead to attack Beijiang City, which is currently in danger.A few days ago, the Canglan Human Race went to support them. Unexpectedly, the Canglan Human Race Lions opened their mouths and asked us to cede three cities. Otherwise, they will join hands with the undead world to attack our Blue Star Human Race. They are currently in diplomatic negotiations. 】

[On March 3th, the three tribes of the Werewolf, Tiger Head, and Qianyu tribes fought against each other. The general guarding the town in western Xinjiang, Handao Wu, recklessly intervened in the war of the three tribes. The tricks of the three tribes were lost on the grassland. Jiangcheng was besieged by the three tribes, and it was in danger. A few days ago, Ge Lao had brought reinforcements to Xijiang City to support him. 】

[On March 3th, it was observed that the sun formed an energy storm. Since this year, experts predict that the energy factor of the blue star will become more and more, and the improvement of the energy factor will also increase the limit of the strong that the blue star can accommodate. According to experts' prediction, after 15 years, Blue Star will be able to accommodate powerful spirits. At that time, when the gods come to Blue Star, what will be the fate of our human race...]

Can the experts be trusted?Lin Yu secretly thought.

"The current situation of the human race is not very good."

"I didn't find so many big news before. There are more and more big things happening in the past few months. It's weird."

"It's none of my business. I can't get involved now. It's more important to continue to improve my cultivation." He muttered to himself.

After reading the news, he put the two crystals he got today on the table.

The big one is the talent spar, and the small one is the skill spar. Pick up two spars and put them between the eyebrows to sense them. The information of the skill spar immediately comes to mind.

Talent: Puppet manipulation: A-level talent.Using mental power to condense into a line, you can manipulate the special puppets from a long distance, and the distance is positively correlated with the strength of mental power.

Skill: Explosion: Tier [-] skill.The energy in the body can be compressed to self-detonate, and the self-detonation damage is equivalent to three times the attack power of its own combat power, and the range depends on the amount of energy in the body.

"The talent spar is reserved for Lin Fan. Didn't he claim that he has no talent? Now he has it."

"As for this self-destruction skill, I can just learn it, and I will be able to do it if I learn the avatar, and it's still a fifth-level skill, although it's useless after the sixth-level self-destruction skill."

Lin Yu put away the talent spar, held the self-explosive skill spar and stuck it between his eyebrows, studying silently.

In an instant, the skill spar in his hand turned into a beam of light, piercing into the center of his eyebrows.

Then, as soon as he thought about it, the energy in his body began to compress crazily, which made his body start to tremble.

So, he quickly stopped compressing the energy, and it would be a disaster if he exploded himself.

"The avatar has another hole card!" Lin Yu laughed.

Now he has three cards in his hand: Homologous Fusion, Sparrow Step, and Self-Destruction!

If the first two hole cards are useless, then you can only use the third hole card. It is a good way to let the clone self-destruct and the main body escape.

"By the way, what is Lin Fan doing now?"

Thinking of Lin Fan gave him a headache. This guy is too lazy. Since he entered the academy, there has been no system notification tone for an hour.

"Lin Fan is discouraged, and it's time to cheer him up."

Chapter 82 Lin Fan with Chicken Blood

Ji city outside.

Ruins of the old city.

The corpses of the blood-eyed rat monsters were scattered on the ground, and Lin Fan was standing on the roof of a high-rise building, fiddled with his watch with his head down, as if he was making a phone call.

Lin Yu didn't wake him up directly, but secretly glanced at his watch.

I wondered in my heart: "Where did this kid get the watch? Let me see who is he calling?"

I saw Lin Fan finally dialed the phone.

Dudu Dudu! ! !

After a while, the phone rang.

Above the watch, a young man in a yellow uniform and a helmet was projected.

At this time, the man was riding a flying skateboard and shuttling through the city. After he answered the phone, the first sentence he said made Lin Yu stunned.

"Hello, are you full? The delivery man Feipaopao is on his way to deliver food. Do you need anything?"

"Bring me a meal!"

