"I see, your friend is with the disciples of Tianmen Mountain, right?" Bai Shuqiu laughed, "I wonder who Fang Junjie is?"

Shi Jiu had no choice but to continue answering: "A student from Xiaoxiang Academy, we met on the road and went to Huainan City together."

"In that case, Daoist priests, don't you hurry up and send the poison glands?" Bai Shuqiu nodded with a smile, and turned to the arithmetic sequence trio, "Shi Jiu knew that you were in urgent need of this thing, so in order to save time, I specially dissected it. Send it over. You should hurry up and send the things over, detoxification cannot be delayed."

Hall Master Bai said so, and the arithmetic trio had no choice but to suppress their dissatisfaction and hurried to deliver the poison gland.

This is a good saying, every moment of delay, the disciples in the sect will have to endure the pain of rot and bone erosion for a moment.Even if you want to seek justice for Senior Sister Xiao, you have to wait until the work is done.

Walking away from Shi Jiu's side, Chubby even looked at Shi Jiu angrily.

But Shi Jiu didn't take it seriously, because the system happened to give him another task reward at this time.

[The task is completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining the special skill "Genesis". 】

Watching the three of them leave, Bai Shuqiu pressed Shi Jiu's shoulder: "Little brother Shi Jiu is going to find your Confucian friend, right? I know where he is, and I'll ask someone to take you there later."

After finishing speaking, Bai Shuqiu pushed Shijiu's shoulder unintentionally, as if he wanted to push him to the back hall.But Shi Jiu didn't realize it for a while, the body reacted spontaneously and was not pushed.

Bai Shuqiu was startled, and smiled slightly: "Little brother, come, let me tell you something."

Bai Shuqiu didn't have the airs of a leader at all, which made Shi Jiu feel that this person was not bad.Moreover, this is Demon Slayer, his documents and tokens are real, and it is unlikely that he will be in danger, so he followed him into the back hall.

There are not many decorations in the back hall, the most conspicuous thing is a copybook with official documents and teapots on it.

As soon as Bai Shuqiu led Shi Jiu into the back hall, he warmly greeted him: "Don't be reserved, come and sit down. How old is little brother Shi Jiu?"

"Twenty to four." Shi Jiu replied politely.

Bai Shuqiu nodded thoughtfully: "Twenty out of four, have you ever been married?"

Shi Jiu's face froze.

I'm really sorry for you, a virgin for two lifetimes!

"Never." Shi Jiu shook his head stiffly.

Bai Shuqiu smiled slightly, and changed the topic: "We are also busy here. Jinxiang City Demon Slaying Division has just experienced a big battle. Many colleagues have been poisoned and need detoxification urgently. You give the poison gland to the disciples of Tianmen Mountain. It can be regarded as a favor for us, and it can be regarded as a great help to us. You know, Taoist disciples are not easy to get along with."

Let’s start with a good word first, not to mention that Shi Jiu has a good sense of Bai Shuqiu, even if his senses almost have to greet him now with a smile: “Where is there, in his position, seek his job. A humble job is just to see injustice in the road, draw your sword to help, and then do it. Knowing that Jinxiang City Demon Slayer and Tianmen Mountain disciples are doing harm to the people, I was excited and rushed to the scene to help."

Bai Shuqiu laughed, and poured a cup of tea for Shi Jiu: "Don't talk about a humble job here, you are the demon hunter of Huainan City, and you don't belong to my subordinates. Just call me Big Brother Bai."

Shi Jiu clasped his right hand, and tapped his knuckles on the table to show his gratitude. The king of the capital was hated by the master bookkeeper because he didn't return the gift immediately when he poured the tea. I got it from Zhang Wenyuan.

Seeing that although Shi Jiu is young, he also knows etiquette, Bai Shuqiu is very satisfied.

Just now, with his cultivation at the peak of the fourth rank, Shi Jiu couldn't be moved by a single push.Even if Shi Jiu had prepared in advance, it was at least a fourth-rank cultivation.

What is the concept of four products?Xiao Yusheng, who was boasted as the number one in the world among the younger generation, and Jiang Moting, the son of the Marquis of Zhen Guo, were only at the peak of the fourth rank. No one is as high as his cultivation base.How can those cultivators see the Dao of a warrior? Before, he doubted whether Shi Jiu was really first-class, but now he took a closer look——Shi Jiu's footsteps were as steady as a rock, his Qi and blood were restrained, and his breath was silent. The qi and blood all over the body fluctuate with the rhythm like a wave. This physical body alone is absolutely impossible to be a first-rank copper skin, but a fourth-rank blood aura.

