"Have a cup of tea?"

At this time, the water has boiled, and the delicate teapot is gurgling.

Nannie put the water aside.

This little stove.

There are two furnace holes, one for boiling water and one for keeping warm.

Then Nannie began to wash and make tea skillfully.

Yang Ruirui is on the side.

Seeing this little white face like an old man, enjoying it peacefully, and sister Nannan, like a little daughter-in-law, with low eyebrows and delicate eyes.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Ruirui felt angry.

Sat down politely.

Nannan is also funny.

She also confirmed that the master of painting that Ruirui told herself before was Su Heping.

Now she knew it, and he had shown it last night.

Not only sketches.

Later, I also practiced splash-ink painting. I don't know how the painting is. Anyway, I splashed it all over my body, and I still used a needle to nourish it.

Thinking of this, Nannan secretly spat at herself.

It seems like when.

I can already drive myself.

"By the way, Miss Nannan, why are you here?"

"No, you can buy Professor Raymond's house. Before Professor Raymond left school, I heard that the house was bought."

Girl nods:

"I did buy it."

Yang Ruirui insisted on the word.

She heard it clearly.

What Sister Nannan said was that she bought it, not them.

Little white face!

Ruirui continued to explore:

"I didn't expect that Sister Nannan knew Mr. Su."

"Before I saw Mr. Su's accomplishments in painting, I wanted to introduce Mr. Su to Sister Nannan!"

"Since you have known each other for a long time."

"If you want to learn how to draw, you can find Mr. Su."

Girl depressed:

It was also yesterday that I learned his painting skills!

But for this kind of thing, it is definitely not enough to tell outsiders, and Nannan didn't explain much.

See Nannan's appearance.

Yang Ruirui became more certain of her guess - this guy is just a scumbag boy with a bad face!

Thinking of this, Yang Ruirui said angrily:

"Sister Nannan, you have to be careful!"

"Nowadays, there are some handsome and talented people who like to deceive girls. Girls must be careful just now, and they must not be easily fooled."

"It's unlucky to be cheated of money and sex!"

"If you don't admit it after eating it up, we women are still unlucky!"

Good guy!

This said.

Totally fine.


Hey hey hey——

you girl.

You just talk when you talk, what do you mean when you keep staring at me when you say this?

Su Heping just felt amused in his heart.

Before, I and Fatty were fattened by this girl on the street, and now she saw me and my daughter together early in the morning, no wonder this girl looks so aggrieved.....

Su Heping nodded:

"I think classmate Ruirui is right."


Su Heping continued to drink tea with his head down, his pistil was very angry.

With you being so thick-skinned, pretend that you don't talk about you, right?

Nannie blushed a little.

After all, his relationship with Su Heping.

It's a little bad to say.

Can only cover up:

"Come on, Ruirui, drink tea!"

"In such a morning, in such an environment, don't talk about those unhappy things."

"Drinking tea will put you in a good mood all day."


Yang Ruirui was a little depressed.

It feels like she's been talking for nothing for a long time.


She also wanted to directly expose that the guy in front of her had a wife.

He is with you just for your money and your sex, so don't let your daughter really be fooled.

But think it's not appropriate.

Not to mention.

She couldn't even say that.

He could only pick up the teacup and drink tea with an unhappy face.

When he looked up, he found that the guy opposite was looking at him with a villainous expression, which made Yang Ruirui angry.

He took a sip of tea and got up to leave.

This is not the right occasion.

But she decides.

If you have a chance, you must remind Sister Nannan to be careful of this person.

Wait for Yang Ruirui to leave angrily.

Nannan told Su Heping that Ruirui wanted to introduce a painting master to herself in the teahouse.

That's why Su Heping knew there was such a story.


But the girl is a little strange:

"Why, this girl seems to have a lot of opinions on you."

"Seeing you is like seeing an enemy."

"Isn't it because you abandoned the little girl all the time before, which made people feel so resentful!"

Su Heping smiled:

"It's a coincidence, isn't it!"

"When I was in the clothing store yesterday, I just met this girl at the door of the store."

"I guess this guy thinks that I'm a jerk who eats soft food!"

Nannan froze for a moment.

Immediately laughed.

Did she know that every time Fatty and Su Heping were together.

But they all like to be tired of lying on Su Heping.

Saw the two of them together yesterday.

This early in the morning, seeing the two of them like this again, no wonder they had that look just now.

Su Heping joked:

"This girl, I guess there must be a lot of question marks in her mind!"

The girl said angrily:

"Not only question marks, she also has many exclamation marks!".

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