Shi Jiu was still walking, he was walking towards Handaomen step by step.

Chapter 143 Chapter 140

"Iron Master Han Fanjiang lost!"

"Qiu Chai of the Double Shadow Sword Sect has lost!"

The news seemed to have wings, and flew to every household in Magu City one by one.And as Shi Jiu marched, people who were far away came out of their homes one after another, watching this unannounced battle from a distance.

It is human nature to like to watch the excitement, especially in the past two days, there have been a lot of big melons, which is well known to women and children.

Not everyone can practice qi, and a considerable number of people have worked hard for a lifetime and have a little sense of qi, and they can't even enter the first rank.

But each state has its own legends.

Legends among the people are good for the government. They satisfy the common people's fantasy that a peerless knight may be born around them, and they are a dreamy painkiller.When the common people looked at those heroes flying high and high, they were as satisfied as if Xiao Yusheng didn't go out with Shi Jiu, but stayed in the yard to play with him.This little thing is very dear, and it takes less than a day to raise it.Seeing it jumping up and down at his feet, rolling and exposing its belly, seems to be able to erase all worries.

But after playing with 朏朏 for a while, Xiao Yusheng felt bored again.She wants to see where Shi Jiu is now and if he will be injured.

After going back to the master's gate and asking for permission to go down the mountain, Xiao Yusheng gradually felt that many things didn't really matter that much.Even if someone saw him walking with Shi Jiu, it didn't seem to matter.

Xiao Yusheng walked out of the gate slowly, holding 朏朏 in his arms.

There was already a circle of people outside the run-down alley, and there were even police officers on the street to maintain order and prevent people from getting too close and being accidentally injured.

Xiao Yusheng did not approach the crowd, but stood far away.Her inspiration allows her to look over the crowd, so there's no such thing as a best-viewer.


"Good weapon." Shi Jiu exclaimed in a low voice, "Can I borrow it for a look?"

The head of the Koi School let out a long sigh, and handed over the Ziwu Mandarin Duck Axe in his hand.

Shi Jiu imitated the opponent's way and held the Yuanyang axe, turned his wrist, and felt its weight.

It is difficult to use, it requires flexible body and wrist, and the main focus is rapid change within a small range.It has a peculiar shape and many hooks. With flexible palms, it can disarm the opponent's weapons in unexpected ways.

"Borrow it for the next time."

Shi Jiu passed the head of the Koi Sect and continued walking towards the end of the street.

During this half morning, Shi Jiu only walked one street, and there was still one street to go.

If Shi Jiu went all out to meet the enemy, he would probably have already left the city by this time.But there are always interesting things in the weapons used by these martial arts schools, so he can't help but play with them.

It was obviously impossible for him to master the essence of these weapons in such a short period of time, which in turn slowed down his progress.But experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement.The common people only knew that every time Shi Jiu picked a master, he put down the weapon of the previous master and used the weapon of this master to challenge the next one.

Proficiency in all eighteen martial arts often only exists in legends, but they have seen them today.

If when Shi Jiu defeated the previous masters, the people of Magu City still sighed that they were not worthy of Magu City's martial arts sect, but as they went to the back, the people admired Shi Jiulai more and more.

Knocking down one person is called a brawl, knocking down three people is called a gang fight, but knocking down ten sects is called a legend.

Everyone seems to realize that they are witnessing the birth of another martial arts legend.

It has been too long since there has been a martial arts legend in Zi Cangzhou. Even the monk who handed over 40 monster heads alone during the monster beast siege in Zi Cangzhou a few days ago cannot be called a martial arts legend.

A true martial arts legend should be well-known, highly recognizable, have done earth-shattering deeds, and be unanimously recognized by the martial arts world and society.

No matter which state such a chivalrous man goes to Dagan, as long as he announces his name, it will be a big face.If there is a living legend in any state, people will respect you when you walk outside.

Shi Jiu walked to the next opponent, today's battle made him feel the excitement he hadn't seen for a long time.Unlike facing different enemies in the past, this time it is facing a different self.

How to exert power in the palm, how to use the sword, and what skills are there in the iron hook—the Mind Eye Knife can clearly see these mysteries.Although it is impossible for Shi Jiu to learn it just by reading it once, he has benefited a lot from the skills he has acquired through decades of immersion in this weapon.

"Opening the mountain gate Yu Ji, please advise Shi Daxia!"


