They don't know what to say, let alone what to do, and!If you continue to stand here, then you don't know what to do.

They, everyone, fell into a kind of daze.



With the sudden sound of this faint voice, the roaring battlefield suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked at the figure who lit a cigarette and stood up cross-legged like this, while Allen grinned, swept everyone one by one, and said ferociously: "Hey! Trash! Yes, you guys, take me seriously! The war is not over yet! It’s far from over!"

"Be more serious, Lao Tzu!"


Terrible flames burst out, and the monstrous heat wave seemed to turn into a roaring dragon, and at this moment, a special force fell on every member of the Rocks Pirates , As long as they are still alive, all their injuries will recover at this moment, whether it is a broken limb or arm or other aspects, they will all recover.

This scene!

That's the most terrifying thing!No, it should be said that this is something that is simply unbelievable. This seems to be a god-like method, okay!Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

"my leg?!"

"my hand?"

"It actually recovered?"

"Deputy Captain!"

"Brother Allen!"


"Captain Allen!"

"That's right!"

"Captain Allen!"

"Captain Allen!"

Responding to Allen was a deafening roar, and these pirates also roared. They really never thought that Allen would do this step, this moment!All the pirates, their hearts have recovered again, they regard Allen as their own god-like existence, and they all made these roars and crazy roars, and they seemed to be crazy Same.


Allen laughed wildly, looked at the people around, and asked casually: "Hey! You guys, I will succeed the captain next, do you have any opinions?"

"Goo la la la~"

"It's a matter of course!"

"That's right!"


Newgate and Kaido held Cong Yunqie and Mace respectively, and the terrifying domineering look burst out, as if telling everyone.

After Baloric thought for a while, he nodded and said, "I agree."

"Jie ha ha ha ha~~~"

Shi Ji laughed loudly and said, "I'm fine!"

Including the crazy woman like Lingling, they all nodded and said, "I have no objection either!"

at the same time!

Wang Zhi twirled his beard and said: "There is nothing you want or not. As the deputy captain, now that Captain Lockes died in battle, it is only natural for Alan to take over the captain's position."

Silver Ax said unhappily; "Although I am unhappy! But you are indeed the most suitable guy."

John smiled grinningly. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning was already very obvious.

Newgate, Kaido, Baloric, Shi Ke, Lingling, Wang Zhi, John, Silver Axe, following the acceptance of these eight cadres, naturally no one will refuse, no matter the remaining captains, The elite are still 15 pirates belonging to the Rocks Pirates.

They all understand a truth!They absolutely cannot fight among themselves at this time. If they do, it will be almost impossible to leave the Valley of Gods alive!

Because of this, they are very clear about this truth, and under such circumstances, the next meaning is naturally needless to say, they know how to do it.


"Captain Allen!"

"Captain Allen!"

Echoing the roars were deafening roars one by one, and Allen took over the position of the captain of the Rocks Pirates in this way. It can be said to be very simple, just like this.


Breathing out a mouthful of thick smoke, Allen said very calmly, even filled with endless indifference: "So! I am the captain now! Although Captain Lockes said he is dead, this war is not over yet! "

Allen opened one hand, and the body of Captain Rocks gradually floated up, and finally landed in front of everyone's eyes, as if he had never died. Standing here heroically, this feeling is very It's wonderful, but no matter how wonderful it is, it's all here at this moment.

Without any nonsense, Allen continued: "Now! The result is here. I don't like more nonsense. Although Captain Lockes said he was dead! But ah! This war is not over at all Woolen cloth!"



Echoing Alan's figure was deafening roars, and even more deafening roars. With these crazy roars and roars, everyone's atmosphere seemed to be becoming more and more different !


"It's troublesome!"

Zhan Guo's face was very ugly, he stood up step by step, looking at the scene in front of him, his expression was extremely ugly, he knew that the next thing would be extremely troublesome, originally!With the death of Rocks, everything that follows will be different. Normally, this is the most normal thing.

