This is also the prestige brought by Karp who doesn't care about everything, so to speak!Garp's heart is very sharp, and he doesn't care about these at all, and it is precisely because of this indifference that Garp is very calm.

In fact, in the original book, didn't the five old stars take precautions against Karp?actually!Seriously, the Five Old Stars guard against Sengoku and Sakaski, but the only person who doesn't guard against it is Karp!

The man Garp and Roger teamed up to kill Lockes, capture Roger, and then!Regardless of whether it's big or small military exploits, or everything else, or even unwillingness to become a general, the five old stars have actually seen it!

Karp is a person who doesn't care about these things at all, and Karp is a person who enforces his own inner justice. Why is the East China Sea the weakest sea area?It's easy!Karp always goes home to have a look, then Donghai is just like this bear!

This is why Long became the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and Luffy was the new generation of Joey Boy, and even under such circumstances, Garp still had nothing to do.

Wu Laoxing even expressed emotion: As expected of Garp's grandson, having such qualifications is a matter of course.

This is actually Wu Laoxing's trust in Karp. He is a person who enforces justice, and is also a person who really leaves everything in the navy. You don't need to be on guard against such a person, of course!It's just a matter of telling him not to move. Karp has his own justice, and he won't listen to Wulaoxing's messy orders.


Wu Laoxing doesn't care, this is a special kind of trust!



Roll with the waves!Soon, the ten battleships all stopped at a distance of hundreds of meters from the Moby Dick, but when the distance became closer, it was possible to feel more clearly what an astonishing colossus it was !It's too huge, and it's too terrifying. It really makes people feel emotional from the heart!

"Three brothers Edward!"

Sengoku looked deeply at the three people standing on the whale head of the Moby Dick at this moment.

Allen, Newgate, Kaido!


Allen laughed and said: "Warring States! We met again. Counting the time, we haven't seen each other for almost five months! Shouldn't it be called a long time no see! Besides, you guy, you even brought With so many people here, is it (.) planning to start a war with Lao Tzu?!"

The corner of Allen's mouth was grinning, flickering with horror, and he had a ferocious expression. The smile was very scary and crazy, with an interesting expression, just like this, he looked at Zhan Guo and others below.


Warring States looked at Allen, didn't even mean to speak, just looked at the Moby Dick, shook his head and said: "It's really a huge pirate ship, what a pity! Such a pirate group is going to fall today Here it is!"


Allen was silent, looking at Zhan Guo's deliberate look, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

"Goo la la la~"


Both Newgate and Kaido couldn't help laughing.

Newgate supported Kaido's shoulders, and complained: "Brother! Look, Sengoku doesn't even care about you! He doesn't even mean to listen to you, can you bear it? No! No! If I You absolutely can't bear it, fuck him! You must kill him! You must kill him!"

"That's right!"

"That's right!"

Kaido also immediately nodded and said: "Brother! I agree with the second brother. As for the bastard of the Warring States Period, this is too annoying! He must be killed! Today, right here, kill him directly!"


Listening to the two bastards around him fanning the ghostly fire, Allen couldn't help shaking his head, especially when he looked at the corner of Zhan Guo's faint smile, but he understood something, put his hands in his pockets, and said interestingly: "Zhan Guo , Very interesting! Although I dare not say that I have guessed all of your thoughts, I have guessed almost all of them! You guy, you are really a lunatic! Smart general? No! I think, you guy It's a lunatic!"


Warring States was taken aback, then shook his head and said: "Alan! What are you talking about? Today, the Navy has only one purpose, and that is to defeat and imprison your Whitebeard Pirates. Apart from that! Everything else is absolutely nothing. It's pointless!"


Allen pouted, not bothering to pay attention to this guy in the Warring States Period.

And Kaido came over and asked curiously; "Brother! What is this Sengoku guy thinking?"

Karp also leaned over and asked, "Warring States, do you have any other ideas?"


this moment!

Both Alan and Zhan Guo were silent, thinking of throwing away the idiots around them, how could they have such a younger brother?teammate?what!

The two silently looked at the people around them, they really didn't bother to pay attention to the two guys around them, they had problems with their heads.


Allen and Sengoku squeezed the word out of their teeth in a very tacit understanding.


Garp and Kaido silently stepped aside.


Although it looks like he is messing around, Allen has already seen that there is definitely something wrong with the idea of ​​the Warring States Period!At the very least, Warring States is definitely not simply because they want to start a war with themselves!No kidding, Warring States definitely has other ideas, this is absolutely beyond doubt.