Xiao Yusheng watched Shi Jiu Yucai with relish. Although the level of these fights was really limited in her opinion, watching Shi Jiu was very interesting.

At some point, a thief approached Xiao Yusheng: "Girl?"

Xiao Yusheng withdrew his mind instantly, and glanced coldly at the man who was smiling.

"Girl, do you want to buy a painting?"

The person who came was the artist who had been chased and beaten for selling erotic pictures, and he was carrying a basket of paintings and holding a few paintings in his arms.When he saw Xiao Yusheng's gaze, the artist trembled instinctively.But all the questions have been asked, so I can only bite the bullet and continue to sell.

"Two taels of silver for one piece." The painter whispered, looking around, "I can appreciate it by myself, but it can also add interest to the boudoir and enhance the relationship between husband and wife. My painting is of high quality, and I can't find another one in Magu City." The painting is better than mine, two taels of silver is really not expensive."

Seeing that Xiao Yusheng didn't speak, the artist was also a little timid: "Well... I'm not those low-quality goods, I have good skills! I copied them from Huang Zugui's books. Not only are they beautiful, but they are also very practical. , to enhance the energy of yin and yang..."

"Girl, this person, there will come a day, you have to prepare in advance, don't you?" Seeing that Xiao Yusheng didn't drive him away, the painter gradually became more courageous, "Your temperament is relatively quiet, but look at your Sir, what you have here is a handsome and unrestrained person—of course, you are the most beautiful guest, but after a long time, the relationship between husband and wife will always be a little..."

Xiao Yusheng turned his gaze back, completely ignoring the painter.

The painter was startled, shrunk his neck resentfully, and prepared to look for the next target.But before he left, he felt that his arms were empty, and the painting he was holding was taken away.

When the painter turned around, there was only a woman hugging a cat in her arms.She held the cat in one hand and hid the other behind her back, apparently she was the one holding the painting.

Before the painter could speak, Xiao Yusheng coldly threw ten taels of silver and said nothing.

The painter suddenly smiled, as if motivated again, and lowered his voice: "The guest officer is bold, the villain is called Su Bai, and he lives in the fourth hole of Asang Lane in the west of the city. The bamboo planted at the door is a villain. The paintings brought out this time are relatively In general, there are some better ones, but they are more expensive, one piece is twelve taels..."

Xiao Yusheng silently stuffed the five paintings that had been removed into the Sumeru bag, and ignored Su Bai without saying a word.

Su Bai pondered for a while, then quietly retreated, and ran home.

Chapter 144 Chapter 140 Magu City, only I, Shi Jiu, can speak loudly!

What Yu Ji used was a chopping knife that was a bit too big compared to other martial artists. Standing on the ground alone, it was 1.6 meters long, almost catching up with Shi Jiu's Miao knife.But Shi Jiu's Miao Dao is aimed at monsters that are about ten meters long, with a blade of nearly two meters and a handle of more than half a meter.

As for the huge chopping knife in front of him, in terms of its thickness, its size surpassed that of Shi Jiu's.It is not so much a knife as it is an enlarged steel ruler.

Shi Jiu was very curious about how a knife of this specification was used in a human battle, but soon he knew.

The huge blade is not only a heavy weapon that makes people dare not take it lightly, but also a flexible shield.Different from the bulky appearance, this kind of broadsword is extremely sensitive when used as a block.You only need to stand the tip of the knife on the ground, hold the handle of the knife in the other hand, and cooperate with the agility to hide most of the body behind the knife.

When using it, instead of holding the handle with both hands, you hold the handle with one hand and the back of the knife with the other, which looks like a big guillotine.

"This time we have hit a hard board." Yu Ji smiled self-deprecatingly, "Hero Shi, the real person does not show his face. I have never heard the name of Hero Shi before. I don't know what school He is from?"

Shi Jiu originally wanted to say that he had no background, but suddenly felt that such an answer was very boring.

"Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Sect."

Yu Ji laughed loudly: "So that's it, don't talk much, after the fight, drink together?"

"I'm going out of town after the fight, and I'll drink when I get back."

"it is good!"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Ji's broadsword whipped up a gust of wind and slashed at Shi Jiu.

The previous sect masters didn't make big moves, perhaps because they had all their true energy and strength inside.But Yu Ji is obviously different, his martial arts is undisguised and thick.