"Sir, can you order directly from the takeaway package? Oh, I can't order food here."

"I've ordered, but where's my meal?"

"Excuse me sir, what's your name, I'll look it up for you."

"My name is Lin Fan!"

"Okay sir, wait a moment, I'll check."

The delivery man stopped the flying skateboard, called up the software, and entered Lin Fan's name.

After the results came out, he showed an ugly expression, but it was quickly replaced by a professional smile.

"Sir, I found it. Your order is too far away and we can't deliver it. You can click Refund, and the platform will give you a refund as soon as possible. I'm sorry, I apologize for the inconvenience caused, goodbye!"

The next moment, the phone hung up.

Lin Yu was stunned. It's been a long time since a delivery man has the quality of customer service.

He was very curious which city Lin Fan ordered for takeaway?

Jicheng does not have a takeaway service.

Lin Fan stomped his feet angrily: "Hmph, if it can't be delivered, then it can't be delivered. Why don't you just explain it? It made me wait for three days in vain."

When he thought of his hard life in the wild, his heart was distressed.

I really miss the life back then. At that time, I was carefree. I only needed to help the main body buy food and clean up. I was so happy at that time.

"Main body, have you forgotten me again?"

"After going to the academy, I forgot about your dear brother Lin Fan, you are too heartless."

"I have worked so hard, and you don't come to praise me, tell me if you have completed the task?"

"Hey, I'm hungry again, forget it, I won't fight monsters today, I'm going back to Jicheng to have a big meal!"

After complaining for a while, he was about to get up and leave when Lin Yu's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"I was going to test you, to see how your character is, but I was very disappointed in the result, what a pity." Lin Yu shook his head deliberately and sighed.

This voice fell into Lin Fan's ears, making him feel a little ashamed. He tested me with his own body, but I...

Seeing him bowing his head in shame, Lin Yu thought to himself that it was time for dinner. A pump seemed to appear in his hand, and Lin Fan was just a deflated balloon.Just listen to him say:

"I'm contacting you this time to tell you, congratulations on completing the task, because you have exceeded the task, so I plan to reward you with an extra talent spar. As for the craftsmanship, don't worry, I am already looking for Already, when I learn it, I will share the skills with you."

What Lin Yu said was 'sincere and emotional', and Lin Fan was so moved.

"Ontology, you are too kind to me, how can I repay you."

Lin Fan looked at the sky with emotion, as if there was Lin Yu's shadow in the sky, it was the god he worshiped.

Lin Yu looked at him like this and thought to himself, isn't your reaction a bit over the top?

He smiled and said: "You continue to kill monsters these days, and I will give you another 100 million task. When I contact you next time, you will come to Nanjiang City. I will give you the talent spar. I believe that by then , It’s time for me to learn a craft, I’ve really worked hard on you these few days, and for our bright future, I can only work hard on you first, hey.”

"Ontology, I am not bitter, I am so grateful to you, you are too kind to me, don't worry, I will work hard to kill monsters, and I will not let Ontology down!"

Lin Fan was so grateful that he wished he could hold Lin Yu in his arms and kiss him fiercely.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Yu thought to himself: Isn't it?Such a fool.

"Well, I like you very much, come on!"

"Yeah, main body, I'm going to fight monsters!"

"You haven't eaten yet, have you? Go eat something first. Only when you have strength can you fight monsters better. I will give you half a day off today." Lin Yu said.

Lin Fan was immediately touched and said, "You are so kind, Ontology. I will definitely work hard. For our bright future, I will die from exhaustion, thirst, and falling to death. I will also complete the tasks you entrusted to me by Ontology."

"Be careful, don't try too hard."

"Ontology, do you look down on me?" Lin Fan asked, tilting his head.

Lin Yu was startled slightly, then smiled and said, "I didn't look down on you."

"Then don't say anything frustrating, and don't give me a holiday, I'm going to fight monsters!" Lin Fan insisted.

Lin Yu had no choice but to agree to his request.Secretly thought, the effect of cheering up Lin Fan was surprisingly good.

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