And under such circumstances, the two of them came here, as to say, will the Kingdom of Adam fail?no kidding!This is absolutely impossible!In the eyes of the two, this is simply unrealistic!It's almost like a joke.


The two knew that this was the best opportunity, let alone!As a force that has existed for hundreds of years, that is, the owner of the Black Shadow Island, the two brothers are very clear about how terrifying the horror of the Adam Kingdom is. This terrifying force, with the resurrection of the monster Adam , then the next strength will be the most terrifying.

Therefore!Following the destruction of Black Shadow Island, the two of them also needed to find their own backers, and obviously!The Kingdom of Adam is the most suitable thing, and the icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow. This is always an undoubted thing, if this is the case, then!This is the best opportunity. Through this opportunity, the benefits that can be obtained are very terrifying.


The eyes of the two gradually became sharper, staring at everything in front of them, a terrifying killing intent emerged, obviously!These two people have their own ideas, and in their hearts, they are very clear about what will happen next, and what will be the next result.


Will the results really develop as if they were their ideas?Maybe will!Maybe not!However, if not, then what they need to pay is the price of their lives, and the complete destruction of Black Shadow Island, and for these two people, in fact!They already don't care about things at all, or say!For all of this, they actually don't care anymore. They are very clear that the benefits they will get if they continue are very low.

Although they can survive, it is already impossible to re-establish the Black Shadow Island!Black Shadow Island is formed by hundreds of years of painstaking efforts. Perhaps in terms of strength, no matter whether it is a superpower or a dark emperor, it may not be strong enough!However, their background is rich enough, and under the offensive of the three Edward brothers, what will be destroyed is hundreds of years of painstaking efforts.


Want to revive again?This is already impossible!Or, so far, this is the only result, I want to change!It is already completely impossible, this is the only result, no matter what time it is, this is something that cannot be changed, how about admitting it?It doesn't matter if you don't admit it!This is something that must be admitted, you must admit it, and you cannot deny it, because!The opponent's strength is really too strong, so strong that no one can change it.


Exhaling deeply, the two brothers looked at everything in front of them silently. They had already made their own choices, and the reason was very normal!Because everything about them is already impossible to recover, and no one will allow them to recover again!After all, watching such a defunct behemoth come back to life again?no kidding!It is absolutely!absolute!absolute!There is no need to doubt the impossible, it is absolutely impossible.

And under such circumstances, there is no need to doubt the next result, because of this!This is the fundamental reason.


Looking at the two brothers quietly, Adam's mouth evoked a faint smile, and his eyes were full of calm, not bad!This pair of brothers is very courageous, directly bringing all the forces of the remaining Black Shadow Island into the Kingdom of Adam, it can be said!The background given is enough.

This attitude made Adam very satisfied!They did a good job. Being able to make such a choice obviously made Adam very satisfied, and it made Adam feel very good!After all, in the face of such an alliance of strong men, although it is just a bunch of garbage-like pirates, it is enough to be able to make such a choice.

Of course!

Will Adam fail with himself?impossible!This is absolutely impossible. Adam never thought that he would fail. Just kidding, how could he fail in the face of such rubbish?It's almost like a joke!It is absolutely!absolute!Impossible, or even said, this is something that does not need to be doubted at all. If you will fail in the face of such an existence, then it is a joke!


He exhaled slightly, and Adam stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes filled with endless indifference, and he said calmly; "Next, let me see, what kind of strength you can show, the little devil back then ? Everything is completely different now! Let me see, what choice will you make?"


A faint sneer emerged, and Adam was full of enough arrogance, obviously!Regarding everything like this, Adam is still full of endless confidence and arrogance, just kidding!How could he fail because of these brats?no kidding!This is absolutely impossible!Adam has absolute confidence in this, just kidding, if he can't even match such a group of brats!Then I might as well die!


This is exactly the case for Adam, he really felt that he could not fail, or rather!Adam is absolutely sure that if he fails, then he will die if he dies. After so many years of hard work, he was resurrected again, but he was actually defeated by a group of mud-legged pirates that he looked down upon?

Before he was resurrected, Adam's cleverness made him take a step back, but now Adam's arrogance absolutely does not support him to take a step back!Just kidding, I have already been resurrected. It took so many years to wake up, but I retreated because of these mud-legged brats?If it really retreats like this, Adam would rather choose to die!