There is no return when the knife comes out, and the knife is carried around the body.Da Zhan Dao, who rampages like a bulldozer on the field, seems to be the protagonist, and Yu Ji is just a sword waiter who cooperates with him.


Shi Jiu raised the Ziwu mandarin duck ax with one hand, and used the hook of the ax to divert away Yu Ji's heavy slash.This time, he didn't use too much strength, he wanted to feel the level of these fifth-rank masters under the same strength conditions.

Shi Jiu's feet sank, and the bluestone slab at his feet caved in, creating a hole.

The heavy saber in front of him was faster than Shi Jiu imagined, even though he diverted Yu Ji's saber away, Yu Wei still pushed his figure down a bit.

Vaguely, Shi Jiu seemed to see a huge wave pressing towards him.And behind the huge waves is a big knife that can split even the waves.

This illusion that only exists in the spiritual world seems to have real attack power, and the pressure that Shi Jiuyin still feels after the attack is caused by it.

This is not Yu Ji's unique ability, the former masters of the fifth rank also have the same attack method.But some people's illusion is a nimble black snake, while others are a brutal tiger, everyone is different.

After several consecutive battles, Shi Jiu gradually realized what the so-called [Martial Arts] is.

Perhaps everyone's martial arts are hidden in their hearts, and the external manifestations are only stronger strength and speed, and more precise power control.

But after personally experiencing the life in that Martial Dao Bead, Shi Jiu gradually realized that maybe Martial Dao is not something mysterious, but a person's summary of his life.

A summary of life goals, a summary of experience, and a summary of truth.Then, from this unique perception, condense something that is unique to him.

This [thing] has the power to affect reality.Shi Jiu didn't dare to call it by such a general name as [spiritual power]. He felt that it seemed to be something more pure than spirit.

"Good knife." Shi Jiu praised sincerely.

In the blink of an eye, Shi Jiu turned into an afterimage, and kicked the heavy guillotine like the speed of light, kicking Yu Ji and others with the knife to the other side of the street.

"But your voice is too loud. Today, I am the only one who can speak loudly in Magu City!"


After walking this trip, Shi Jiu has opened his eyes.

Sect masters appeared one after another, and what Shi Jiu did was to send them away one by one repeatedly.

Weapons lay alone on the road that Shi Jiu walked, like corpses that could not speak.

The people in Magu City were empty, and the people in Magu City watched the martial arts sects that used to be superior one after another, but they were not disappointed in their hearts, but relieved a lot.

——So many martial arts sects have been defeated, not any one is bad, but Shi Jiu is too strong.

Shi Jiu couldn't count how many people he had beaten, but the Magu City government obviously took pride in it, and even sent police officers to maintain order in the audience, instead of directly intervening to disperse the fight, which was essentially a fight.

There are thirteen sect masters, nine of them are fifth grade.The number of fifth ranks alone exceeds the number of fifth ranks in the Jinxiang City government.

It may be true to say that masters are among the people, but the fifth rank is probably the upper limit of these martial arts schools, and people with higher ranks will always be concentrated in places with a higher upper limit.

At noon, Shi Jiu came to Handaomen.

The gate of the Cold Sword Gate was still lying in Shi Jiu's yard, and only He Zhiyin was standing at the bare gate holding a pair of knives.

There is no doubt that Ruohe Zhiyin will be the most embarrassing one among the many martial arts schools today, because she has the lowest cultivation level.

But it was precisely because He Zhiyin chose to fight in person, whether it was a disciple in the school or other martial arts schools, he felt less uncomfortable.

If He Zhiyin lets his disciples fight, what will happen to the other martial arts sects who are in charge of the battle; but if the dignified acting master is knocked down in twos, it will appear that other martial arts sects are not so ashamed.

On the other hand, He Zhiyin still chooses to fight on his own in the face of an enemy he knows he can't defeat instead of letting his disciples take the blame, which is also a good thing for Handaomen.

The sun was dazzling at noon, and everyone was waiting for the end.

In fact, when Shi Jiu walked halfway, everyone had already seen the end of this matter.But the only difference is how the final ending will end.

He Zhiyin drew out his swords without saying a word: "He Zhiyin of the Cold Sword Sect, I am here to teach Shi Daxia's brilliant moves."


All the martial arts sects in Magu City crowded outside the Handao Gate, watching the battle.Everyone knows the final outcome, after all, He Zhiyin's own force is not strong.She stood up only because she was the acting sect master.

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