"Speak up!"

"The abilities of the two of you are basically the same. Judging by the appearance of Kozuki Momonosuke, he should be in his 30s. If there are no accidents! This kid's ability has been developed quite well."

Allen keenly discovered the problem!Very interesting!These guys actually displayed the devil fruit in every aspect!In other words, these guys are able to summon people from different time points to this era, which is very interesting!

"But ah!"

"This is more interesting to Lao Tzu!"


Allen had a funny smile, but he thought it was very interesting!It's not a joke, but it's really very interesting!Whether from the past or the future, or even say!Even if it is to resurrect Captain Lockes again, or to summon that mysterious guy Im!

It doesn't matter!At the very least, for Allen, he really doesn't care at all, and doesn't take it seriously at all!Completely, it's just something that doesn't make any sense at all!I don't take all this seriously at all?You want trouble!Then I will be here waiting for your arrival!


Before you come to the door, you'd better think about whether your own strength is enough!If you don't have enough strength, if you dare to come to your door, then don't blame me for being rude!

This is Allen's character, no matter what opponent?It doesn't matter!I really don't care at all, Allen thinks this way about all this, I really don't care what may happen next, even say!It is not an exaggeration to call it indifferent, even to say!It should be called more appropriate.

The reason is very simple!

Allen has only one goal, and that is to be the strongest, if that is the case!So what do you think about so much?No need to think about it!No matter who your opponent is, you just need to defeat the opponent, this is your goal, this is your own strength, defeating all opponents, this is completely enough!Everything else is meaningless!


Breathing out a mouthful of thick smoke, Alan withdrew his gaze from Kozuki Momonosuke's body, although he said!It is undeniable that Kozuki Momonosuke has grown up, but ah!He is still a waste, that's beyond doubt.

Kozuki Momonosuke is a trash alone, if the youngest can't defeat such trash and trash, this is the most strange thing!Stop making trouble, this is simply impossible!Because, this is the third child!My brother, how could he not be able to defeat such rubbish, this is absolutely!absolute!absolute!Impossible things, there is no doubt, there is no need to doubt at all.





Kaido looked at Kozuki Momonosuke interestingly, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said ferociously; "You seem to have good strength! Just let me see what your strength is. If you If it is too weak, then I will find it very boring!"


The corner of his mouth grinned, and Kaido was like an evil ghost, carrying his own mace, but his whole body turned into an afterimage.

"Thundering gossip!"

"Heavenly Feather Slash!"


The two figures passed by in an instant, Kaido and Kozuki Momonosuke collided at an extremely fast speed, one was waving the mace in his hand quickly, while the other was waving it at an astonishing speed. Under the extremely strong offensive of the knife, the attack of the two was extremely terrifying.


The surrounding ground exploded in an instant, and Kaido said interestingly: "Overlord-like arrogance, you trash kid actually has overlord-like arrogance! It really makes me feel interesting!"

Squinting his eyes sharply, it is undeniable that Kaido did not expect that Kozuki Momonosuke actually had the domineering aura!You must know that domineering domineering needs to have the power to have the courage to surpass a million people. If you don't even have such courage, it is just a meaningless thing!


I could see it at first glance, although Kozuki Momonosuke has amazing strength!However, his essence is a waste!That's right, Kozuki Momonosuke's essence is just garbage!This is something absolutely indisputable, even said!There is no need to doubt the root cause at all.


This is a very important thing, Kaido did not expect that Kozuki Momonosuke actually possesses the arrogance of the overlord, although it has not reached the level of the entanglement of the overlord.

"I'm the general of Wano Country, don't look down on me!"



"Bad wind!"

In an instant, Kozuki Momonosuke opened his mouth, and a terrifying bad wind burst out instantly, and the terrifying gusts of wind came straight to Kaido, and facing the attack of Momonosuke, Kaido was very calm .

"Dragon's Breath!"

boom! ! !

A terrifying shock wave penetrated instantly, don't doubt it!This is Kaido's strength, there is absolutely no doubt about it.


And the two of them looked at each other, and they suddenly soared into the sky at the same time, and the next moment!

Thunderbolt Spicy!


Lightning, thunder, and flames entangled, and in this short period of time, the whole world seemed to have changed, and the two identical giant beasts subdued En Sunrise, and terrifying power emerged. Horrible monsters emerged with flickering terrifying power.



The two divine dragons emerged at the same time, making a deafening roar, that astonishing roar, as if they were going to devour everything!And the speed at which it all exploded was too fast.


Kaido roared up to the sky, and said ferociously: "Momonosuke Kozuki, your ability is exactly the same as that of Lao Tzu! But it doesn't matter, I want to see what your strength is. Since you have the ability similar to Lao Tzu , if you are too embarrassing! But it is also very embarrassing for me!"


