Chapter 92 Qin Huairu asked Director Li to have a shot

A win-win situation.

Su Heping didn't mind either.

Although it was a lunch, it was just a joke between the two of them.

Qin Huairu was standing not far away.

Looking at Su Heping.

The look in his eyes is very complicated.

The last time Fatty went to work in a department store, she was so envious.

Now his aunt goes to work at the post office.

this post.

Better than a department store.

Just because of a relationship with Su Heping, this changed the fate of a lifetime?

How come I don't have such relatives!

Of course.

This can only be thought about.

Qin Huairu was also a little bit desperate.

These unrealistic things are not something she can think about at all, even her current job position is hard to come by.

Now her only thought.

It's just that Shazhu can return to the back kitchen to work sooner.

You can bring your own lunch box.

Then you will be satisfied.

have lunch.

Director Li of the logistics department walked around the cafeteria.

Today is the first day of work, and the logistics of the cafeteria must be guaranteed.

He wants to hear it too.

How is everyone's reaction?

As soon as I entered the back kitchen, I saw those people cleaning up the rice bowls, still discussing about noon.

Except Chen Cuiping's atmosphere.

And Su Heping.

Many things that happened in the factory recently seem to be related to Su Heping.

As we talked, we naturally talked about courtyard houses.

After all, it's a matter of cheating.

It's more interesting than other things, and it has a bit of a supernatural meaning.

Director Li listened from behind, he didn't feel much about the fraudulent corpse, but he grasped an important piece of information - Jia Dongxu died!

So to say.

Isn't that Qin Huairu a widow?

That's great.

Director Li has long coveted Qin Huairu.

It's just that Qin Huairu's husband wasn't dead before, and Qin Huairu had that fellow Shazhu next to him, so it was inconvenient for him to strike.

Now Qin Huairu's husband is dead.

Shazhu is not in the back kitchen.

There is no way to help the Jia family.

Qin Huairu's life has become difficult, so he has a chance.

Director Li was thinking about how to implement his plan when passing the restaurant.

It turned out that most of the people had left.

Qin Huairu is still there.

Director Li approached quietly.

It was found that Qin Huairu was packing up the lunch box, but in her lunch box, there was more than half of the meat and a lot of vegetables left.

There is also a steamed bun.


This is going to be taken home tonight.

Director Li also has a better understanding of Qin Huairu's situation.

He knew that now that Sha Zhu couldn't take the lunch box home, the life of Jia's family would be a bit difficult, and Qin Huairu also had a vicious mother-in-law.

Not to mention that.

Director Li stepped forward quietly.

Put a smile on your face:

"Huairu, why are you still bringing it home!"

The sudden voice startled Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu looked up and found that Director Li of the logistics department frowned slightly.

She also found out several times.

This man often looked at him with strange eyes, and Qin Huairu was too familiar with that kind of aggressive and possessive eyes.

But she couldn't hold on to this unfamiliar man.

Just pack up the lunch box and get ready to leave.

He opened his mouth and said:

"I don't have that much appetite, I can't finish it, and I can take it home for dinner."

This is of course a rhetoric.

Director Li also knows.

Seeing that Qin Huairu was leaving, he was not in a hurry.

Just said lightly:

"With such a large amount of meat in the cafeteria today, it is inevitable that there will be some surplus."

"The meat that can't be used up will be disposed of. I still have two catties of meat. If you want it, you can get it from my office when you get off work at night."

Qin Huairu paused.

She couldn't understand Director Li's meaning.


Do you really want to do this?

Seeing Qin Huairu's hesitation, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Director Li's mouth.


"You also know that it's easy for me to get some vegetables and meat."

"You know Liu Lan too!"

"In the cafeteria, she has never bought meat, but the family has never been short of meat. If you want, you can naturally!"

Now Qin Huairu was really moved.

About Liu Lan.

Sha Zhu once told her.

Of course, when he said it, Shazhu's tone was full of disdain.

But let's be honest.

For Liu Lan's situation.

In Qin Huairu's heart, she was still a little envious.

Shazhu is a cook, even if he wanted to bring a lunch box for himself, it was just sneaking some shredded pork.

Fry some meaty dishes and go back.

Where does it look like Liu Lan.

You can take large pieces of meat home!


Qin Huairu didn't say anything, turned and left the restaurant.

Director Li smiled.

When it comes to women, he is an expert.

From the appearance of Qin Huairu just now, it can be seen that this widow is moved.

As for the promise, it is only a matter of time.


On the way back to the workshop.

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