Is it long?

It's not long and it's not long, but!In these ten years, what will happen next?actually!Many people have forgotten everything they once had, but!For the same group of people, they can't forget everything that happened in the past, even if they don't want to mention it again, but this really doesn't mean that they have forgotten everything that happened in the past.

The era called Rocks Pirates!The terrifying existence that represents invincible power, rules the entire sea by itself, and even challenges the majesty of the world government, that is the Rocks Pirates!

And today!

Right now!

These people seem to be in a trance, and they have a different feeling when they look at the Whitebeard Pirates, as if!The two sides are too similar, as if they have become the Rocks Pirates, just like the Rocks Pirates in the past, they are also full of potential, equally high-spirited, and equally crazy!

same! ! !There is a terrifying strong man who can rule the world, and all these are too familiar, it seems like a feeling of deja vu, which makes many people feel in a trance, because it is too familiar!


Someone couldn't help but let out a deep breath and fell into a kind of silence. They didn't know what to say for a short period of time. They could only watch quietly. The feeling of being in a trance made people I really feel silent, I don't know how to think about it, or say!What will happen next?this moment!Everyone feels this way, it is really very silent!


With the silent sighs, I don't know when it started. Everyone feels this way, and it also makes people feel very silent. It is really an unparalleled feeling of silence!Quietly closed his eyes, and this feeling is the most strange thing, and because of this, this is the most strange thing!

And because of this, it is true of all people, and what will be the result of each day?And this is the most silent thing!In other words, what will be the next result?No one knows!


It's like that feeling of deja vu, that kind of feeling of silence, and quietly watching everything in front of you!That kind of feeling is like watching the birth of the Rocks Pirates with your own eyes, but!Just like they watched the birth of the Rocks Pirates with their own eyes back then, and today!They still can only watch the birth of the Whitebeard Pirates with their own eyes, and all this?It's not something they can stop at all!This is what makes people feel the most hopeless, isn't it?


They watched all this, but!Want to change!Want to stop!But it is impossible to do it at all, this is the most desperate feeling!This is the most frustrating thing!Quietly lowering their heads, everyone's expressions were filled with endless peace, that different feeling really made people feel weird.


And Allen spit out a thick smoke faintly, looked at everything in front of him while puffing out the clouds, and thought for a while: "What will the next result be?"

"Who knows!"

Listening to the elder brother's words, Newgate shook his head and said casually: "Elder brother! Obviously, there is a problem with the current situation of the Adam Kingdom, and there is a huge problem with the overall strength. If this is the case! There are many problems in the next situation The problem."


Kaido also nodded seriously and said: "Brother! The strength of the Adam Kingdom is too strong, so powerful that it makes people feel weird. Can their country explode with such a powerful force? This force is indeed too great. It's too scary! It's even to the point of making people feel horrified!"

To know!

Whitebeard Pirates, Flying Sky Pirates, Big Mom Pirates, Bondi Pirates, Chef Pirates, Wufeng Pirates, John Pirates, Silver Ax Pirates! ! !

Eight of the top pirate groups in the new world joined forces, and under such circumstances, what will be the next burst of power?actually!This is already reaching a self-evident thing, even saying it!It has reached an extremely terrifying level, although it is said!The eight pirate groups all held back a little bit, and the captain didn't even make a move, but!It's a very terrifying force just by cadres and personnel.

Why is the whole world staring at them so much?I don't want the Rocks Pirates to show up again!The reason is very simple, it is because their cooperation can make the Rocks Pirates break out with more terrifying power than before, and under such circumstances, what will be the next result?In fact, it is self-evident!

It can be said!

Now this result is the most unimaginable thing!And in this war, the Kingdom of Adam showed such terrifying power, facing everyone with its own power, it was not at a disadvantage, and such power!That's what makes people feel the most chilling!isn't it? !


Baloric dropped his whale head on the Moby Dick, looked at everything in front of him, and said calmly; "It seems that something different has indeed happened! The Kingdom of Adam is very powerful. Ren, do you have any thoughts?"

"What are your thoughts!"