"Bad wind!"

When Kaido opened his mouth, a large amount of bad wind spit out directly. The monstrous bad wind seemed to swallow everything up, and directly covered Momonosuke completely.


Faced with Kaido's attack, Kozuki Momonosuke was not afraid at all. Instead, he quickly spun his dragon body, opened his cage mouth at the same time, and spit out horrible bad winds, turning into a tornado, not only Not only swallowed Kaido's power, but also came straight to Kaido.

"This is my power!"

Kozuki Momonosuke let out a deafening roar, and roared: "My name is Kozuki Momonosuke! I am the general of Wano Country, and I will never lose here! No matter at any time , I will perform my duty as the general of the Wano country!"

"Hot breath!"

"Bad wind!"


The two forces were spat out crazily at the same time, and Kozuki Momonosuke's aura increased again and again, as if it had reached an astonishing extreme. This burst of terrifying power is even more impressive. Arrived, Kozuki Momonosuke at this moment is no longer that crybaby!

The eight-year-old Kozuki Momonosuke endured all this. Through the power of the devil fruit, he was raised to the age of 28, and now ten years have passed, and he has reached the age of 38, and now I am already a qualified general!

As the general of the Wano country, Kozuki Momonosuke, as the patron saint of the Wano country, is even more powerful than the owner. This is the man who brought legends to the sea!


These are just legends. In the eyes of Allen, Kaido and others, Kozuki Momosuke?It's still a boring piece of trash!It can't be called not worth mentioning, but it's still too weak, and it doesn't need to be taken seriously at all. Does a guy like this need to be taken too seriously?

Stop it!

It's just like a joke, some people's strength seems to be good!But, that's just the appearance, the real strength is nothing worth mentioning at all!Even if his strength has become stronger, his heart, which is a weak person, will not change at all, don't doubt it!This is something that cannot be changed at all!



This is the root of Kozuki Momonosuke, which cannot be changed at all. Just like the battle at this moment, Kozuki Momonosuke seems to have shown a very powerful force.


". 々 roar!"

With the deafening roar, Kaido had smashed Kozuki Momonosuke's attack inch by inch, and the whole person roared ferociously: "Is there only such power? In my opinion, it is simply It’s nothing worth mentioning! Kozuki Momonosuke, it seems that you are just a waste, and there is no need for a waste that is too important.”

"If it's just like this, I really think it's too boring! You rubbish, you really make people feel boring!"

Kaido looked at Kozuki Momanosuke boredly, really feeling very boring!Kozuki Momonosuke is too weak, too weak, really too weak, already so weak that he is not considered weak at all!Just such a guy, no joke (of the money), no matter what time it is, Kaido will never pay attention to it at all!


"Don't look down on me!"


Kozuki Momonosuke has summoned a series of terrifying tornadoes heading straight for Kaido.


This time...

Kaido brandished his dragon claws and directly tore all of this into pieces, at this moment!Kaido really felt that this battle was very boring, and the whole person's energy and spirit felt that it was boring.

Although, from the outside, it is indeed Ssangyong hovering in the sky, but!As long as you take a little look, you will find that the fact is not the case at all, or even say!Kaido thinks it's boring to treat each other, it's too weak!This guy is so weak that it makes people feel sick!



Kaido looked at Kozuki Momonosuke, and said in a cold voice; "According to the eldest brother, you ate the SMILE fruit copied from Lao Tzu's blood. In other words, your owner and Lao Tzu The power is exactly the same, this should be beyond doubt!"


Kozuki Momonosuke didn't know what Kaido meant, he just continued to hover in the air quietly, without any intention of speaking!But thinking about something.

And Kaido didn't care whether Kozuki Momonosuke spoke or not, so he continued: "But! You are too weak! Your strength is exactly the same as that of Lao Tzu before. Every move of yours You are exactly the same as Lao Tzu, you are purely imitating Lao Tzu! A guy like you has no meaning at all! Because you are a weak person! You are really a weak person who is not valued at all!"

Kaido really doesn't like Momonosuke Kozuki, he's too weak!too weak!It's really too weak, this weak is really not a joke, but a real weak yuan.

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Chapter 214: One Against Two, Devil?No!Devil!

"Momonosuke Kozuki?!"


Allen raised the corners of his mouth ironically, but shook his head lightly. For Kozuki Momonosuke, he really didn't take him seriously, and there was no more reason!Kozuki Momonosuke is too weak.

His weakness is not his weak strength, it is undeniable!The current Kozuki Momonosuke is not considered weak, but!This kind of weakness comes from the bones, from the weakness of the soul, and this kind of weakness is the most terrifying.

All his current strength, all his current strength, and all his current roars are actually just to cover up his inner weakness. For such a person, Allen really doesn't take him seriously.

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