With the churning of the waves, one after another the pirate ships have gradually docked, and the distance from the land of Adam Kingdom is no more than a hundred meters, and this distance is already very short, especially the Moby Dick. This behemoth seems to be gradually colliding with an island, at this moment!


In the whole world, almost everyone is watching this war, and the major news newspapers send their own people to broadcast the whole process live!It can be said that although Morgans has not appeared yet, but!The major news newspapers are not idiots, they are all very clear, if such a big news can be grasped by themselves, then it is self-evident how powerful the benefits will be.


Right now!

Everyone is staring at everything in front of them, everyone's eyes are very hot, and the whole world is like this, everyone knows that although this war will not change the course of the world, it can definitely To change the pattern of the world, for the entire world, the demise of the Rocks Pirates is like a flash in the pan for pirates.

That terrifying monster made up of pirates has disappeared!However, if it happens again, what will be the result?In fact, it is self-evident!Everyone looked down on pirates again, but!If the Kingdom of Adam is destroyed this time, it will prove that such terrifying monsters as pirates have appeared again, and by that time, what will be the result?

In fact, it is self-evident!fear!fear!panic!All this will sweep the world again, and the pattern of the world will change again, and the mud legs that are looked down upon by everyone like pirates will be completely branded in the eyes of everyone again, let everyone know, even if It is such a mud leg, and it will also have terrifying power, and as a result of this, do you think the world pattern will not be changed?It must be changed!It is absolutely!absolute!There is no doubt about it!


As the huge pirate fleet gradually docked, the result was different. This battle was watched by the whole world...  



Allen walked out step by step with his hands in his pockets, standing on the bow of the Moby Dick, casually looking into the distance, and said lightly: "Adam! You old fellow, I thought you would stick to your choice , In the end, you just died like this! It's really a pity, you old guy resurrected so quickly!"


Hearing Alan's ironic smile, Adam didn't feel any annoyance, but said lightly, "There's nothing strange about this! I know very well that this is a chaotic sea, and if that's the case, then it's still a sea of ​​chaos." It would be better to recover sooner! This is an extremely important matter!"

The eyes were filled with endless indifference, Adam didn't have any emotional fluctuations, as if he didn't care about all of this at all, any words for Allen?Feel sorry!I just don't care!

Stop it!

No one really thinks that the kind of people who are arrogant and arrogant, who don't open their eyes to see people, really exist, right?right!right!right!Existence, Celestial Dragons are such guys, but remember!Tianlong people will always be a minority!Because the existence of Tianlongren itself has huge problems!Because of this, Tianlong people are different from normal people, and for real normal people, it is impossible for them to do such a thing!


They are not idiots, but as they live longer and longer, their experience and character have all been tempered and grown!If there is no such growth, that would be the strangest thing, okay? !

Don't think that people who live longer are more lonely and strange, on the contrary!With the growth of time, when everything has been honed, it is a completely different thing!This is the most normal thing. The so-called arrogance is a very strange thing. There must be arrogance, but you will never act like an idiot!This is absolutely impossible!


That's the absolutely very important thing.


He spit out a thick smoke, listened to Adam's words, and Allen grinned, and said interestingly: "Sure enough! It's almost as I guessed. It's impossible for a guy like you to really be like an idiot. On the contrary ! For guys like you, your strength and all aspects of you are absolutely terrifying enough!"


Licking the corner of his mouth slightly, Allen said ferociously; "That's why! For a guy like you, it's really exciting to hunt at 4.3! I'm looking forward to it. Facing a guy like you, the result is How the hell!"


A ferocious smile emerged, Allen's killing intent was absolutely terrifying enough, and no one else spoke!The reason is simple, even if this time the alliance is organized by Shiji, but!As long as Allen's strength is the strongest, then there is no doubt about the person who is the leader.

This is something that absolutely does not need to be doubted, and it is not surprising at all!Because for this sea, the strong are respected, isn't this a matter of course?Or!Isn't this what it should be?But as long as you understand one point, it is very clear!This is what should be done, and for the whole sea, this is what should be done, and this is what should be done.


Allen laughed wildly, grinning at the corners of his mouth, and said ferociously: "If that's the case! Then I don't need to be polite! The attack has begun! This war, let me see, what is the strength of the Adam Kingdom? How about it!"


