
Suddenly there was a voice, and Alan's expression was very calm, filled with endless indifference, just looking indifferently at the three people who were gradually approaching.

Wang Zhi!


Silver Axe!

Right now!

When we met again, there was no taunting, and even seemed very calm. The silver ax swept over everyone one by one, and said indifferently; "Alan, these guys are really an eyesore! Such guys , there is no need to live at all!"

"Bastard! You are a piece of trash that can have your limbs cut off, you have the right to be here..."


A cold light flashed across, and the movement of the silver ax was very fierce, it can be said!Without any intention of showing any mercy, that indifferent blow seemed to destroy everything directly. He turned his head and said coldly, "Is this the only power? Don't be too presumptuous! I never put it in my eyes." .”

The pirate's head fell off in an instant.

But Silver Ax didn't put him in his eyes at all, but swept over everyone present one by one, his eyes filled with casual look, he walked to the center of Hachinos step by step, looked at the dust in front of him, Then said: "Is this the last thing Krill left?"


Newgate nodded, and said indifferently: "This is all that Creel left behind, but! It doesn't matter. What Creel has done is enough. There is no one who can do this. Disgraceful."


Regarding Newgate's words, Silver Ax also nodded quietly, he just glanced at Allen, then quietly walked aside, next!There are still some people who haven't arrived, so they just need to wait quietly.



In fact, something has gradually become wrong, and it has even become very strange. Anyone who is not an idiot can feel it. This feeling has gradually become more and more strange, even more and more terrifying!Because of this, the situation of Hachinos has become very strange now.



John gulped down the fine wine in the glass, he looked drunk but looked around, but said very boringly; "Honestly! You guys are really annoying! But , Forget it, let you guys live for a while! After all, the next battle is just the beginning."



John took out a bottle of wine and continued to drink calmly, as if he didn't pay attention to these guys at all.


With the arrival of John, Wang Zhi, and Silver Axe, the remnants of the Rocks Pirates have gathered here one by one. With the destruction of the Rocks Pirates, everything seems to be different up.

And under such circumstances?What is the result!In fact, anyone with a little brain is very clear that the people who are gathering in Hutchinos now, even though they say it!

Scary pirates gathered from all directions, after all!This is the treasure of the Rocks Pirates, of course they are crazy!However, on this island, not all are a group of crazy young people, there are also some very understanding old people, and they are very clear about what the next result will be, or even say!What will happen next.


"It's troublesome!"

They were thinking secretly in their hearts, but they shook their heads helplessly, because!Things have come to this point, no one can change, or say!Anyone can stop things now.

Of course!

If they were given another chance, they would still come here!Just kidding, this is the treasure of Rocks D. Gebeck!Once [-]% of the treasure of the Rocks Pirates, if such a treasure can be obtained, what will be the next result?

This is something that is absolutely beyond doubt!They will never change!


Brushing his beard, Wang Zhi said indifferently: "Alan, it seems that the next thing is getting more and more interesting!"


Allen just nodded indifferently, looked at Wang Zhi, and said calmly; "It seems that you are ready?"


Wang Zhi nodded and said: "Everything that should be prepared has been prepared, basically there will be no problems, there is no doubt about this."


Allen showed an indifferent smile, but said interestingly; "The next thing! I think it's quite interesting, just right! Let me see what the next result is."

An indifferent killing intent emerged, and Wang Zhi's expression was also filled with endless indifference, this terrifying killing intent emerged, actually!Everything has been proved, or it has been proved, what will be the next result.


That's the most terrifying thing, isn't it?after all!For a lunatic like Allen, his madness and terror are always the most terrifying!This is something that absolutely does not need to be denied!

PS: 5000 word chapter!Daily six changes!Fifth update!Please subscribe!Please customize!Ask for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!Ask for an evaluation! ! ! .

Chapter 180: Alan: Roger, you better get out of here!

"Jie ha ha ha ha~~~"

And with this weird laughter, Shi Ji's figure emerged in the sky, he looked down at Hachinos below, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said ferociously: "Long time no see! A You bastards!"