With Lockes' death, the Lockes Pirates should have come to an end like this. This is the truly normal result!only!Everything in front of me tells everyone that the fact is not the case at all, or!The next result will be a completely different thing!

Originally, they should have been destroyed directly!Or!The result of this war should not simply be to defeat Lockes, but the others!They should all be disposed of, and now?This is already very different!Everyone else has already lost.


Now they are following Allen's change, everyone's courage has become completely different, and their amazing strength is fully displayed. Under such circumstances, the spirit that was originally extinguished burst out again in an instant.

at this point!

It is the most important thing. If a person loses his original courage, then of course the result is the simplest thing, and now? !

It is completely different, as their courage is shown again, this battlefield that should be called a massacre after the death of Rocks has become completely different, because of this!Everything that followed was completely different!


Zhan Guo's face was pale, and his expression was extremely ugly. He shook his head helplessly, looked at the crane beside him and said, "Ah, what will happen next, but the upcoming battlefield, it seems that it will be extremely troublesome!"


Crane nodded, and said calmly: "It is indeed troublesome. The damage on our side seems to be very huge. If it continues! It will be troublesome!"


Zhan Guo also nodded, and said seriously: "If it continues! Then the next result will be completely different. This war..."

Zhan Guo's face was extremely ugly, but he said in a low voice: "Actually! We have already lost!"


Just like the Warring States said, they have already been defeated. Their so-called United Army, with the death of Rocks, has actually been destroyed in the end. If it continues?Then the result is simply impossible.

It's still easy to talk about their three armies, superpowers, and dark emperors!But what about pirates?

That is simply impossible!The strength of the pirates has become a completely different result. If it continues, the price paid will be completely different.

Put it another way!

When facing Rocks, Pirates can join forces with you, but what about now?That is simply impossible!

Anyone who is not an idiot knows that with Lockes' death, then!Next, even if Alan inherits the captain of the Rocks Pirates, the result is still beyond doubt!After the Rocks Pirates ended with the war in the Valley of the Gods, it will still end.

This is where it ends without a doubt!


Before that, the Rocks Pirates will still exist here, and what Sengoku and others want to do is to destroy the entire Rocks Pirates. If their courage becomes extremely weak, Then it's okay to say!But!What is the result at this moment?

This is already very different!Originally, everything that these people had lost was taken back again, and the next result was different!


Taking a deep breath, Zhan Guo shook his head and said, "Let's take a look! This war cannot continue!"

Warring States knows that among all the people who still exist, his status is the highest, if this is the case!Then you can only speak by yourself, this war cannot continue, if it continues, it will be the most troublesome thing.


"I can't hold on anymore..."

Garp's consciousness has begun to gradually blur, and he really can't hold on any longer. If he continues, he will pass out directly.


Now the spirit of the Rocks Pirates is so terrifying, and if Garp falls, then the changes on his side will be completely different, in other words!When that time comes, what will the result be?

This situation is really troublesome!Because of this, the situation of the Rocks Pirates is very clear, and everything that follows is completely different.

Karp supported his body forcibly, he knew that he would never fall down, no matter what!I absolutely can't fall down!


Garp has really reached his limit, even if he wants to support himself, in fact!I can't hold on anymore!


At the moment Garp was about to fall, Zefa stood beside Garp, and said with a touch of ridicule: "Garp! You guy, but be careful, you can't fall down, If it falls down, it will be very troublesome!"


Garp shook his head, looking very weak. He leaned on Zefa and said weakly: "Zefa, I will trouble you next!"


Zefa nodded, of course he knew what Karp meant, next!Karp absolutely cannot fall down, and it is Zefa who supports Karp.

Right now!

The atmosphere has become completely different, and everyone is very clear that the atmosphere between each other has become completely different, what will be the next result?In fact, it is beyond doubt!Even say!If it is not handled well, what will be the result.

"It's really a headache!"

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