Always in front of everyone.

Suspected of committing a crime can almost be ruled out!

But at this time, even though the matter has come to this point, the boy Banggen is still unwilling to admit it, and Jia Zhang naturally won't admit it either.

"Don't say yes, take them all back."

"I found all the stolen money, I still don't believe it, I can't pry your mouths open!"

The police are not worried at all.

this year.

The police handling the case is also relatively rough.

Now the stolen goods have been found, and they were found at Jia's house.

Undoubtedly, the person who stole the money was either the guy BangGiao, or the grandma of BangJiao, Jia Zhang.

By this time.

No more 793 flukes.

Jia Zhang hurriedly pointed to the stick and said:

"It must have been done by the stick."

"Comrade Public Security, I don't know about this matter at all. It's none of my business."

"Catch him if you want!"


After listening to Jia Zhang's words.

The people next to him couldn't help but contempt for a while.

Things are clear.

Although it wasn't her doing it.

But this way of directly withdrawing his own grandson to save himself still makes the big guy feel contemptuous.

to this meeting.

Qin Huairu was about to collapse on the ground.

cry out:

"how so."

"Bang Ji, why did you do this?"

"When I asked you just now, why didn't you tell me, do you know that your life is over!"

Regardless of Qin Huairu's grief and Jia Zhang's fear.

The police asked for another 50 yuan.


Found it from this kid.

It turned out that the boy Banggen thought that it would be safe to bury the money in the ground, but he couldn't move it casually.

But he still needs to spend.

So I left 50 yuan outside, waiting to buy delicious food.

It's a pity that he didn't dare to tell anyone about this, so when he took Xiaodang and Huaihua out to play today, he didn't have a chance to spend money.

This is a lot of points to get back.

The stick was taken away.

Sha Zhu followed to check the situation.

Qin Huairu was crying, but the people next to her were just watching.

That sticky boy is really stubborn.

In the eyes of others, they deserve it if they are caught.

After the boy Banggen was arrested, there was one less disaster in the yard!

After all, in the past, this guy, Bang Geng, would steal some sweet potatoes and potatoes that were dried in the yard.

A few days ago, Xu Damao's chicken was stolen;

Now, with the more than 2000 yuan that Shazhu kept at home, this kid actually dared to do it, and his courage was getting bigger and bigger.

People in the courtyard are also worried that they will be the next victims.

So I saw that Shazhu was arrested.

Although I don't say it.

But many people are still very happy.

There was no sympathy for Qin Huairu who fell to the ground crying.

When that boy Banggen stole things from the yard.

If people ask.

Both Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu are not easy-going lamps, they cry and scold their mothers.

It made the people in the courtyard feel as uncomfortable as eating flies.

Reap the consequences!

I cried for a while.

Qin Huairu pointed to Jia Zhang's family:

"Mom, why don't you take care of yourself at home!"

"Having committed such a serious matter, Bang Giao's life will be ruined. He is still a child, so what will others think of him in the future?"

Jia Zhang said angrily:

"Why do you still blame me?"

"It's not because you didn't teach it well, it's because I blame you for doing such a thing."

Jia Zhang was also depressed.

in fact.

From the stupid column that the money was lost.

Jia Zhang suspected that the money might have been stolen by the stick.

That's because she also kept a fluke heart.

"If it is not discovered, it will cost more than 2000 yuan."

"When the matter is over, my family will get more than 2000 for nothing. Isn't that a fortune!".

Chapter 112 Foolish and foolish Zhu put Qin Huairu to sleep

Jia's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are here to shirk responsibility.

Everyone was not in the mood to watch a play by the side, after all, neither of these two people had a good thing.

After listening to the meeting, they all dispersed.

But even if you go back to your own house.

The two could still be heard blaming each other.

Qin Huairu blamed Jia Zhang for being at home and not being optimistic about Banggen, but Jia Zhang was saying that Qin Huairu couldn't make money, and that Banggen would be like this every time he tried to make him full.

Really two best!


After some excuses.

The two hurried to the police station.

Let's see what to do with the stick.


At this moment, Qin Huairu was also a little at a loss.

Recently, there have been many disasters at home. Misfortunes never come singly. Suddenly, this kind of thing happened again.

some days ago.

Jia Dongxu just died.

Now that something like this happened to the stick boy, they all wondered if something happened to their family.

One after another bad things happened to my family.

At night.

Qin Huairu, Jia Zhang, and Shazhu are all back.

It's impossible for that boy to come back.

Although a child.

But the amount of theft is so large, even though the money was recovered, if there is no letter of understanding, it is estimated that the juvenile management office will have something to do.

At the police station, Qin Huairu saw the stick crying bitterly.

My heart is going to break.

Qin Huairu also made a decision.

No matter what, Shazhu must issue a letter of understanding to reduce the punishment of the stick.

Along the way, Qin Huairu begged Silly Zhu hard.

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