
Slightly exhaled a puff of thick smoke, while Allen thought softly: "How far has Baloric developed the vampire fruit? It's really interesting! Let me see."


Before the vampire fruit is awakened, the only ability it can do is to absorb the blood of the enemy and make itself younger and stronger. Although this is terrifying, it feels very strange. Compared with the real The Phantom Beast seems to be very weird, and this is the real root cause. The Phantom Beast's Devil Fruit is not so easy to develop!

And when the vampire fruit is awakened, the developed power is completely different, especially the ability to manipulate blood, which has proved everything!

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Under the gaze of everyone, even the entire world, at this very moment!What is displayed is a completely different power. Drops of blood are dripping slowly like this, and Baloric's posture is full of a very calm look. He seems to have no idea about his current appearance. Don't mind the same.


That's the truth, Baloric's posture is full of calm, as if he fell out of blood!No!No!That posture, like a natural-type devil fruit ability user, feels very strange.




And everyone showed interesting expressions, and Eve also kept calm and thought for a while; "You are from the Redfield family, and the blood-sucking fruit has been developed to awaken, as expected! Other than your family, other people want to use this It is almost impossible for a devil fruit to develop to awakening."


Baloric frowned slightly, and Eve's words made everyone ponder, what exactly does this mean?Is there such a thing as blood inheritance?


But Baloric didn't ask any more questions. He knew that he couldn't find anything, so he just shot!



Following Baloric's sudden shot, Allen was thinking about what Eve said, thinking secretly in his heart: "If this is really the case? Or! If the combination of five Lao Xing, Kozuki Oden, Roger, Kozuki Toki, etc., what these people said in the original work! Then, this sentence is very interesting!"

That's right!

Although it sounds very mysterious, after all!Regardless of whether it is the crossing of time fruit and past fruit, in fact!They are all within the acceptable range, and this is too mysterious, and if this is really the case, it seems that they are all endless devil fruits for me , then there is also a definite statement.


The corner of Alan's mouth curled up, and he said in a very interesting way; "If this is the case, then things will become very interesting! It's really interesting! What will be the next result? "


A funny smile emerged, and Allen's expression was full of funny smiles, getting more and more funny!Although, my idea is just a guess, but!If this thing is true, then this world will be even more interesting!


"Just wait until later to test it out."

Alan didn't particularly care, after all!I have twelve spells, and even possess a lot of magic energy and ghost masks. If this is the case, then I can experiment if I want to experiment, because I have such a special power, I can do it myself, of course!Others just can't do it at all.

In addition to this, there are some other problems, Allen squinted his eyes and thought, and the war has become more and more terrifying!

just now!

The only ones who didn't make a move in the entire battlefield were the two terrifying monsters, Alan and Adam!Everyone is very clear, if these two monsters make a move!Then fighting is something that needs no doubt at all, for the entire battlefield!Everything that follows is beyond doubt.


Faintly exhaled a puff of thick smoke, Allen looked at Adam quietly, and Adam also shifted his gaze from other people to Allen, the meaning was already very obvious!For these two, everything that followed was enough.

And these two people are also very clear about what the next result will be!

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Chapter 249: Allen vs Adam!



"Oh hoo!"

"Kill me!"

With the roaring and roaring sounds, the entire battlefield seemed to have begun to churn. This war has completely entered a fierce stage, and the outcome of this war is beyond doubt. something happened.




All of this will be branded on everyone, and this is the most terrifying thing, isn't it?

In this war, everyone is very clear that they can only survive if they win, and only if they win, what else?There is no way!Even say!There is no way at all, this is the only result, and it is the same for each of them.

Whether it is the Pirate Alliance or the people of the Adam Kingdom, it is the same as the Knights of the Adam Kingdom. Although they are said to be cultivated, but!They still have their own consciousness and will. Although they can sacrifice their lives for Adam, no one wants to die!There is absolutely no doubt about this!Nobody wants to die at all.



The roaring sound was exploding, and when the eyes of the whole world were all on Alan and Adam, Alan seemed to be thinking about something, and then he stepped out, and his figure disappeared in an instant. Disappeared, this speed is extremely fast, almost in an instant, Allen is there.


Allen's figure appeared on Adam's face in this way.


The atmosphere became weird in an instant. Everyone's eyes widened and they stared deeply at the battlefield. Their eyes were full of determination. They knew it!This is definitely the most important battle that is about to begin, and this battle will also represent the end of this war. At this moment, everything seems to be resounding in front of everyone's eyes. Very weird, and a very strange feeling.

Allen looked at everything in front of him and said casually: "Old guy! Counting the time, we have been gone for many years! However, I did not expect that you, an old guy, would recover so quickly. I also think it's quite interesting!"