Only the Blood Qi Realm can have such strong Qi and Blood. Although Bai Shuqiu couldn't see it in a higher realm, he felt that it was impossible for Shi Jiu to be above Rank [-] at this age.

Although Xiao Yusheng of Tianmen Mountain is the pinnacle of the fourth rank, but he is born with a clear sword heart, and it is not difficult to challenge by leapfrogging.Coupled with this little brother Shi Jiu who doesn't know the exact cultivation level in front of him, it is not impossible to kill a monster at the peak of the fifth rank.

One must know that Shi Jiu came from the Demon Slaying Division of the capital, and he has such a cultivation level at such a young age, it is impossible without expert guidance behind him.In the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the capital, if an expert cultivated Shi Jiu according to the standard of successors, perhaps he would not be much worse than Xiao Yusheng.

It's just... This Shi Jiu is too thoughtful, he obviously has at least a fourth-rank cultivation base, but he always pretends to be only a first-rank.Thinking of the documents issued by the higher authorities in recent days, Bai Shuqiu suddenly understood a little in his heart—just a little.

The people from the capital are really unusual, fortunately I didn't scold Shi Jiu just now because Shi Jiu is just a bronze medal demon hunter, otherwise I might get into big (anti-harmony) trouble.

After turning around for a long time, Bai Shuqiu finally started to ask him what he cared about the most: "Brother Shi Jiu, I don't know... Is it urgent for you to take office here?"

Shi Jiu recalled the contents of the document: "The document says that I will arrive before May, and there is still half a month left."

Of course Bai Shuqiu knew this, he had already seen it from the documents just now, but he just wanted to bring up the next topic: "Brother Shi Jiu, you have been in the Demon Slayer Division for many years, but there are some things that you should not be arrested for." You don’t know about it, the demon envoy. You are going to take office in Huainan City soon, so I have to tell you in advance.”

When he heard that there were melons to eat, Shi Jiu immediately became interested.

Melon is intelligence, data scattered unintentionally by the world.The more melons you master, the deeper your understanding of something.

"The demon slaying division has a written rule. When the demon slaying division in a certain city is short of manpower due to an emergency, it can recruit the demon slayers operating within the vicinity, or ask for help from the demon slaying divisions in other cities. It is stipulated that the demon slaying divisions in the nineteen prefectures are like brothers, and if one party is in trouble, all parties will support them."

Bai Shuqiu hesitated for a moment, with a look of perplexity on his face: "Brother Shi Jiu, you also know that our Jinxiang City Demon Slaying Division has just experienced a big battle. To tell you the truth, the poisonous weasel's poisonous gas is really powerful. We Slaying Demons Although Li Fuchuan, Deputy Envoy of the Division, is a fifth rank, but in order to protect his subordinates from the poisonous miasma, he was poisoned. We are now a big Jinxiang City, but we lack manpower."

Shi Jiu gradually came to his senses, but before he could open his mouth, Baishu Qiujiu took the opportunity to put forward his request.

"If you are not in a hurry, you can postpone the entry time or even postpone it. I also have a lot of acquaintances in Huainan City, and I will say hello to you when the time comes. No one will embarrass you. Instead, because I said hello in advance , they will also take care of you in various ways."

"The main reason is that Jinxiang City is short of manpower, and it is urgent to call in manpower from other cities. Even if you go to Huainan City now, you may still be transferred over at that time—you still have to go back and forth so hard, no Worth it."

Shi Jiu was convinced that it was Bai Shuqiu who wanted him to work illegally - if he didn't go to report in Huainan City, he wouldn't be officially employed.Reporting late for a month is a month's work for nothing, how dark it is, 12 taels of silver a month is not considered a subsidy!

[The host triggers the main task in the Tianzhou area: "The Secret Behind the Monster Riot"]

[Mission content: The monster riot in Jingtian Prefecture reveals a little bit of weirdness. As a national idol in the new era, you need to stand up and investigate the truth behind the monster riot.The first step is to observe the situation in Jinxiang City, which is the closest to the monster riot. 】

[Mission Reward: Random lottery ticket x10, forced number 500 points, fashion value reward 1000-3000 points depending on the completion of the task. (The completion of other side quests triggered during the quest will affect the final completion of the main quest in the region)]

[Punishment for failure: Obtain the title "Runaway" and force it to be worn for life. Anyone who sees the host will preconceive that the host is a coward. 】

Shi Jiu was refreshed, and the 500-point force completely shocked his mind.The rewards for the main missions in this area are too generous, even exceeding all his income from activating the system so far.

