These will naturally be handled by someone!This is also one of the orders. According to the above order, it is best to reduce the number of Tianlong people participating in the banquet to about [-]%.

Just as Allen guessed, the essence of the Tianlong people's existence is like a raised pork to the world government!As long as it reaches a certain age, it can be disposed of, after all, if it continues like this!It's also quite troublesome.


The most special thing about Tianlong people is the root of Tianlong people. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will find it very strange, it seems!For all the affairs of the world government, the people who are responsible are all Tianlong people. Yes, the people who are responsible are also Tianlong people. Danzang simply said that I am familiar with this matter!

Such a situation, basically as long as you are not brainless, you can see it, it is too interesting!

This is what the Tianlong people really look like. The so-called high gods are actually just ants, in fact!Among the real Celestial Dragons, only the direct bloodlines of the 19 kings are the real supreme Celestial Dragons, not these Celestial Dragons who are raised in captivity and controlled as ants!


Right now!

On the battlefield of the Valley of Gods!

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Except for the sound of blood dripping to the ground, everyone seemed to have gradually reached their limit.



Shi Ji panted heavily, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said secretly: "I'm really tired! I really didn't expect that the battlefield would progress to this point!"


He spat out a mouthful of dirty blood, but Shi Ji didn't dare to be careless at all, just kidding!On the opposite side is a group of lunatics who have no mercy at all, if the current self dares to be careless!Then what you pay is the price of your life. Basically, you don’t know how you died, and you will definitely die very miserable.

Therefore!Shi Ji didn't dare to be careless at all, or say!As long as anyone is on this battlefield, they dare not be careless.

main idea? !

Then the only price to pay is death, or even say!Death will be the only result. It is the same for anyone. Everyone dare not be careless. No one wants to die, at least no one wants to die like this.

If he died like this, it would be too hopeless!

"Cough cough cough~~~"


Following the weak voices, each figure is gradually looking at each other weakly, they really have almost reached their limit!

"Cough cough cough~~~"

Zhepu coughed weakly, and murmured: "Really! But it's too strong! As expected of the Rocks Pirates, every one of them is terrifying like a monster! It's really scary!"


Qingjiao also nodded in agreement and said: "It's really scary! The guys from the Rocks Pirates can be said to be all monster-like guys! These guys are simply like terrifying monsters!"


Both Zhepu and Qingjiao supported each other, and both of them almost reached their limits.

Undeniably said!

Under the butterfly effect brought about by Allen, has the strength of the two improved?Got!And it's a very huge improvement. The strength of the two is no worse than Wang Zhi, Yin Fu, John and others, even to say the least!Basically an equal existence!Under such circumstances, there is no doubt about what the result will be.

There is no need to doubt it, the next result!That's the funniest thing, and that's why.

They are also wavers on this sea!Pity!At this moment, both of them have reached their limit, and it cannot be said that they are basically waiting to die, in fact!It is also basically exhausted.

after all!

The battlefield lasted for three days and three nights, and in such a battlefield, what was the result of an admiral like Abbott?actually!During the three days and three nights of fighting, such admirals have reached their limit, but it can be seen that almost everyone has reached their limit and want to continue?It's so easy there!

The situation of Qingjiao and Zhepu is just a microcosm, and more people are like this.



"damn it!"

Bundy panted heavily. He supported his legs so that he would not fall to the ground, but his legs were still swinging!Just kidding, that's Momo fruit!The consumption of Momo fruit's own physical strength has reached a terrifying extreme, even for a powerful monster like Bondi!It is not an easy task to get support columns.


Panting deeply, Bundy's expression gradually regained(.) calmness, but he still remained pale. Although he supported himself and never fell to the ground, he had indeed reached his limit !

"Jabba? Are you okay?!"

"I can only say that I am still alive!"

Raleigh and Jabba looked at each other, they were both very helpless, their chests were heaving rapidly, and they were panting heavily, both of them had reached their limit, for monsters like them!In fact, if you want to last three days and three nights in the battle, it's really nothing.

Just like the battle between Sakarski and Kuzan, it lasted for ten days and ten nights.


Unlike the Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates who rested separately during the three days and three nights of fighting, these two people really fought continuously for ten days and ten nights!After all, you can't let these two people fight here, so take a break, right?

Isn't this nonsense? !