Squinting his eyes slightly, a sharp light appeared in Alan's eyes, and he said secretly: "Warring States! What are you trying to do, you guy? It is absolutely impossible to do such a thing according to your personality. Crazy move!"

That's right!

What exactly do you want to do for the Warring States?In fact, Allen didn't know at all!Nonsense, I am not a person who specializes in playing with my mind, if it is really so easy to guess, it would be a strange thing!Allen really didn't know at all.

Because of this, or rather!Under such circumstances, I just blew up Zhan Guo just now, and it turned out that there were some problems with the pig teammates around me, and Zhan Guo just didn't care, he was very calm, watching quietly Allen's expression was filled with indifference.

Zhan Guo secretly said: "Sure enough! This guy Alan didn't guess what I wanted to do, but! According to Alan's character, the next thing should not be too careless, otherwise! The ghost knows this lunatic What kind of thing will it do?"


For others, Warring States doesn't really care much, but!For Alan, a lunatic, Warring States felt a headache instead, there was no way!Because he's a lunatic, and what's your idea of ​​a lunatic who doesn't know what to do?


Stop it!

This is like a joke, what do you think a lunatic might do?It turns out it is!A lunatic, no matter what kind of thing he does, is not a strange thing. He may do anything, even any crazy thing.

This is a madman!This is something you have to admit.


Breathing out a mouthful of thick smoke, Allen couldn't guess what the Warring States was thinking, but!It just doesn't matter, anyway, I am not a person who is particularly good at this matter, for these, it really doesn't matter, I don't take these things seriously at all.


"Warring States!"

"You guy, what exactly do you want to do? Start a war? If you want to start a war, hurry up, I don't intend to waste so much nonsense with you!"

Allen was really bored looking at the Warring States Period, it was really meaningless.

Warring States, on the other hand, said very calmly: "Alan, you'd better be obedient and capture you! The Great Route is the territory of the Navy, and I will not let you escape. For the Navy, arresting you is just the simplest thing." That's all!"


Right now!

The people who watched this battle were a little confused, they looked at the Warring States in astonishment, they couldn't imagine it!This sentence turned out to be spoken by the Warring States, who is the Warring States?That's the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!



Warring States is a man known as a wise general. This man is the most outstanding man among the generals of the Navy Headquarters, and he can be said to have the highest IQ!Is it really confusing to say such a thing?what does it mean!

Zhanhui would say such a thing?And it's against the lunatic Allen?Is this a joke?This is Allen!

Edward Allen!

A real lunatic on the sea, this is the guy who the three brothers dared to attack the Kingdom of Adam, and then snatched away one of the three treasure trees Adam!Do you think such a guy would surrender?This is just like a joke, okay?It's just like a joke!


At this moment, the Warring States actually said such a thing?

I'm afraid there is something wrong with the head of this Warring States period?


Although many people are thinking so, but!Some smart people are thinking carefully, thinking about something a little bit, and have gradually considered it. They seem to be thinking about what may happen next, thinking about this matter in their hearts, thinking carefully, What will happen if it continues.


"What exactly does that mean?"


Some people are thinking, they are not idiots, but because they are smart people, so!They were keenly aware that something was wrong!This is not something that a man like Warring States would do. It is impossible for this man to do such an idiotic thing. Under such circumstances, what is the result?

This is the most important thing!

This is also the strangest thing everyone thinks!It is even said that everyone thinks it is the weirdest thing, this situation is very strange!Is it a bit too weird?

"The Warring States of Buddha!"

"It's impossible for him to say such idiotic words! This man must have other ideas, just! What is this idea?"

"I can't guess it, but I'm sure! This man still has other ideas!"


Everyone is thinking in their hearts, although they feel very strange, but!It is true that there are more, but it is not particularly clear, and I am a little bit confused about what happened. This is a very strange thing!And it's a very weird thing!

A lot of people!

At this moment, there is really a very strange thing in the observer's battlefield. Everyone thinks it is very outrageous, even very weird. Under such circumstances, the next thing is very interesting!

Or!While everyone felt strange, they also found it very interesting, this man!What exactly do you want to do, or in other words!What was he thinking?

This is the most fundamental and core thing!

The idea of ​​the Warring States Period is very strange, and it is also something that everyone finds interesting.


The expression of the Warring States period is gradually dignified, he knows it!It's very strange for me to say such words, but I have to do it, say that!Otherwise, I always feel that it is a very strange thing.


Sighing slightly, Alan said very boringly: "Warring States! Although I really didn't guess what you wanted to do! However, I probably guessed it too. You must have something Other ideas are fine! Really! It’s just boring, forget it! Forget it!”

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