Could it be that the main mission is this system... No!When did your system have a mainline?Another new feature?

[System prompt: Due to the host's previous compulsion index was too low, the main task of the region could not be activated in the capital area. 】

Shi Jiu was silent.

Your system still looks at people ordering dishes?

On the other side, Bai Shuqiu continued to throw out the conditions: "Don't worry, you can stay in the Demon Slaying Division during this period of time, and I will open a guest room for you alone. The salary and salary are also easy to deal with. It’s fine for us to kill the monster and send it to you directly. And the time you are here with us is called Qian Xun, and there will be additional subsidies according to the length of time..."

Shi Jiu clasped his fists, and said righteously: "It doesn't matter what salary, money, food, etc., the main thing is that the people of Jinxiang City need me, and it is my honor to dedicate my strength to Jinxiang City."

What's more, there is a big mouthful of truth behind the monster riot.

Bai Shuqiu breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Shi Jiu could not stay for a long time due to important business.Since Shi Jiu agrees, it's easy to say.

Just kidding, is this a bronze medal hunter?This is a demon hunter of at least rank four, and it can go up to No. 16 silver medals in Jinxiang City!

In the Jinxiang City Demon Killing Division, one gold, fifteen silver and 89 bronzes can handle all emergencies in the surrounding villages and counties of Jinxiang City.But now, eleven out of the fifteen silver medals have been poisoned, and it is not known whether the rampage of the monsters is a one-off or a regular occurrence. There are many fourth-rank combat forces in the city, and it is possible to save an extra county by then.

A few months' salary, silver and salary are nothing, it's just a small amount of money.The value of the medicinal pills distributed by the demon slaying division for cultivation every month does not exceed ten times the money?Those are things money can't buy.

Both of them felt that they had made money.

Chapter 16 Chapter 15 Do you think I should add a pair of chopsticks?

"Well, I'll write an essay for the Huainan City Demon Slayer in a while." Bai Shuqiu laughed, and suddenly lowered his voice, "But let's make sure first, are you really not in a hurry or...don't care what I said What, in fact, I can apply for other people from Huainan City. If you really have urgent matters here, you don’t have to stay in Jinxiang City to help.”

Shi Jiu thought about it for a while: "Is the situation of monster riots only happening in Jinxiang City?"

Bai Shuqiu's expression gradually became serious, and he nodded: "Actually, the monster riots started from the south. The first city to suffer from the monster riots was Linjiang City, and then the monster groups were wiped out; until not long ago , the monsters gathered outside Jinxiang City again."

"In that case, then I'll stay in Jinxiang City for the time being." Shi Jiu clasped his fists and said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "Don't forget to tell the Demon Slayer of Huainan City for Bai Yinpai, I'm not here yet. I'm starting to skip work, so don't take it seriously."

Bai Shuqiu laughed and feigned anger: "Didn't you just call me Big Brother Bai, you kid? After joining the Demon Slayer Division, you will be your own family. In the future, you will be brothers who will fight the enemy side by side. Don't treat others like this."

After finishing speaking, Bai Shuqiu asked intentionally or unintentionally: "By the way, how is your cultivation now?"

Shi Jiu paused for a moment, thinking of his official data during the demon slaying test in the capital: "First-rank Bronze Skin Realm, but now he wants to improve his cultivation, but he doesn't know how to reach the second-rank Iron Bone Realm."

It was Zhang Wenyuan who took him to the test at the beginning. Although Shi Jiu felt that he must be more than one rank, his true energy is indeed only at the level of one rank.

Bai Shuqiu stiffened without a trace, and felt joy in his heart: Shi Jiu probably thought that he was hiding something very deep, but he didn't expect that he had already seen through the fact that he had a cultivation level above the fourth rank.But since you want to pretend, then I will accompany you to pretend to the end.You must know all these basic knowledge, then I will not hide my clumsiness, and it will appear that I am aboveboard.

Thinking of this, Bai Shuqiu patiently explained: "The practice method of the second-grade iron bone realm is similar to that of the copper skin realm. It needs to draw qi into the bone and flow with the marrow. When one's own true qi is completely integrated into the bone marrow, one does not deliberately urge the real qi into the bone marrow. When the qi can also flow with the marrow on its own, the second-rank iron bone level is considered to be a great achievement."

