Self-contained title - graduated from the beautiful country, in the Ivy League - Cornell University, the leader in science and engineering - Dr. Sea Turtle - Mai Jiaguo!

Self-contained traffic - the number of bib fans is 200 million!

Self-contained topic-the loyal licking dog of the beautiful country, is very disdainful of many aspects of the dragon country, and often causes huge controversy when it comes to the content of the scarf!


As usual, the long comments he posted under the mecha highlights video are very personal and extremely unfriendly!

"I can assure you that this mech is impossible to appear, and the video is absolutely fake!"

"I say four o'clock."

"First, the forging process!"

"Let me ask, is there really any forging technique that can achieve such smoothness and brilliance?!"

"As we all know, the best seamless forging technology in Longguo is the high-speed rail track."

"But unfortunately, that kind of technology cannot achieve the effect seen in the video!"

"Second, joint movement!"

"The most complex movement joints in the human body, the first is the crotch, the second is the shoulder and elbow, because they are disordered!"

"The top laboratory in the beautiful country is working on the top technology-hydraulic cylinder transmission and linkage mechanism!"

"It is to make the machine realize the disordered movement of these two parts of human beings!"

"Look clearly, the beautiful country is still tackling tough problems, that is, this technology is not available in the whole world!"

"But in the video, how did the various anthropomorphic movements of the mecha, especially the disorderly movements of the shoulders and elbows before punching?!"

"It's not that I look down on Long Guo. Long Guo can't even keep up with the beautiful country in this respect. It's impossible to be as good as in the video!"

"Third, internal structure!"

"The mechanical structure of a large mech like this is complex internally. The transmission structure, load-bearing structure, bearings and other aspects are extremely complicated."

"And Longguo's technology in this area is not enough to complete this kind of machinery!"

"In the whole world, the only country with this technology is the beautiful country."

"Fourth, operating system!"

"This is the most crucial point!"

"As shown in the video, the human-computer interaction method adopted by the mech is motion-sensitive control!"

"Somatosensory control technology has always been a top problem that countries all over the world want to tackle!"

"Nowadays, the data released by laboratories around the world is the most excellent in the beautiful country, but even so, it is still far from achieving, such as one percent of the interactive effect in the video!"

"So, to sum up, the mecha is fake, and this video is definitely produced with post-production special effects!"

"It's really sad and deplorable for the official TV station to make such an obvious gimmick title!"

"Long Guo, it's time to reflect on yourself!"

Although these words are a bit outrageous, they are still well-founded, and many netizens believed them instantly:

"Damn, I was almost cheated!"

"There is no bottom line!"

"Clean up what you have and what you don't, let's consume the public!"

"The official TV station actually contributes to unhealthy tendencies and should be strongly condemned!"

"Let me just say, how can something like a mecha be real!"

"Fortunately, there are capable people who pointed it out with reason and evidence, otherwise we might have waited for three days!"

"Then it will be a fucking loss, cancel it quickly!"

"I just posted on Moments, saying that the real mecha came out, so I quickly deleted it, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be laughed to death when I look back."

"Where are those people who just said that the mechs are real? Why don't they talk, come out and shout!"


Maggie's comment.

Just ride the momentum of Juechen!

Climb to the top of "The World's First Mecha-Attack! "The top spot in the collection comment section!

It had an extremely bad impact!


And now, really, is it tolerable or unbearable!

Therefore, the audience in the live broadcast room of "Looking for Civilian Scientists" began to fight back!


The scarf of Tanhuacun TV station, Mai Jiaguo commented below.

The audience in the live broadcast room of "Looking for Folk Scientists" rushed here.

"The person in charge of Longgang Group, the No. 1 forging and welding technology in Longguo, Professor Zheng Jinguo, once commented that the forging process of this mecha has surpassed the world!"

"Longguo Engineering Academy, academician Lin Shoucheng, No. 1 in Longguo Machinery Manufacturing, once called the mecha a creation, and praised the mecha maker, Mr. Jiang, as a new generation of mechanical masters!"

"Academician Wang Siyuan of the 101 Combat Readiness Institute, a leader in the field of human-computer interaction in Longguo, has confirmed that the human-computer interaction system of the mecha is the somatosensory interaction. And the advanced technology has surpassed the entire era!"

"These three big brothers are now in Tanhua Village, and they can't ask the mecha maker Master Jiang for advice!"

"The rest, such as the guests of the program group, Professor Zeng Aiguo, Professor Liang Xuehai, and Bai Susu, a million-dollar science blogger, even experienced the appearance, activation, and control of this mech on the spot. Moreover, the camera followed the whole process and broadcast live !"

"You said the mecha is fake, where the hell do you get the confidence?!"

"Did your beautiful country father give it to you?! Grass!"

"I keep saying that the Dragon Country is not as good as the Beautiful Country here, and not as good as the Beautiful Country there, so go back and inhale the sweet air of the Beautiful Country!"


In this battle, many netizens were shocked by the bib.

Zheng Jinguo, Lin Shoucheng, Wang Siyuan.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, are as famous as thunder!

These people personally praised this mecha.

And also went to the scene to ask for advice?

Even, can't you ask for it? !


It's appalling.

But following the netizens in the live broadcast room, they recorded the whole process of the live broadcast of "Looking for Folk Scientists" and put it up.

All the doubts and confusions of the bib netizens turned into deep shocks!

And, there is no reason to dislike Mai Jiaguo!


Chapter 69 Hot discussion on the Internet, what new surprises will the mechs have in three days?

Mai Jiaguo's comments were quickly attacked by crowds.

"You are too bad!"

"It's really bad pus!"

"What is your intention to make such remarks?!"

"I didn't pay attention to it just now. After looking carefully, I realized that you, a dog, licked the beautiful country. That's a lot of effort!"

"I just want to ask, does your mother know that you are so good at licking?!"

"Opening your mouth and shutting your mouth is the Dragon Kingdom. This is not comparable, and that is not comparable, rnm, our national self-confidence is destroyed by people like you!"

"Get out! No, get out, apologize!"



The tide of counterattack is engulfing the anger of netizens.

Come on!

Maggie is stupid!

Originally, he just stepped on the Dragon Country and praised the Beautiful Country every day, casually picking up the popularity and feeling of presence.

But I never thought that this time I actually kicked the steel plate——

No, this is not an ordinary steel plate, it is clearly a titanium-tungsten-magnesium-aluminum-iron-copper masonry alloy, a super steel plate!

The anger cannot be dispelled!

Mai Jiaguo is a liar who pretends to be a tiger, shows off his superiority, and fawns on foreigners!

He didn't even refute - he was scared!

Quickly delete in "The World's First Mecha-Attack! "The comments below, slip away!

Then, lie down and pretend to be dead!


But, obviously.

Maggie underestimated the anger of netizens.

Soon, Zhanhuo searched for traces and found Mai Jiaguo's bib lair.

Haosheng staged a show, seven in and seven out!

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