This is the current Heitan clan, they don't so much want to compete for the Wano country, it's better to say!They are just a group of vengeful undead. For 083, they don’t care about everything in the past, and they don’t care about everything in the future, because now they are a group of terrifying undead. What they want is revenge. , is everything you want!

That's what they think, other than that? !Feel sorry!For these terrifying lunatics, they really don't care about everything else, because!For them, death is enough!They don't care what happens next.

Even death!It is also meaningless to them, this is enough!


Accompanied by this weird and ferocious smile, Heitan Muchan bowed slightly and said, "Master Orochi, the old woman, I will step back first!"



Heitan Orochi waved his hand casually, while Heitan Muchan exited the room, she was walking on the road, Heitan Chanwan followed Heitan Muchan, and said softly; "Master Muchan, everything is like this finished?"


Heitan Muchan also nodded silently and said: "Yes! Everything is over like this, and it is meaningless to continue, because everything is meaningless! That's how the curtain came to an end , after all, this is the case!"

Shaking her head silently, Heitan Muchan is very clear about what will happen next. She knows that it is impossible for the Heitan clan to revive, if that is the case!Then let the whole Wano country be buried with him!

Guangyue clan?

Do not!

Do not!

It's not just the Guangyue clan, it's meaningless to just be the Guangyue clan. Heitan Muchan's idea has never been so simple, and it's impossible to simply hope that the Guangyue clan will be buried with her. The burial of the country is to make the whole Wano country be destroyed in this way, this is Heitan Muchan's idea!From beginning to end, Heitan Muchan has never changed!




This is Heitan Muchan's idea. When she finds that everything is impossible, then she will be destroyed!Everything is destruction, so isn't it the best result?


This is Heitan Muchan's idea, regardless of the result!One thing you have to admit is that!Heitan Muchan did it!And it is truly perfect!That's right, this is the madness of Heitan Muchan, it turns out!Heitan Muchan has indeed done it, she is full of endless madness.

And the entire Wano country is about to be destroyed in her hands, this is Heitan Muchan, this is a horror!horrible!Crazy monster, she is already going to destroy the entire Wano country, and this is about to begin!

Do not!

Do not!

It should be said that the destruction of Wano Country has really begun.

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Chapter 218: Set sail! 13 little ghosts!

Wano country!

Then there will be terrible storms, and the kind of storms that lead to destruction, one year?two years?Or three to five years?No one knows!But what is certain is that the Wano country is already heading for extinction, and this time will definitely not be too long.

Heitan Clan!

After they are not restrained by the Whitebeard Pirates, they are like Kyuubi who have broken free from the chains. They just want to destroy, they just want revenge, they just want to destroy Wano Country, this is the Heitan Clan idea.

For the entire Heitan clan, they have no hope of continuing!If this is the case, then everything you have now is meaningless, destruction!destroy!Wouldn't it be the most appropriate thing to completely destroy the entire Wano country?

That's right!

This is the most suitable thing, and this is the craziest side of the Heitan Clan. For these terrifying lunatics, they don't care about everything else. All they care about is endless destruction and destruction, which is completely complete enough.



Wano Country's next pain is like this terrifying storm, which is about to fall, it will cover the entire Wano Country, it will destroy everything, and the entire Wano Country will fall into such endless The terrible power in the prison of the prisoner, and the invincible power that everyone must admit!


Responding to Wano Country seemed to be the weird and crazy laughter of the Kurotan Orochi, which made everyone fall into endless fear and fear. All they felt was shivering, which was too irritating. I feel endless fear!

as if!

Between looming, Wano country has gradually been covered by the entire Heitan clan, and the shadow of death has covered the entire Wano country. Endless destruction.


On the Moby Dick!


Breathing out a puff of thick smoke, Allen thought about it: "Normally speaking, there shouldn't be any problems in the next Wano country. What should be dealt with has already been dealt with. Fruits of time, fruits of the past, even It is their fruit ability users who have not died yet, but these people have been beheaded by us."

The death of Frost Moon Ryoma means that Frost Moon Ryoma also died in the past.

The death of Kozuki Oden, Kozuki Momanosuke, and Toraji also means that in the future, these three people have already died, and you can no longer find these three people, no matter at any point in time!

not to mention!

Even if you are a capable person, you have to travel to that time before you can send people back, otherwise, everything is meaningless, to put it bluntly!The result is that it is already in front of us, and the entire Wano country has no hope.

just now!

