They finally reached this step, the Rocks Pirates were completely destroyed, next!It will be a brand new era, a brand new era in the true sense, and this is the era that everyone is most looking forward to!


With this crazy roar, and even more so with this ferocious laughter, they seemed to be insane. There was only endless madness in everyone's eyes, and a new era was about to begin.


Breathing out a mouthful of thick smoke, Allen looked at the completely chaotic Lockes Pirates in front of him, just smiled and shook his head, but didn't say much.

"Brother Allen!"



"I'm leaving!"


One by one the pirates are gradually leaving, they all have different smiles, and all of them are carefree.



Following the churning pirate ship, the pirates seemed to have left at the same time. For them, everything in the past is no longer important, and everything about the Rocks Pirates is also indifferent.

just now!

This is a truly brand-new era, a truly brand-new era, and each of them has their own ambitions, and everyone wants to show their own edge in this brand-new era.

They are already ready!




Allen stood at the bow, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a casual look in his eyes, indifferent!calm!I don't care about everything in front of me at all, at least, for me, their departure means leaving.

This is nothing more than a matter of indifference. The Rocks Pirates came to an end here, not only their inner thoughts, but also their own thoughts. This is everyone's thoughts.

after all!

For anyone, what they want is their own era, not an era that belongs to Rocks, even if!This era of Rocks still bears the imprint of each of them, and each of them has left a strong mark, but even so, they don't want it to be like this, what they hope is to fight hard by themselves, Go crazy.

Even if it is the final failure, but!They still don't care anymore, so what if they fail?This is nothing at all!At least, that's the case for them, they don't care about the times at all, even if they die, they would rather suffer such a failure, this is their heart!



Watching the departure of the pirate ships one after another, and the Rocks pirate group, which was close to 15 in number, came and went, and there was nothing left. Allen set his sights on the others. Casually said: "The rest are you guys? What do you think?"

Shi Ke, Baloric, Lingling, Wang Zhi, John, Silver Axe!

Now there are only these six pirates and a large number of followers and six pirates, other than that? !Everyone else has already left, everyone is gearing up and seems to be ready, waiting for what will happen next.

"Jie ha ha ha ha~~~"

"A new era!"


Shi Ji suddenly laughed boldly, like a tyrannical lion king, he clenched his fist with one hand, his eyes were full of pride, and said sharply; "I am very concerned about the next era. I'm looking forward to it! You guys, you have to prepare for me."


There is no wind, it floats up slowly automatically, and with Shiji's movements, almost [-]% of the remaining pirates are followers floating up, and a hideous smile emerges, Shiji is condescending. Looking at everyone, a proud smile appeared on his face.

Shiji said domineeringly: "Alan! In my opinion, you are the only one who is suitable as my opponent. You are ready for me! I don't want you to directly fight against me in this new era. Just lost."



Allen waved his hand casually, as if he didn't care at all, and said calmly; "I don't have anything to say, no matter how you say it! I am also a former captain. According to the current words, I just wish you Good Luck!"


"Jie ha ha ha ha~~~"

As Allen was talking, he couldn't help laughing out loud, and Shi Ke's followers also laughed out loud. For a moment, the two laughed as if they were crazy, and looked at each other. Glancing at each other, they shook their heads in unison.

I didn't continue to say anything, because there was no need at all, and it was completely enough so far.


Turning around, Shi Ji didn't say any words, but just took his own pirate ship and was already floating towards the horizon, as if everything came to an end here.

And Allen just quietly watched the back of Shi Ke leaving, this era!It is a truly brand-new era. Under the circumstances of my butterfly change, this is an era of gathering heroes, and this is an era of crazy heroes.

in this era!

What will be the next result?No one knows!Even I don't know, but!What Allen is most sure of is that no matter who the opponent is, but himself!Absolutely the one standing at the top, this is my absolute self-confidence, no matter what time it is, absolute self-confidence!


A smile emerged, Allen didn't say anything, but just set his eyes on everyone else.



Baloric came over one by one, and he said calmly: "Alan! Let's put our battle in the future, don't let the curtain fall like this, otherwise! It will make people very upset Disappointed!"


Allen said with a sassy smile: "Baloric! You'd better pay attention to yourself, I won't fail! But you, don't accidentally die, or..."

"Don't accidentally run into Jinjin City. If this is the case, it will make people feel very boring."


Baloric snorted lightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said casually: "Don't talk nonsense! This kind of thing will never happen to me, Alan, no matter what it is, goodbye, the next time we meet When the time comes, we will truly decide the winner!"


The bat's wings spread out, and Baloric's figure soared into the sky in an instant and left.

As Baloric left, Allen just shook his head indifferently, but didn't bother to say anything.

at the same time!


Lingling laughed loudly and said, "Alan, do you really not intend to become my wife's husband? Combining your blood and mine, you will definitely be able to give birth to the most outstanding child!"

Allen looked at Lingling, shook his head unceremoniously and said, "Lingling, forget it! I'm not interested in marrying you, it's boring!"

"It's really boring!"

Lingling also didn't say anything, it was not the first time she invited her, but unfortunately, Alan never agreed.

Undeniably said!

Lingling was really beautiful when she was young, now Lingling is only 30 years old, she is really very beautiful, even to say the least!Lingling in this era is even called the most beautiful woman in the world, but unfortunately, Allen is really not very interested in a Neptune like Lingling.


Allen just wasn't interested at all, just kidding, could he find a Neptune himself?That's just like a joke!

Undeniably said!

As a demon, eh!To be honest, Allen is indeed a demon. He pursues power, power, and money, and he is also pursuing beauty, after all!This is a man's desire, and if this is the case, then there is nothing strange about it, and under such circumstances, what will be the next result?

No matter what!

The women Allen wants to choose will be extremely perfect women, even!Maybe it's the woman who can achieve the best, and that's why!Alan is not interested in everything about other people at all, but for a woman like Lingling?Feel sorry!I really don't have any interest.



Such familiar laughter was left behind, and Lingling, the driver of the pirate ship, also left slowly, not at a slow speed, even to say the least!The speed was very fast, and as Lingling left, Alan narrowed his eyes slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end.

With the departure of Shiji, Baloric, and Lingling, only Wang Zhi, John, and Silver Ax are left!

even though!

The three of them are all in an alliance, but they also have their own ambitions. They also want to build an era of their own. This is the most important thing. Because of this, the three of them are also very calm. They are going to part ways left.


Silver Ax looked at Allen, and said with hatred in his eyes; "Allen! You bastard, when we meet next time, I will never show mercy. I will kill you!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·



Hearing what Silver Ax said, Allen let out an interesting laugh, and said with a heroic smile: "No problem! No problem! Silver Ax, but! You'd better remember, wait until the next time, But it’s not the time for the Rocks Pirates, at that time, if you lose again, you will be dead.”


Silver Ax also laughed loudly, and said proudly: "I won't lose any more!"

Leaving such a passage, turning around, the pirate ship under the driver of the silver ax also left, and John said carelessly: "It's really exciting! Such a new era! However, Forget it, no matter what it is, I think it's quite interesting!"




He also waved his hands casually at John, but Allen was very indifferent and calm, even full of endless indifference, which was not an important thing at all.

With John's departure, the only person left in the end is Wang Zhi.

Short time!

All the people left, only Wang Zhi himself was left, and Wang Zhi said casually: "Alan, to be honest! If we can cooperate, I want to grow into the apex of this world in the future, but It's a matter of course!"


Allen was taken aback, and then said casually: "Wang Zhi, if you have an idea, you can join our brothers! Our brothers don't care, it's all trivial anyway!"

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