I sent Xiao Zha to work before.


After inquiring casually, I went to the street office to talk to Director Wang, and then I understood the ins and outs of the matter.

Silly Zhu obviously didn't know about it.

Asked suspiciously:

"Su Heping, what exactly are you talking about?"

Su Heping looked surprised:

"You really don't know?"

"Although your father ran away with the widow back then."

"But they remit money to your brothers and sisters every year, 20 yuan a month."

"Go to the post office before."

"If people didn't tell me, I wouldn't know."

"Over the years, you should have saved a lot of money. This is an extra income. Don't you know that you are still an invisible rich man!"

After listening to Su Heping's words.

The expressions on the faces of Sha Zhu and He Yushui.

It's all a bit complicated.

It's not just about money.

There is another layer of meaning.


Their father ran away with a widow without making a sound.

For this matter, their brothers and sisters often became the object of jokes by the neighbors in the neighborhood, and because of this, they formed a silly aggressive character.

And He Yushui is even more so.

...................... 0

His mother died in his early years.

When He Daqing left, He Yushui was still a little girl.

This feeling, to He Yushui who was still a little girl, was definitely the same feeling as if the sky had collapsed.

So for He Daqing.

The feelings between the two brothers and sisters are nothing but hatred.

It felt like their dad had abandoned them.

That would be bigger.

Belonging to half a child, and inherited He Daqing's cooking skills.

He Daqing left without feeling anything against Sha Zhu.

But it is different for He Yushui.

He Daqing also felt guilty in his heart.

Therefore, in the original play, when He Daqing returned to the courtyard again, he could speak out against Silly Zhu with confidence.

But in the face of the rain, but dare not look directly.

Both He Yushui and Sha Zhu thought that He Daqing was abandoning his family.

They don't care about their own children.

So bring it up.

It's all hate.

But now that I heard that He Daqing remits money to them every month, and it is still 20 yuan, it feels different.

To know.

These days, 20 yuan is really a lot.

It is more than enough to support siblings.


Before they figured it out, neither Sha Zhu nor He Yushui was sure if it was true.

Sha Zhu clapped his hands and said:

"Yu Shui, you are here, I will ask."

"Brother, I'll go with you!"

By this time.

He Yushui couldn't hold back anymore, and she also wanted an answer.

I saw that the two were leaving.

Su Heping reminded later:

"If you hesitate to remit the money, it is sent to the street office. You just need to ask, and it will be clear."

The two left anxiously.

It was almost noon when the two came back.

Judging from the expressions of surprise and surprise on the faces of the two of them, it can be seen that there must be a result of going out this time.

Before entering the yard.

He Yushui said bitterly:

"Brother, I didn't expect that Yi Zhonghai is really not a thing!"

"Over the years, they didn't even tell us about it."

"And every time we express our dissatisfaction with Dad, he is still blaming him and deliberately speaking ill of Dad. What do you think he has in mind?"

Silly Zhu's face was gloomy.

In addition to this matter, Yi Zhonghai has cheated him several times.

This time, Yi Zhonghai must bleed!


Under the reminder of Su Heping.

Silly Zhu and He Yushui went to the post office to ask.

The post office staff confirmed that there was indeed such a remittance.

Come here on time every month.

Hearing this news, Shazhu and He Yushui didn't know what kind of mood they were in.

But that remittance was transferred to the street office.

The two found the street office again.

It happened that Director Wang was in the office and saw Shazhu and He Yushui coming, and they were asking about remittance.

Director Wang was a little surprised:

"There is such a thing!"

"Every month, Yi Zhonghai comes here to collect it on time."

"Didn't he give it to you?"

"It stands to reason that after He Yuzhu you become an adult, his money should be given to you!"

"Wait, I'll look for it."

Silly Zhu was confused.

What is it about being an adult?

But Director Wang has already turned around to search.

After a while, he took out a file box, which contained relevant materials of the Red Star Courtyard.

Director Wang searched for a while.

Take out a piece of paper from inside and give it to Shazhu.


"This is the power of attorney left by your father, He Daqing."


Shazhu and He Yushui came up to the front.

Chapter 100 Silly Zhu Slaps Yi Zhonghai in the Face

Silly Zhu can be sure that it is indeed his father's handwriting.

It's like a dog gnawed, and it's hard for ordinary people to imitate.

in the power of attorney.

He Daqing explained that Yi Zhonghai has the right to remit 20 yuan to He Yuzhu every month, and Yi Zhonghai has the right to collect it on his behalf without telling the silly brothers and sisters.

After Shazhu becomes an adult, he can claim it with confidence.

He Daqing didn't ask any questions.

Although it is a power of attorney.

It's just a chaotic expression of what I want to say.

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