A funny smile emerged, and Allen looked very interesting, and listening to Allen's words, Adam was not annoyed at all.


With this faint smile, Adam said indifferently; "The reason is very simple! Everything is just in front of you, if this is the case! Then, the plan cannot keep up with the changes, if this is the case! Then only 103 can continue to become stronger, otherwise, it would be quite troublesome, wouldn't it?"


"indeed so!"

"after all!"

"For this world, changes are always the fastest. If you can really grasp this kind of change casually, it will be like a god. What a pity! We guys are not pretending to be gods! Are we?! "


Listening to Allen's words, Adam smiled and shook his head and said: "Indeed! Allen, there is nothing wrong with what you said, unless it is God, otherwise, no one can bring everything under control Among them, it seems that everything is under control, it is so easy there!"

There was emotion in his eyes, and Adam also shook his head, but!The next moment, his eyes became sharp and he said, "But! Although you said it! No one is a god, but the same is true! Everyone wants to become a god, and this is the most important thing. Isn't it? No matter what time it is, people always want to transform into gods!"

A cruel and terrifying smile emerges, and this is the fundamental core!Gods are already gradually appearing, and this is the most terrifying thing, this is the power of Gods!And everyone's goal is to transform into a god, and Adam is no exception, he wants to become a god.


Allen just said casually: "No matter at any time, for anyone, the goal is the status of the so-called god! However, after thinking about it for a while, it seems to be a matter of course! The position of God, if If you are not interested, it is a very strange thing!"

"That's right!"

"That is the god who rules the world! And since he is the god who controls everything, he is naturally interested!"

Feeling such a cruel smile, everyone seemed to have a different feeling for a while, and this weird feeling!This kind of weird feeling is the most frightening thing, isn't it?This feeling of terror, maybe!What will happen next is what makes people feel the most endless horror.

"Really are!"

Allen shook his head casually, and continued: "But! Seriously, you old guy, you showed such strength so early, even in today's war, you won the victory, in fact It’s just meaningless things! Those guys won’t let you go!”

"Those guys..."

Of course Adam knew who Alan was talking about, and even more so!What a horrible guy Allen was talking about.

Five old stars!

They are the real gods who rule this world. As terrifying monsters who have ruled this world for 800 years, their power really makes people feel endlessly frightening!Whether you admit it or deny it, you have to admit it, that is!They are really terrifying, they look like gods!

And if this is the case, then how terrifying is their power?actually!This is already a matter of whispering. For Wu Laoxing, if the Kingdom of Adam really wins, then he will definitely find a way to deal with the Kingdom of Adam!

This is something that does not need to be doubted. For Wulaoxing, this world!There is no need for such a powerful opponent, let alone such a powerful force, because all of this is in the palm of their hands, and this world is also in the palm of their hands, and this!It's all about you!

And your appearance has gradually broken this balance, and even made everything no longer fall into my hands, then!Everything is not so simple, just kidding, this is not what Wu Laoxing wants!

Stop it!

Do you think that in what you think is the back garden, Wulaoxing will allow random people to appear?This is absolutely impossible!Because of this, under such a situation, everything that follows is really different.

unless say!Once again, a truly top-notch strongman can fight against the world government, and even make the entire world government completely surrender!besides?Everything else!Essentially, it's all meaningless things!


There was a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth, and Allen said in an interesting way; "So! Things will only become more and more interesting! What will be the next result, in fact! No one knows at all If that's the case, then it's not very interesting, is it?"


Adam also smiled lightly and said: "Yes! It is indeed a very interesting thing. Although there is such a powerful enemy, but! As long as this enemy is defeated, then everything is very simple! That's all! Isn't it the most fundamental core?"

"That's right!"

The two looked at each other, and there was a terrifying light in their eyes, which was a truly terrifying killing intent!This is definitely not a joke, but a real fact!The terrifying killing intent and terrifying power seem to swallow everything up, and because of this, what do you think will be the next result?

In fact, you don’t even need to think about it!

These two people are very clear that more considerations are meaningless things. For these two people, defeating each other and beheading each other!This is the best result!And this is the best way!


Licking the corner of his mouth slightly, Allen grinned, and said ferociously: "Sure enough! For me, I like a qualified opponent like you the most! I will feel that if you kill an opponent like you Very excited!"

A terrifying killing intent burst out. For Allen, what he looked forward to most was a qualified opponent. If there were no qualified opponents, what would be the next result?This is the most important thing!

Allen's killing intent can be said to be very terrifying.


Adam also said with a faint smile: "That's true! Facing such an opponent, if you don't get excited, it would be the strangest thing! Next, let me see, what is your strength? How! In the past so many years, your strength has been improved again, it is really terrifying!"

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