The strong wind entangled the captain's coat and made a sound, while Allen put his hands in his pockets and said casually: "Who knows! There is no idea, the strength of the Kingdom of Adam is beyond doubt! You know, our cooperation, but There is nothing to hide, and the Kingdom of Adam naturally knows about it! Since this is the case, when they know about it, they have no intention of asking for help or hiding."

"If that's the case, what does it represent?"


Kaido grinned, and said ferociously; "Obviously! Relying on strength! This is a very interesting thing! I am very much looking forward to how powerful the entire Adam Kingdom is, and what do they have? What kind of strength."


A ferocious and cruel smile emerged, and this is the most interesting thing, isn't it?This is the strength of Adam Kingdom!Obviously, he has absolute self-confidence. He has absolute certainty about what will happen next. Even with his own power, he can kill the opponent. That is beyond doubt!

This is the confidence and confidence of the Kingdom of Adam, and with such confidence, isn't this war getting more and more interesting?


The corner of Baloric's mouth curled up, and he said interestingly; "If this is the case, then things are getting more and more interesting! Adam Kingdom has shown such amazing strength, what will be the next result? In fact, this is the It's the funniest thing, isn't it?"

"That's true!"

Listening to Baloric's words, Newgate also nodded and said: "However! This is not a strange thing for the Kingdom of Adam. On this sea, among the superpowers that exist, except Elbaf Apart from the Kingdom of Giants, the Kingdom of Adam is also a country that has existed for thousands of years! And isn't it normal for such a country to have such strength?"

"That's true!"

Baloric nodded in agreement, this is indeed the case!It is undeniable that Adam Kingdom is very strong!This is a country that has existed for more than 800 years, in other words, before the world government ruled the world, this is the country that already existed.

And under such circumstances, what will be the next result?In fact, it is self-evident!This is the power of the Adam Kingdom, especially the old monster Adam, who survived through his special devil fruit ability, and!How many years has this old monster lived?In fact, no one knows at all!


One thing that is certain is that during this long period of time, the strength of this old monster may not become stronger and stronger, but the strength of the Kingdom of Adam will definitely become stronger and stronger!Isn't this a matter of course?Obviously!This is beyond doubt!

And with the passage of time, everything will continue, this is the inevitable result, this is the accumulated background, when the accumulated background is more and more, then!In terms of overall strength, as well as in all aspects, it will become more and more terrifying...  


Alan grinned at the corner of his mouth, and an interesting smile appeared, and he lit a cigarette, and said in an interesting way; "You are right, but! I am not interested in these things, I am more interested in , What is the strength of this old guy Adam!"


There was a terrifying and strange light in Allen's eyes, and he said ferociously: "What will this guy's strength be like next? This is really interesting! It's really interesting! Interesting! Really It’s too much to make people feel interesting!”

Under such circumstances, Allen found it very interesting!And what the next result is, this is the most important thing, isn't it?It can be said!Under such a result, the power that erupts is the most terrifying and also the most frightening power!It can be said!Everything that comes next is already in front of us!

This is the strength of the Kingdom of Adam, and it will continue to erupt with even more terrifying power, and this power is the most terrifying power, this is absolutely beyond doubt.


"Is that old guy's strength?"

Baloric also raised his head, with sharp eyes, he had already seen the figure of Adam who couldn't see at all, but was quietly looking at the battlefield in front of him. The battlefield, and this burst of power is the most terrifying thing, isn't it?


Such a result is the most terrifying result!And what will happen next, what will it be?actually!This is the most terrifying thing!And the next result!In other words, it has already represented all of this, and all of this, the power that is about to explode, is the most terrifying power!

The corner of Alan's mouth curled up, and he said in an interesting way; "That old guy just stood there, but! He also showed terrifying strength, which is really exciting! What kind of strength is this old guy!"


Allen's smile can be said to be very strong, and he finds it very interesting!What will be the next result?actually!This is beyond doubt!This is the strength of the Kingdom of Adam, Horror 4.3!powerful!


Allen is very clear that many people selectively ignore the Kingdom of Adam, because!How strong is the Kingdom of Adam? He is also a superpower!And it is not a problem that such a superpower has strength, is it?

But ah!

One thing you need to be clear about is, what kind of strength does such a strong person possess?In fact, it is self-evident!If it continues, then!The strength of Adam's kingdom is getting stronger and stronger, especially, they are completely loyal to Adam, the king, without any feelings of their own!

