Charlotte Katakuri.

He looked at the man in front of him, but looked away, with a very calm expression, thinking secretly: "The next step! It is to rule the entire Totland area thoroughly! Very good, let me take a look." Already, does the Totland area have qualified opponents!"

A scarlet light flashed across his eyes. Although Katakuri was not very old, his domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge had been fully reflected, which was very outstanding!




Walking slowly on the road, Wang Zhi was very indifferent to the corpses in front of him, it was just a piece of cake, what he had seen before was not terrifying compared to these?

It can be said!

Wang Zhi didn't pay much attention to these things at all, he just walked to the depths quietly, looked at the devil fruit in front of him, and there was a look of greed in his eyes, and he murmured: "It's all this devil fruit. As long as you have this devil fruit, it is the owner's power to fight against those monsters."



Wang Zhi ate this devil fruit without any hesitation.

to be frank!

Wang Zhi is a very smart person, and it is precisely because he is very smart that he can see very clearly that compared to monsters such as Allen, Newgate, Shi Ke, and Baloric, he is actually There is a gap, and this gap is very obvious now, and it will only become more and more obvious as time goes by.


I am not the opponent's fall at all, this is the only result, because of this!Wang Zhi is not willing to do this, he is a smart person, but also an ambitious person, how could he be willing to give up everything like this?

This is absolutely impossible!Under such circumstances, Wang Zhi has also chosen what he should do. He knows that if he wants to achieve the level of comparison with these monsters, then there is only one best way, and that is through the devil fruit!

And this devil fruit is the best choice.

"The entire Wufeng pirate group has suffered more than [-]% damage, this devil fruit is finally in hand!"




The pirate ship galloped across the sea, and anyone who looked at the pirate flag knew which pirate group this was.

John Pirates!

This is John's pirate group that once belonged to one of the cadres of the Rocks Pirates. With the disbandment of the Rocks Pirates, he formed his own John Pirates.

just now!

Standing at the bow of the boat, holding a pirate knife, John shouted loudly: "Little ones! Chase! Chase! Kill all these guys in front of you! All the treasures belong to us!"

"Oh hoo!"

The pirates who follow John are roaring crazily, in fact!Don't look at John's drunken look a lot of the time, but!John wasn't one to get drunk and drop everything.

Just the opposite!

John is a very crazy person, even a very terrifying person. His ambition is full of greed and madness, and so are the people who follow John.

Right now!

They aimed at this pirate ship and the other party's pirate group without any hesitation at all, they just wanted to kill the other party directly!

"Kill me!"


John jumped up immediately, with only greedy eyes flashing in his eyes, his eyes flashed with terrifying killing intent and filled with endless madness, this guy left the Rocks Pirates, so to speak!One's own nature and heart were completely released, the endless madness and greed.



One after another roars resounded, even roaring endlessly.

The battle is still going on!




"Is this the only strength you have?"

"Stop it!"

"You still want to arrest me with such strength? It's like a joke! At least it must be a guy like Sengoku or Garp?"

Roger threw aside the navy in his hand, but shook his head indifferently, not paying attention to these guys at all, they are too weak!too weak!It's just worthless garbage!

even though!

These navies worked very hard, but their strength was not at the same level as that of the Roger Pirates. Facing such an opponent, naturally, it was easy to deal with it!From the beginning to the end, it is not a level....



Dispose of all the navy casually, and everyone in the Roger Pirates returned to their own pirate ship, at this moment!Although only three months have passed since the Valley of the Gods War, if you look closely, you will find that the number of Roger Pirates has increased a lot, and there is even a red-haired child.


Roger laughed casually and said: "These guys are really too weak, right? They don't look worth mentioning at all! It's really meaningless! Compared with these guys, I'm more interested in other people !"


Lei Li also pushed his glasses, and said: "But! Roger, I guess the navy has no time to take care of you these days!"

"What happened to the Navy?"

Roger tilted his head strangely, he didn't care about being chased by the navy!

