And Qian Xiaohui's father.

Only found out after quieting down.

I couldn't lift my arm, and I didn't know what was going on.

Originally, Father Qian wanted to hide it.

But when Qian Xiaohui's mother was supporting Qian's father's arm, she noticed something was wrong and asked immediately.

Father Qian smiled wryly:

"Probably dislocated."

"Let's talk about it after dawn!"

Mother Qian didn't say anything to appease the children.

But she also knew.

Such a big thing happened.

There must be a lot of people in the hospital, even if you go to the hospital, you may not be able to get in the queue. If you usually find someone who knows a little bit of medical skills outside, you can also solve the problem.

But in this kind of day, it's hard to find someone!

Suddenly Father Qian said:

"By the way, have you got the food out of the house?"

"I went in to have a look. I planned to buy some rice and noodles during the holiday tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. There is not much food left."

"I don't know if we can still buy food when it dawns."

Both adults smiled wryly.

Mother Qian still wanted to go in.

But was stopped by the 1.7 money father.

Although he could only move his arms, it was more convenient than Qian's mother's legs.

Mother Qian suffers from polio and has difficulty moving on her legs.

But the house leak happened to rain all night.

When he took out the few catties of wet flour, Father Qian also felt a little depressed.

Their rice noodles are all placed in the outhouse.

Not far from the water tank.

Usually nothing.

But just after the earthquake, the roof collapsed and the water tank was damaged.

A full cylinder of water in the water tank flows out directly.

The food was also soaked.

After listening to Father Qian's words, Mother Qian sighed slightly, but thought that the three children were still by her side.

You can only force yourself to calm down:

"People safe is good!"

"There's really nothing to eat, let's borrow some from Sister Li's."

Even so.

But even Qian Xiaohui knew it.

There are six people in Aunt Li's family in the courtyard, she can't help worrying about what food she will have.

Chapter 181 To Stalk a Woman

There are two other families in the front yard.

Listening to the conversation just now, I also know the situation of Qian Xiaohui's family.


"The Qian family, don't worry too much, your family is out of food, and I still have some."

"It's better to wait for dawn, everyone gather all the food and light the torches."

"Let's help each other out."

"It can always pass."

"It's not like there's nothing to eat."

see it.

Neighborhood relations in this yard are good.

By this time.

Everyone didn't think about breaking up with each other!

Just when the Qian family was worried, someone shouted not far from the yard:

"Qian Xiaohui! Qian Xiaohui!"

Noble, of course.

When he arrived nearby, he couldn't find a place and started calling for people.

Noble has no choice.

He has never been here.

Although I asked people on the street just now, they only pointed in a general direction.

It's late at night, and there are no lights, so I can't see anything.

I can only yell.

Qian's father and Qian's mother in Tongfu compound thought they heard it wrong, or they had the same name and surname, but they saw the voice getting closer.

And they have never heard that there is someone near their home with the same name as their eldest girl.

14 at this time.

The voice has come outside the yard:

"Qian Xiaohui, I'm Li Laibao."

"Are you here? If you are, say hello!"

Mother Qian couldn't bear it anymore.

Pulling Qian Xiaohui:

"Xiaohui, is this your friend?"

"If it's your friend, you promise me."

Qian Xiaohui was dumbfounded at this moment.

When she heard someone calling her name just now, she didn't recognize the other person's name at all, but now that Noble has gone outside and has called her name several times, she naturally recognized it.

At this time, she didn't understand.

It's all up to this time.

Why did that guy dare to run around.

Doesn't he know it's dangerous!


To say that I am not moved.

That must be deceiving.

Qian Xiaohui couldn't help saying hello:

"Li Laibao, I'm here!"

"Li Laibao..."

After calling out, a flashlight shined into the yard.

Then, a familiar figure Qian Xiaohui came in from outside.

It's not just Qian's father and Qian's mother who are curious.

Even the other people in the courtyard heard Laibao's call just now.

At this time, following the light of the flashlight, they also saw that it was a strong, handsome young man coming in from the outside.

And he took a lot of things with both hands.

Noble sees nothing wrong:

"Xiaohui, your house is really hard to find!"

"I found this place only after going around in circles. Are your family all right?"

Although Qian Xiaohui has a hearty personality.

But encounter such a natural disaster.

Also feel at a loss.

I didn't know what to say, I just said:

"How did you come!"

"There may be aftershocks!"

Seeing that Qian Xiaohui still looked like she hadn't recovered, Noble didn't waste time with her.

Put the rice noodles and some meat in the yard.

Only then did Father Qian and Mother Qian be discovered.

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