And as Allen issued the order for war, deafening roars sounded instantly on the entire battlefield, everyone let out deafening roars, and everyone's eyes shone with terrifying light, even more flickering With a terrifying breath, obviously!For these guys, they couldn't wait a long time ago.

And this war that swept across the entire sea and will change the situation of the entire sea is about to break out, and facing Allen's order, Adam said lightly; "The war has begun, let me see it! "

PS: 5000 word chapter!Daily six changes!The second update!Please subscribe!Please customize!Ask for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!Ask for an evaluation! ! ! .

Chapter 237: The Kingdom of Adam with Endless Secrets


The atmosphere suddenly became silent, as if everything had become silent, everyone felt very, very strange, even very strange!In this short period of time, everything has become weird.

It can be said!

Everything is different, but!It was at this moment that a terrifying force suddenly burst out, and the atmosphere of the entire battlefield changed completely. This war can be said to be the most terrifying war after the Valley of the Gods war. The bottom exploded.




"Oh hoo!"

With these deafening and terrifying roars, in an instant!The sky is falling apart!The whole sea seems to be churning, this is really too fast, everything is churning crazily, and the pirates, they have no fear of their own life and death, directly rushed into the battlefield Among them, for lunatics like them, they don't care about what will happen next, all they care about is defeating and beheading each other!

This is their only idea!It can be said that death represents everything, and under this endless death, what will be the next result?Hehehe~~~ Actually, it goes without saying!This battlefield will become a terrifying meat grinder that will drive everyone crazy.



Endless roars resounded throughout, and accompanied by the deafening sea, it seemed as if everything was going to be swallowed up. This was really too fast, the pirates attacked, and the roar of a large number of artillery fires instantly began to ring. thorough.

Countless roars exploded, and following the deafening roars, the entire sea stared at what was about to happen in front of them. Everyone was full of solemnity and calmness, and they were quietly watching the scene in front of them. Everything, eyes full of indifference and indifference.


Allen just watched everything in front of him quietly, without any intention of participating in it at all. He just put his hands in his pockets, full of casual expressions, the wind that accompanied the battlefield, and his captain's coat seemed to be rattling. It sounds the same, but ah!This sound has already represented everything, and it also represents what will happen in the next 13.


There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and Allen said in an interesting way; "It's really interesting! Kingdom of Adam, let me take a look, your strength! How terrifying is it? In the presence of such a terrifying monster Under the leadership, what a terrifying country this will be? It's really interesting! It's also really exciting!"

Allen's smile is unusually strong, even though he said it!In the past few years, Allen has rarely spoken, but because of this!Allen's strength, on the contrary, has improved more and more terrifyingly, even to say the least!It makes people feel terrified, and under such circumstances, Allen's attack speed is getting faster and faster, and with this amazing strength, in a short period of time, the result happened!It is already the most terrifying thing.


Allen's strength has improved, and what will be the result?In fact, everyone is very clear!This is a very terrible thing, whether you admit it or not, it is beyond doubt, it cannot be denied, and it is impossible to change it!

And now!

Because of the boring war, Allen finally met an interesting opponent!Adam Kingdom, this is a very interesting opponent. I don't know how strong it is?I don't even know if there is an opponent who can fight with me among them?This is the most interesting and exciting thing!


Licking the corner of his mouth slightly, Alan's smile is unusually strong, and even more unusually interesting, it can be said!The look and posture of the whole person have become different.




That's right, such terrifying emotions have emerged from Allen's body, becoming more and more terrifying, and more and more terrifying, and if this result continues, what will the result be?In fact, it is self-evident!As this result continues, everything that follows will become more and more terrifying, even to say the least!It will make people feel endless fear, but!At this moment, that time of silence for several years, it seems that all these are monsters that have given up, and have once again shown their terrifying side.

demon! ! !

This is Allen's title!And because of this, what does it mean for a terrifying monster to have such a title?In fact, it is self-evident!It even means that as long as you are not an idiot, it is very clear!This means that this man possesses invincible strength, and this monster possesses a terrifying disposition. This is a terrifying demon.


Allen grinned ferociously, and his whole body was filled with endless madness, for what's next!Everything that is about to happen is very interesting, even saying!I am very interested in everything that follows!

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