"Look at what you said, that boy Silly Zhu doesn't care about you anymore, don't I really care about you too! You, put your heart in your stomach!"

"Isn't it just a chicken!"

"Gui Fen, go to the street and buy a roast chicken."

"It's the Dongmen time-honored store."


When the first mother heard this, she immediately got up and went out.

Yi Zhonghai smiled.


Big Mom came back with the roast chicken.

The deaf old lady has a really good appetite. She ate up the whole roast chicken, but it was still a young chicken, not big.

Intermediate Court.

Jia Zhang, who didn't eat the chicken, was also full of resentment.

After eating, she was still searching at the door, and saw the big mother go to the Shazhu's house, but she returned empty-handed, Jiazhang felt a lot happier.

Even the deaf old lady can't do it anymore.


After a while.

Mrs. Jia Zhang saw Da Ma come out of the backyard and went to the front.

I was feeling strange.

Not for a while.

I saw a (Zhao Qianzhao) aunt come back with an oiled paper bag, and she could smell it from a long distance—the smell of roast chicken.

Jia Zhang's heart suddenly felt uncomfortable.


The deaf old lady can't benefit from Silly Zhu, and Yi Zhonghai too!

The deaf old lady gave Yi Zhonghai all her house.

Think about it.

Jia Zhang's heart is not feeling well.

Now that I can't take advantage of anything, Jia Zhang is really uncomfortable.

"It's all because of that old shameless Yi Zhonghai!"

Although Jia Zhang didn't know the specific situation.

But from what happened these days, and what Shazhu said to himself just now.

Jia Zhang also noticed that the sudden change of Shazhu was because of the matter between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai.

That's why Sha Zhu didn't care about his own home.

Jia Zhang muttered bitterly:

"Yi Zhonghai, this old dog, is so stupid that he is unwilling to help our family."

"This loss must be made up by that old man Yi Zhonghai."

Jia Zhang's logic.

It's really weird.

It feels like the people in the yard owe their family.

Thinking of how rich Yi Zhonghai is, Jia Zhang was also thinking about how to recover this loss.

The big mother and Yi Zhonghai who came home didn't know they were being tricked.

The aunt said worriedly:

"Old Yi."

"It's not a problem for the deaf old lady."

"I'm not reluctant to part with the money."

"But the old lady is so old and still eats so much meat, and she also likes to eat greasy food. If this continues, her body will not be able to bear it after a long time."

"I told you the key, but she didn't listen."

"I thought I couldn't bear the money."

"When you are free, you should persuade her, but you can't disregard your health like this."

Yi Zhonghai listened to Da Ma's words.

His eyes lit up.


It's too greasy to eat when I'm old.

I just thought about saving money.

If the old lady wants to eat it herself, if she eats too much oil, something will happen to her body.

That's her own business, and she can't blame herself.

It's a natural death!

Think of this.

Yi Zhonghai felt that he had found a new idea.

Chapter 98 Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu Wear the Wrong Pants

Another nice day.

Everyone at work is out.

In the quadrangle.

Those old women are busy at home.

Nannan has started knitting sweaters now, and she has become a lot more proficient after practicing with scarves and gloves.

Not only knitting sweaters.

And you can use wool of different colors to outline some simple patterns.

Intermediate Court.

Jia Zhang is taking the soles of his shoes.

It's also her favorite thing to do.

When I have nothing to do every day, I just collect the soles of the shoes, and then sell them secretly. Of course, I also keep the money secretly.

As for subsidizing the family, that is impossible.

The cleaning and laundry people in the courtyard are all busy.

The yard slowly returned to calm.

That sticky boy, his hands are not fully healed yet, and he hasn't gone to school yet.

Went out to play with two younger sisters, Xiaodang and Huaihua.


Big Mom went to the backyard.

After a while, he hurried out with a helpless look on his face.

Apparently the deaf old lady wanted something to eat again.

Jia Zhang saw this.

Put down the needle and thread in your hand immediately.

He took the things he had prepared from the house, sneaked to Yi Zhonghai's house next door, searched around, and stuffed the things under Yi Zhonghai's pillow.

Also carefully tidy up the bed.

There's nothing left to break.

Jia Zhang exited Yi Zhonghai's house with a sneer on his face.


Silly back.

I took out the half chicken left over from yesterday.

Today he plans to make a chicken stew with mushrooms.

Those mushrooms were also given to me by Mahua before the Chinese New Year, and I still have a lot of them.

Is it just to greedy Jia's family?

but because.

Tomorrow is the weekend again.

He Yushui came back from school tonight.

He Yushui went into the courtyard and returned to his room. He also smelled that his brother was stewing chicken in the next room, and there was no disturbance in his heart.

He Yushui is very clear.

Even if it's stewed chicken, it has nothing to do with me.

Eighty percent!

Later, I still have to bring it to Jia's house.

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