After the Valley of the Gods War, Roger did not belong to the Rocks Pirates. Not only that, but Roger was the one who defeated Lockes with Karp. For others, they are not like Allen. What the hell is going on, and why.

The navy attaches great importance to Roger, even to say the least!Except for the three brothers Edward, they are the most important people, and they have already surpassed Shi Ke and others.

Under such circumstances, during the past three months, the navy has not stopped chasing the Roger Pirates, for this!Roger didn't think it mattered. Under such a high-intensity battle, his strength improved very quickly!

Indeed it is!

There are two types of promotion for pirates, one is hard training, after a day of hard training, one's strength has been greatly improved, and the other one?Then it is very simple!

That is after a series of bloody battles. Under such circumstances, one's own strength will be greatly improved. This is actually the case for everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates. They have become stronger and stronger in bloody battles. Strong, usually there is training, a combination of the two.

As for the Roger Pirates, they don't care about such a situation. Since they have come to the new world, since they have already stepped into this step!Actually, for everything that comes next?They just don't care about it at all!


The entire Roger Pirates just didn't pay attention to these, they just continued to become stronger under such circumstances.

Raleigh explained: "In the recent period, the navy will determine the new admiral and the three admirals of the navy. If there is no accident! There should be no time for 4.3 to take care of you."

"So it is!"

Roger nodded carelessly and said: "But! It's nothing to worry about. No matter what it is, it's just a small matter anyway. Let's just watch quietly and see what happens next!"


Lei Li casually smiled and said: "Sure enough! This is your character, Roger! However, it is indeed the case, anyway, it is not a big deal, and we will continue to watch it. No matter what it is, for us Speaking of it, it’s very interesting to go step by step!”


With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Roger is very interesting!He has a strong ambition now, and he also wants to become a real overlord-level pirate group in this world.


Pirates in this era go to sea with such ambitions. This is beyond doubt, and there is no need to doubt it. Only in the future, because of the opening of the era of great pirates!As a result, there have been a large number of pirates like those adventurers.

Of course!

Such pirates are also very rare, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are even rare, no joke!The number of these pirates is too rare, and even the Straw Hat Pirates are not complete adventurers, they are also pirates.

Still the same sentence, the world is as black as crows, no one should laugh at anyone!This is something that doesn't matter at all.

And just like the Roger in front of him, he is a person who can attack a country for his companions. From this, it can be seen that, don't think so beautifully!

Every pirate in this sea is a group of real lunatics, and the era of this new world, with the destruction of the Rocks Pirates, has completely gone berserk!

PS: 5000 word chapter!Daily six changes!The second update!Please subscribe!Please customize!Ask for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!Ask for an evaluation! ! ! .

Chapter 147: The new admiral or the three generals

In such an era of rampage, it is natural for the Navy to deal with all this in the shortest possible time.


Roger rubbed his chin, feeling very strange: "Where are the three guys, Allen, Newgate, and Kaido? It's really strange! These three guys seem to have disappeared!"


Listening to this, Raleigh, Jabba and others all nodded.

The Valley of the Gods War is over!

The Rocks Pirates are disbanded!

up until now!

Three months have passed, and during these three months, everyone felt that the three Edward brothers should really replace the Lockes Pirates and become an almost invincible pirate Pirates.

after all!

The strength of the three Edward brothers is really there, but!As a result, some problems appeared, and the three Edward brothers disappeared, just like that!As if it had never appeared before, this is the most strange thing, where did the three brothers go?

No one knows!

Even though almost all parties are looking for it, the three brothers cannot be found at all, but!The more so, the more dignified it is.

The reason is very simple!

But anyone who is not an idiot knows that these three brothers are real monsters, and each guy's heart is filled with absolute terror and madness. They have no intention of showing mercy, and in such a situation under the circumstances.

The more the brothers didn't show up, the more dignified everyone was. No one knew where the three brothers went!Similarly, everyone looked solemn, they didn't want these three brothers to appear suddenly!

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