The two gradually sat down back to back, and Jabba said weakly: "The Rocks Pirates are really terrifying monsters one by one! It's simply outrageous. The strength of these monsters is really too strong." !"


Lei Li also nodded in agreement and said: "It really is a group of monsters with terrifying strength! Such guys are really terrifying!"

Both Raleigh and Jabba were feeling emotional, and they really had to admit that the strength of the other party was really too strong!It's like a terrifying monster.

The other side!


The Rocks Pirates are not much better. Lingling has collapsed on the ground, her face is extremely pale, and she has also reached the extreme. For Lingling, her body is extremely terrifying, but she can make her Lingling has also reached her limit, so she knows how terrifying this battle is!


A mouthful of dirty blood was directly smeared on the ground, and Wang Zhi also said with a pale face, "It's really a headache! I've also fallen into such a madness, it's really a headache!"

Wang Zhi also never imagined that according to his own personality, he would fall into such a madness. This is an unscientific thing in the first place!


Whether it is scientific or not, the facts are right in front of you, in such a battlefield!Even a wise person like Wang Zhi was gradually infected and lost his instinctive wisdom.


John said with a grinning grin: "Wang Zhi! Isn't this a very normal thing? On such a battlefield, if someone can keep calm, nothing will change! Isn't it the strangest thing?"


"That's true!"

Wang Zhi also nodded in agreement and said, "That's true! It would be the most strange thing if you can still keep calm in such a situation!"


On such a battlefield, everyone has fallen into such a terrifying madness, and if someone can maintain his calm in such a madness, this is the most strange thing!

Even people like Wang Zhi who are the best at thinking are actually the same!One thing he had to admit was that this was a completely meaningless thing, and he was also brought into it!


Spit out a mouthful of dirty blood, while Silver Ax said calmly: "It's really just a headache! But, it doesn't matter, I want to see what the guy on the other side wants?! Let's go to war! Come on! I am afraid of you?! Really! Who is afraid of whom!"

There was a look of terror and madness in the eyes, which was full of endless killing intent!Are you kidding, flinch?impossible things!It is impossible for me to back down, but I want to see how strong you are!I really want to take a look at it!What will be the next result!

This is what these lunatics think. Now that you have reached this point, are you going to make Lao Tzu back down?no kidding!It is impossible for me to back down!

Already here, so come and try it out!How could it be possible to back down here? !


The two figures looked at each other silently, it was Zhan Guo and Newgate, their expressions were very calm, as if filled with endless calm and indifference, without any emotional fluctuations at all.


Compared with Newgate, Sengoku's look is obviously not very good, it is worth mentioning!As an ability user of the dog spell, no!It should be said that as a person with the power of a dog, Newgate is an immortal existence. In terms of physical strength, he has reached an invincible existence and will never be exhausted.

Just like the other side!Kaido is also killing the Quartet!Who is afraid of whom?If you don't agree, come here!If I'm afraid of you, it's like a joke.

Newgate, Kaido, and Baloric are considered to be a very small number of people, it should be said that they have not been affected in any way, it seems!It seems that he is still energetic.


This is normal, Newgate is the holder of the dog power, but Kaido is different!Kaido, as a blue dragon fruit capable person, is not joking!The Green Dragon Fruit is definitely the most invincible thing in a protracted battle, and it is not at the same level at all.

As for Baloric, as a vampire fruit capable user!In such a chaotic battle with a large number of people, Baloric is invincible, okay?

As long as there are more and more enemies, the more powerful Baloric can display. He can increase his strength without limit by sucking blood. This is the most frightening thing!



Even if Roger stood opposite Baloric, he felt helpless, it was too much to make people feel a headache!Is this guy's strength too strong?It just makes people feel helpless!


No matter what it is, the war in the Valley of the Gods has reached its end, almost all the battlefields have reached their limit, and at this moment.



With Footsteps, Rocks D. Gibeck!In the eyes of everyone, this invincible man gradually walked towards the other party. His eyes were filled with endless indifference, and even more terrifying madness.

PS: 5000 word chapter!Daily six changes!The first update!Please subscribe!Please customize!Ask for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!Ask for an evaluation! ! ! .

Chapter 140: Demon God Invincible, Fighting All-Likes D. Gibeck!


Simon lightly smiled and said, "Locus, you old guy, are you ready to make a move?"

"Oh hahahaha~~~"

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