But if it is a beautiful dress, it can be worn for a long time, and it can be worn for a long time.

In this kind of choice, Su Heping is also very firm.

They are all young people!


Who hasn't spent months eating instant noodles just to buy a pair of favorite shoes!

Things are done here.


Su Heping is also preparing to resign.

When the tide is over, there is no need to leave your own supplies from the factory, as there are many ways to cash them out.

If it wasn't for the status of a worker before.

Su Heping quit long ago.

Now that the time is ripe, there is no need to worry about it.


East Main Street.

It was just dawn.

The stick boy has already arrived with a broom.

Because a street needs to be cleaned up before the morning, in order not to let people see his appearance, stick stems naturally have to come here early, so as to avoid contact with people as much as possible.

Even so, the boy stick is fully armed.

With a hat on his head.

With a mask on his mouth.

He was wearing sanitation overalls and gloves on his hands.

This way.

Even acquaintances may not be able to recognize it.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Bang Geng felt a little more at ease.

When I came out with a broom just now.

He has some regrets.

I promised this errand before.

The stick is sweeping the ground.

Seeing that a street is about to sweep to the end.

It was already morning at this time, and there were more and more pedestrians on the road.

When the stick boy was working, his eyes kept looking around.

What he is most afraid of now is meeting his acquaintances on the street, especially those who often play with him.

But I am afraid of something.


Not far away, I saw several young people walking towards this side together.

After seeing the faces of those people clearly, Bang Geng turned his back to them, bent his waist, and lowered the brim of his hat.

Afraid of being recognized.

Those few people were walking on the road talking and laughing.


They are all bragging.

Such young people are very common at this time.

Those were four people, three men and one woman.

The three boys were all in their teens and twenties, no different from those wandering jobless youths on the street.

Obviously, they were bragging.

But gaze.

All looking at the girl in the middle.

The girl was a pretty girl with braids, about the same age as those people.

Such a girl.

Naturally, it is the goal of the young man's favor.

When passing by the stick.

A young man with a three to seven parted hair suddenly yelled and said:

"Hey, isn't this our great comrade!"

"Tell us before that you found a job."

"So that's the job."

"Sweep the street!"

"It's really promising, competing with the old man for a job."

Those people didn't pay attention at all.

Now after hearing what the divided youth said, I realized that the sanitation worker who looked like a secret agent was really their little partner.

The stick can't hide when it sees it.

Stand up too.

"Xiaohui, you guys are playing around here!"

The girl's name is Qian Xiaohui.

These people are all companions who used to play with BangGiao often.

This kid, Bang Geng, naturally has a good impression of this young and beautiful Qian Xiaohui.

At this time, I saw myself sweeping the street.

be found.

It was very embarrassing.

Qian Xiaohui was really helpful when he saw this man.

Surprised and said:

"Bang, it turns out that you really have a job!"

"I didn't expect that the first one of us to have a job was you. Congratulations."

There was envy in Qian Xiaohui's eyes.

She meant it when she said it.

She really felt that the relationship between the stick and stem family was very strong, and she could still find a job.

The split young man next to him is called He Wei.

After listening to Qian Xiaohui's words.

I feel even more upset.

in fact.

met here.

There is no such thing as a coincidence.

Why did this kid take the big guy for a long time, and it was 820 who was looking for a stick!He knew that the boy Banggen was sweeping the streets here.

In fact, there are really many people fighting for this job.

Why is also one of them.


The job was eventually taken by Yi Zhonghai, who also spent 50 yuan for it.

As for what Yi Zhonghai said, it was won based on his relationship.

It's just a rhetoric.

What is home.

Originally, I also found a relationship.

But if it costs money, it's just a job of sweeping the streets, so I can only give up.

But he had already heard it from others.

Take this job.

Just a stick.

Since he couldn't get the job, He Wei naturally wouldn't make it easy for this boy, Bang Geng.

He also knew that the boy BangGeng wanted face the most.

And it's street sweeping.

Say it.

It's really not good.

So when a few people came out to play this morning, seeing that Qian Xiaohui was also there, he deliberately circled around a few times, just looking for sticks.

did not expect.

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