"Well, would you like to ask Su Muxi's father for help?"

"Since he is so powerful, maybe there is some way out."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. After all, it was your father who was wronged. At worst, if your father comes out, then you will find a way to repay him!"

Other teachers also echoed.

It feels like a good idea.

This kind of thing.

I can't say there is anything good or bad, after all, it's better to get people out first.

Ran Qiuye was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that these colleagues also felt that they could ask for help.

Ran Qiuye smiled and said:

"There's no reason for this. It's not appropriate to find someone."

"But in the morning, Su Muxi's father asked me to write to him about my father, and he said to help me ask."

Only then did the teacher next to him realize that he had thought of this a long time ago.

But it was possible that Ran Qiuye was running to help last night.

But still feeling:

"It's no wonder that people's business is getting better and better, and they are also open-minded."."

"Since people are willing to help, then things should make some progress, you just wait for the news!"

Ran Qiuye smiled:

"we can only do this!"

Even though he said that, Ran Qiuye didn't have much hope in his heart.

When school was over in the evening, Su Muxi's father took her to pick her up at the school gate.

Seeing Ran Qiuye, he even said hello to Ran Qiuye.

But the school gate.

Many people looked at Su Muxi and pointed,

What happened in the morning has already spread, and everyone thinks it.

Wang Shumin was deposed.

How to say.

This hands-on person must also be affected!

But unexpectedly, this person didn't seem to be affected at all, and continued to pick up the children at night.

It's kind of magical.

What's the origin of this house?

There is a reason for the Wang family to be so domineering.

Ran Qiuye was surprised.


Know the identity of Su Heping.

She was not too surprised, and walked home with her bag on her shoulders.

At the door of the house, while putting down the bag, he took out the dishes that were specially left for noon, and said to him:

"Mom, let me heat up the food!"

Ran Qiuye was a little surprised when she didn't hear her mother's answer.

In order to save electricity bills.

As long as it is not necessary, their house does not even turn on the lights.

At this time, she turned on the light, but saw the old mother sitting on the sofa next to her, with red eyes, looking at her in a daze, and jumped Ran Qiuye.

He hurried over and asked nervously:

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Did something happen, you talk!"

Thinking of what might happen, Ran Qiuye also felt his body tense up, and his whole heart tugged.

She was mentally prepared for the worst.

Ran's mother looked up at Ran Qiuye.

The lips trembled slightly.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Qiu Ye, your father is coming back."


Ran Qiuye was dumbfounded.

She was completely overwhelmed by the news.

After a long while, I came back to my senses, and said with a look of surprise:

"Mom, what's going on here?"

Listen to what her mother said.

Ran Qiuye finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that at noon, Ran Qiuye's mother heard someone calling her to answer the phone from the canteen outside, saying that it was from the labor reform farm.

Ran's mother was scared to death.

Thought something was wrong.

After all, when there is nothing to do, they rarely take the initiative to call.

Ran's mother came out of the house in a panic, and picked up the phone in a panic, praying that there would be no bad news on the other end.

When she heard the other end of the phone, it was Ran Qiuye's father's voice.

Ran's mother was relieved.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, Ran Qiuye's mother was dumbfounded:

"Guilan, I... I seem to be able to go back. The guard told me to pack my things. I can take the car back tomorrow morning, and I can arrive in Kyoto in about two days!"

"I, I can go back!"

Ran's mother's mind went blank.

She didn't believe it was true until she put down the phone.

The proprietress of the canteen is right next to her. She listened to all the conversations on the phone just now.

Wait for Ran's mother to put down the phone.

Was surprised to ask:

"Mr. Zhang, Professor Ran is coming back?"

"Yes, that's what he said on the phone."

Ran's mother still hasn't recovered.


Back home numbly, she sat at home in a daze, her heart was in a mess, until Ran Qiuye came back, she didn't recover from the shock.

After all, something that has troubled me for many years.

They have tried everything but have no clue, and they seem to be desperate.

But suddenly, it is said that people can come back, which is shocking, there is no doubt about it.

Ran Qiuye was also shocked by this surprise.

I thought about it.

Ran Qiuye also thought of it:

".~Mom, I probably know who helped my house and helped my dad get it out."

"Who, tell me quickly, so we can come to thank you!"

"Yes, the father of one of my students..."


Although guessed.

Ran Qiuye still felt incredible.

Under her mother's questioning, Ran Qiuye told Ran's mother what happened last night and this morning, and Ran's mother was also taken aback by what she said, and she said it was incredible.

Ran Qiuye's mother is also a teacher.

It's just middle school.

So although he was affected before, but because he was not considered a high-spirited person, he was only sent to a labor camp at school.

After the spring tide, she also (Nuo Haohao) had no intention of teaching at school.

Just retired and went home.

But the intellectuals in this family still have some knowledge.

From Ran Qiuye's narration, Ran's mother could also be sure that this was done with help, but she felt that it was too incredible.

In order to rehabilitate Ran's father, she also learned about this aspect.

Even if you find a relationship.

It also takes time to get people out.

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