"Third-grade Steel Bar Realm and Fourth-Rank Blood Qi Realm are the same, except that one draws Qi into the tendons, and the other draws Qi into the blood. When these two realms are completed, the warrior's body will be invulnerable, but the physical body and monsters will be strong. "

"But the fifth level is different, and it is also this level that has stuck the vast majority of warriors... The fifth level of concentration needs to condense one's own energy and spirit, and condense one's own martial arts. The martial arts that have been condensed can be separated from the body And when you leave, you can enter the sixth realm."

"As for the sixth realm, it's not within my reach. But I've heard that it's related to my own martial arts, and it seems that I can use martial arts... I'm not sure."

Shi Jiu nodded thoughtfully. The first four realms were similar to what he guessed, but the only problem was...

"I have a problem... I have managed to introduce Qi into the skin to forge copper skin. But I can't introduce Qi into the bones."

Bai Shuqiu stroked his beard, his face was a little stiff when he smiled.

Good boy, let me pretend to follow you, and you still climb up the pole, right?

"Generally speaking, there are two possibilities. One is that it is useless to master the correct method, after all, bones and skin are two different things; the other is that the talent is too good, the bones are too dense and hard, and it is difficult for true energy to enter—— I don’t know if that’s the case with my little friend?”

Shi Jiu shook his head in embarrassment: "Probably because I haven't mastered the correct method... I don't know what is the difference between forging skin and forging bones?"

Bai Shuqiu calmly took his hand off the fold on one side: "The skin is porous and soft, and the zhenqi can easily fuse with it. But the bones are hard and smooth. If you want the zhenqi to find a way to enter, you need to put the real qi into it. Qi decomposes into finer filaments and blends in like spring rain nourishing the land. This is the biggest difference between the two."

Shi Jiu suddenly realized: "I have been taught, I have been taught."

Bai Shuqiu saw that the conversation was almost done, so he issued the order to evict the guest tactfully: "It's getting late, I'll ask someone to arrange your accommodation later. Don't you still have something to go to your friend? Go there now , Come back to me at night."

Shi Jiu clasped his hands, asked where the disciples of Tianmen Mountain lived, and left first.


Yuelai Inn is the largest inn chain in Tianzhou, mainly providing accommodation for businessmen and heroes.The price is affordable, and even the ID card given after staying for a month can enjoy discounts at every Yuelai Inn in the state.

Tianmen Mountain also cooperates with Yuelai Inn. With the identity badge of Tianmenshan disciples, you can enjoy a [-]% discount in all Yuelai Inns. This is the main reason why Tianmenshan disciples live in Yuelai Inns.

"Hello, I would like to ask if there is a scholar named Fang Zheng living here." Shi Jiu came to the front desk and asked politely.

It was lunch time at this time, and the lobby of the inn took into account the functions of the hotel, and there was an endless stream of people coming and going.

The reason is that Yuelai Inn's exclusive sauced elbow is famous in Jingtianzhou, and even people who live on the other side of the city will come here to buy sauced elbow.

The shopkeeper took a look at Shi Jiu, and shook his head: "It's the inn's rule to ask the guest not to ask their name. This guest, is it a bit presumptuous of you to ask this question?"

Shi Jiu smiled: "That's my friend, I made an appointment with him to meet at the Yuelai Inn, but I don't know which room he lives in. Please excuse me, the boss, or ask a buddy to go up and report."

But the shopkeeper still refused.

The reason why Yuelai Inn can be opened so big is all in the word "hidden", and it never participates in the grievances and grievances in the rivers and lakes.Such a rule of not reporting the names of the guests is a way to prevent the inn from being involved in grievances and grievances as much as possible.

At this moment, the arithmetic sequence trio came in from outside the door. They were thin and tall, and they glanced over the heads of everyone and saw Shi Jiu, who was chatting happily with the shopkeeper at the front desk. He couldn't help but stop subconsciously. He pulled the two people beside him.

"Hey, look, the man in front of the counter."

The other two followed the tall and thin man's guidance and saw the familiar figure from behind.

"This man is haunted." Humpty gritted his teeth, "Should we give him some flair, or else one or two of them will pester Senior Sister Xiao along the way, can we still go through this practice?"

The person of medium stature also rarely agreed: "We have to make him retreat, but the sect has ordered us not to clash with people from the Jianghu at will. We might as well report this to Senior Sister Xiao and ask Senior Sister Xiao what to do." How to deal with this person."

This proposal was unanimously approved by the other two, and while walking around Shi Jiu calmly, they walked upstairs to Xiao Yusheng's room.

When they reached the door, the tall and thin one knocked first: "Senior Sister Xiao, I'm Gao Shou, we've found Shi Jiu, and we're going back to the monster poison gland and sent it to Tiangongfang."

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