There is only endless despair in this Wano country, and this terrifying despair will cover the entire Wano country, completely devouring the entire Wano country, and this!It is the most frightening, and also the most frightening thing!Because of such an invincible power, no one knows what the Wano country will be like next, it will be an unparalleled and most terrifying power!

Even say!

It is already self-evident what the Wano country will be like in the future!

From here, it can probably be seen what the essence of Wano Country has become!despair!fear!die!These are the results of everything, and this is beyond doubt. This is the current Wano country, and everything is already doomed.


With a sarcastic smile, Kaido said sarcastically: "Brother! Guys like Wano Country are as pure as garbage. They don't need to be taken seriously at all. These guys are too weak Ah! It’s not worth mentioning at all!”

Kaido is really full of disdain, Kozuki Oden is still considered a qualified opponent, as for Kozuki Momonosuke?no kidding!This guy is just a boring piece of trash, his strength is simply pitiful, and he doesn't need to be regarded as that level at all.

As far as this level of rubbish is concerned, do I need to say more?That's right!There is no need for it at all, and this is the undoubted reason!Therefore!Kaido looks down on such garbage, and Wano Country is purely garbage among garbage!


Allen lit a cigarette and said casually: "It's almost there! The overall strength of Wano Country is indeed very weak. It can be said that there is no need to care too much about it. After all! After all, Wano Country is just the whole country. It’s nothing more than a small country in the New World, for such a country to have these good powerhouses, the entire history has already been emptied!”


"It's just a matter of indifference, and I also think it's a matter of indifference!"

Allen said casually: "It's just a small problem anyway, I just don't care about it!"


With a puff of smoke, Allen said casually: "It's just a small problem anyway! It's not a big problem, forget it! Don't discuss this matter, the matter of Wano Country has been dealt with almost, and the next thing is nothing to do That's it."


The situation in Wano Country has also been dealt with, and the rest!It is not surprising that under the high-pressure rule of Heitan Orochi, some people will erupt with a strong resistance, but!These are all insignificant things.

after all!

These rubbish in Wano Country, one by one, in their hearts, only the Kozuki clan is their god. If the Kozuki clan is destroyed, they don't care about all of this at all, as far as they are concerned!All of this in Wano Country is simply not worth mentioning!


There was a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth, while Alan's expression was full of disdain and he said: "But! For these garbage, the Kozuki clan is the god of the Wano country, and for these garbage, except If the Guangyue clan were gone, they probably wouldn't even dare to resist!"

Allen shrugged casually, seriously!Why do you look down on Wano Country?In fact, the fundamental reason is this!This is the most fundamental and most worthy of attention. It can be said without hesitation!This is where the biggest problem lies!


For Allen, he doesn't care about everything else, these things are just small things!It really doesn't matter at all.

Wano country!

This matter has come to an end so far, no matter what it is, the matter of Wano Country has also ended.


Breathing out a mouthful of thick smoke, Allen thought about it: "If you count the time! The little devil's pirate ship, Marku Guy, has already been built, right?"


Newgate nodded and said, "Brother! Marku Guy's pirate ship has been built, and it's almost ready."


Allen nodded, and said very calmly: "Since they are ready, these brats are going to sail, right? These stinky brats have been waiting for a long time, right?"


Allen couldn't help chuckling with a smile. For these stinky brats, they are all very interesting!They have already made preparations. For them, it is time for them to set sail. What they want to do is to step into the sea to make their own appearance, instead of standing on the side of their parents forever. behind.

"Let's go!"


The three brothers stood up, all smiling, next!It's time for these little ghosts to leave. If that's the case, as the father and elder, it's time to give these little ghosts away!




The sea water churned and slapped the pirate ship. It looked like there were lines of electric arcs on the whole, and the very gorgeous pirate ship felt very comfortable!

Arc number!

Marku Guy's pirate ship has finally been built after waiting for about half a month!


Marku Guy also smiled and said: "Finally everything is ready! Next, it's time to set sail!"

"That's right!"

"That's right!"

Everyone is smiling, and the smiles are very strong. Everyone has a very interesting look. It can be said that they are already full of excitement!For these little guys, they are already ready and it is time to set sail.

So many years!They have already made preparations, they want to become famous in the sea, and tell the world that they are definitely not weak, although they have the protection of their elders, but!They will definitely not be wastes who simply rely on the protection of their elders, they are strong men who can show their own strength!Because of this, they will grow up step by step, and they will go on firmly step by step!

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