They will be the greatest terror, but!No one thinks about it, or no one wants to think about it. In the eyes of everyone, the biggest danger is the Whitebeard Pirates, because!In their eyes, they saw the shadow of the former Rocks Pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates.


For them, this is absolutely unacceptable!Just kidding, that's the Rocks Pirates!For this sea, anyone can be resurrected, but the former Rocks!absolute!absolute!absolute!It is not allowed to be resurrected again. This is something that is absolutely not allowed. They do not allow that terrifying monster to be resurrected again.

This war has only just begun, but many people are already planning to target the Whitebeard Pirates!But no matter what, Allen didn't care at all, and wanted to target the Whitebeard Pirates?sure!bring it on!Come out with your strength!Otherwise, I will not show mercy!And I am not afraid of any challenges!

PS: 5000 word chapter!Daily six changes!The first update!Please subscribe!Please customize!Ask for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!Ask for an evaluation! ! ! .

Chapter 242: Newgate!Kaido!Two shot!



Stop it!

To Allen, this was like a joke!When will Allen be afraid of this?no kidding!No matter at any time, Allen has never had any fear of these, let alone any fear, this is no joke!But the real facts, after all!For Allen, there is no need to doubt his own strength, and since this is the case, then he is not afraid of any challenges and wants to fight?bring it on!Let me take a look, what is your strength?


This is Allen's attitude. Allen will never have any fear. If you like it, then let's fight. I will not be afraid at all. Let me see your strength. If your strength is not enough, So sorry!Lao Tzu will not show mercy.

Edward Allen!

It's a monster called a demon, or even that!A monster known as the Demon God, and such a monster, do you think he would be afraid of challenges?Afraid of being targeted?I can only say!This is just a pure joke, and you only need to know a little bit about such a joke, it's just a joke!


With a mouthful of thick smoke, Alan's mouth curled into a smile, very casually, and he said indifferently: "Take a look! It's almost the same. The current result is probably like this. If you continue, it seems to be the same." It's impossible to go on."


"That's right!"

Newgate also grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said interestingly, "Brother! Not only are some people thinking that it is impossible to continue! Moreover, someone has already set their sights on us! It seems that he is a very scary guy! These two guys , but they are staring at us!"


Allen nodded casually and said: "I found out that the two guys are just like rubbish. You don't need to pay too much attention to them, but! What about these two guys? If there is no accident, they are the two guys from Black Shadow Island back then. It’s just the master behind the scenes, but! It’s still just two wastes, so don’t take it too seriously.”

"That's right!"


Both Newgate and Kaido are equally full of endless disdain 13, no kidding!In other words, for the three brothers, they really looked down on these two people, it is undeniable!Perhaps the strength of these two people is not bad, but!No matter how powerful they are, they are still weak, this is absolutely beyond doubt.

As for the reason?It's actually very simple!They are simply too weak!It's just weak people who don't need to be taken seriously at all. It's been almost 11 years since the Black Shadow Island incident, and during this long time, these guys don't even dare to make a move?no kidding!It's almost like a joke, and because of this, such a result doesn't need to be taken seriously at all. For such rubbish, anyway, the three of them don't care at all.

When you lose even the courage to be a strong person, all your actions are already too weak!This is nothing worth mentioning!after all!What do you think about facing such a weak person?no kidding!Such rubbish really doesn't need to be taken seriously at all, because!This kind of garbage is too weak, so weak that it makes people feel boring.

No matter how strong you are, it is meaningless, you have lost the courage and courage that you should have as a strong person, there is no doubt about it!In other words, this is a matter of course, and if this is the case, do you need to say more?Obviously!This is something that is no longer needed.

Quietly looking at the battlefield in front of them, and as the battlefield has become more and more fierce, everyone is actually very clear that this battle is over, it is not like this anymore, it will be over soon!Those big figures are about to enter the arena in bursts.




The roar of artillery fire resounded throughout, and with this terrifying roar, it seemed to destroy everything in a short period of time, and this was really too fast, and in this short period of time, all of these Everything, it is like destroying everything, and this war has completely fallen into a white-hot stage.

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