Chapter 24: Stick Steal was Bitten by a Poisonous Snake for Stealing, Amputation!

This young man cut off 30 yuan as soon as he opened his mouth.

Really willing!

Is it—

This young man knew the identity of Mr. Guo, and deliberately showed his favor?

But these people are all soldiers and horses all their lives, and they are still somewhat accurate in judging people. It can be seen that the young man is not like that kind of person.

And the identity of this guy has been spread.

It's a Chinese medicine doctor in the infirmary of the rolling mill, so there is obviously no problem with his identity.

That can only be said.

The young man doesn't care about the 32 ten.

He is an open person.

Mr. Guo really coveted this fat-headed fish, nodded and said:

"The old man, I will take advantage of you!"


Mr. Guo took out 50 yuan and handed it to Su Heping.

The old man also knew that he had taken advantage of it.

If you bid here, 100 yuan is probably not enough, but 50 yuan is definitely more than that.

After all, although this thing is not as oily as a pig's head.

But this fish is a rarity.

The old man didn't take advantage of it in vain. Several old men took money out of their bodies and collected a lot of bills for Su Heping.

There are meat tickets, food tickets, and industrial tickets.

this year.

This thing is hard currency.

Not only can you get the selling money, even if you don’t sell the money to give it to others, it is also a very popular gift.

Su Heping didn't refuse either.

Received the ticket.

Soon a vigorous young man came over to help the old man lift the fish.

More than 40 kilograms of fat head fish are worn with straw ropes.

The young man held it in his hand, but he also felt as light as nothing.

Obviously skill is not simple.

Su Heping was slightly surprised.

Mr. Guo and Su Heping said hello, and left with the old men with a satisfied face.

Wait for the old man to leave.

Several people around felt a sense of relief.

Resurrected, to buy other fish.

Red Star Courtyard.


Zai Su left the courtyard in peace.

There are not many people in the courtyard.

But most of them are in the front yard and the middle yard, and the boys from the Liu family in the back yard, and Xu Damao are all young people.

On weekends, they all went out to have fun.

There are not many people in the backyard.

That sticky kid, after looking around in the cat boy's yard for a long time, he made sure that there was no one in the backyard.

Sneak into the backyard.

Holding two wires in his hand, he ran to Su Heping's door.

He looked around furtively to the side.

Make sure no one is there.

Only then did he fiddle with Su Heping's door lock with the tool in his hand.


Fiddle for a while.

The stick opened the lock.

He was ecstatic in his heart, and he didn't even think about calling Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu, but pushed the door open and entered Su Heping's room first.

Just entered the house.

Stick stem saw the things on top of the cabinet.

Can't help swallowing.

There is bacon, there is salted chicken, and there is cured meat.

The most important thing is that there are many cans beside the cabinet, including fruit, canned fish and canned meat.

Stick stem eyes are going straight.

He couldn't wait to get the can on top.

something else.

It is not ready to eat.

But canned can.

He also tasted canned food, but it was a long time ago.

At this point see the can above.

Thinking of the delicious taste of the canned food, Bang Giao couldn't bear it anymore.

But stick stem is only seven or eight years old at this time.

The cabinet was so high that Stick could only move a stool to step on it.

Carefully go to get the cans on the cabinet, when Sticky's hand has touched the top can, ready to take it down.

Inside the cabinet, a black shadow suddenly sprang out.

It's the short-tailed adder.

He bit hard on the stick's thumb.

Stick only felt a numbness in his hand, followed by a burst of pain. When he looked up, he found a snake hanging on his hand.

He screamed in fright.

He waved his hands and feet wildly and fell off the stool.

Then he cried out loudly:

"Grandma, Mom!"


"There are snakes, there are poisonous snakes..."

And when he's waving.

His hands also clattered to the things on the cabinet.

All the things on the cabinet fell from the top with a clatter.

Those fruit cans are all glass.

The ground of Su Heping's house was paved with blue bricks, and the cans fell to the ground and immediately fell to pieces.

Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu from the middle court.

They're all waiting for the stick.

On the one hand, he waited for his notification that the progress was smooth, and if he unlocked the door, he went to move things.

On the other hand, it is also a helper.

Before the good news arrived, he heard the cries of the stick, his expression changed involuntarily, and he ran to the backyard in a hurry.

The deaf old lady in the backyard came to her door when she heard the cries of the stick.

Seeing the Jia family rushing over so quickly.

Could not help frowning.

At this time, other people in the courtyard also heard the movement in the backyard and ran over.

Once inside the house.

The stick fell to the ground.

Wrapped around a gray snake.

There was a stool next to it, and the ground was broken glass and scattered fruit cans.

The tempting smell of canned food permeates the room.

see the situation.

These people immediately guessed what was going on.

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