Allen raised his head and greeted casually: "Shiji, you guy, you lost very miserably! Facing that old immortal, you are really miserable enough!"


Listening to Allen's words, everyone was stunned, and didn't realize what was going on for a while.

Allen explained casually: "You obviously don't know very well that Adam in the Kingdom of Adam is a created man-made man, and deep in the Kingdom of Adam there is an old immortal who has a soul-like devil fruit ability. He has recovered his body, even though it is said! The strength he displayed is almost the same as that of the former Admiral Simon of the Navy, but ah! Shiji, it is enough for you, a lion, to be alive, but you were beaten into a kitten."


Listening to Allen's explanation, basically anyone who is not an idiot knows what's going on, even though!Sounds very magical, but!Indeed, in this world, there are too many magical things, and this is something you really have to admit.

Above this world!All kinds of magical things, especially because of the specificity of devil fruit, can be said!There are quite a lot of people who can unleash the power of devil fruit.


Shi Ji squinted his eyes and said interestingly: "I see! No wonder, I feel that the Adam I fought with is not the same as you."

Allen said casually: "What I can do, you, a kitten, can also do it? It's really arrogant! Are you an idiot?"


Hearing Alan's unhesitating words, Shiji's face was also stiff, but the next moment, Shiji seemed to not care at all, and said casually: "It doesn't matter! I am not special about these things. care."


"If you lose, you lose. The root cause of everything is because I'm not strong enough."

"next time!"

"As long as I'm strong enough, then it's enough. At that time! Once I regain my face, it's over!"

Skee is very casual, apparently!Although it was a failure.


Such a failure can crush Shiji?no kidding!This is absolutely impossible. If it is a man called the Golden Lion, it would be the strangest thing to be crushed just because of such a failure!

Undeniably said!

Shiji's will is a very firm person, and has always been!Shiji's willpower is very terrifying, even very terrifying!

It can be seen from the original book that during the naval battle of Ait Wall, Shi Ke held the rudder on his head, and the result!Affecting my three-color domineering, at the back, I lost my legs, and was defeated by Luffy!


Even so, under the circumstances again and again, Shi Ji would still stand up firmly. For this man, even though he would fail!However, he will never be defeated by failure, after all!This man is Shi Ke!If it is defeated by failure, it is also a very shameful thing.


"It doesn't matter."

Allen said casually: "For you, it's not a big deal at all. Your flying pirates had huge problems. Now that they are destroyed, it's not a bad thing! By the way, are you interested in telling me? Be a younger brother? If you join the Whitebeard Pirates, I can consider giving you the fourth place, what do you think?!"


Listening to Allen's words, the corners of Shi Ji's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help complaining; "You bastard! But I really like to say such things! Don't worry, no matter what happens, I won't Looking for you bastard!"

Allen shrugged and said, "It's really a pity, but I think it would be appropriate for you to join the Whitebeard Pirates as Lao Tzu. Isn't the title Jin Lao Si very suitable?"


"Goo la la la~"


Listening to Allen's words, everyone present couldn't help laughing.


With the laughter of this familiar crazy woman, everyone knew that the last member of the Rocks Pirates had arrived!And who is this person?In fact, it is self-evident!

Charlotte Lingling!

Big Mom!

Captain of the Big Mom Pirates!


Queen of All Kingdoms Totland!

That's right!

At this time, Lingling has formed her own Wan Guo Totland!And Lingling walked over with Napoleon on her shoulder step by step, and said with sharp eyes: "Get out of my way! You rubbish, how dare you make trouble here?!"



The scorching heat wave and the turbulent thunder directly killed a large number of pirates, forcing these pirates who originally planned to bet on the intersection to get out of the way, and it is impossible not to get out of the way, after all!This situation is very clear to anyone who is not an idiot.


Allen looked at Lingling who was walking step by step, and said casually; "So! It seems that the last person has also arrived."

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