City Lord Xiao's already ugly face became even uglier: "Present."

The soldier lowered his head and offered the scroll, and exited the door.

City Lord Xiao kept a cold face, read the scroll carefully, and sighed.

"The supervisor of Chuantian Workshop is here."

After delivering the order, City Master Xiao stared at Li Fuchuan steadfastly.

After a while, he sighed: "Let's first investigate where the monster beast came from, and who is in charge of the entrance of that place... We must investigate exactly when the monster beast entered the city, and who ordered it of!"

"Go all out and don't be lazy."

"I'm so powerful, how can I allow little monsters to trample on me at will!"

"Get ready. After a few days, you will personally lead your troops out and kill all the monsters in a radius of a hundred miles outside Jinxiang City, no matter how big or small! Don't leave any of them! Heads are strung together, piled up outside Jinxiang City, and used as a Beijing watch!"

"These gangsters have gone against the sky!"

Chapter 25 Chapter 24

Jinxiang City was running at an unprecedented speed. Tiangongfang was summoned overnight to ask why the demon detector in the waterway downstream of Dongchengmen was damaged, why it was not repaired in time, and the specific person in charge of managing the demon detector in the waterway of Dongchengmen.

Tiangongfang belongs to the Tiangong Division, which in turn belongs to the Ministry of Industry, and is the official machinery manufacturing department of the imperial court.As the highest spokesperson of the imperial court in Jinxiang City, the lord of Jinxiang City is more than two levels above the supervisor of Tiangongfang in terms of status and actual power.

At this moment, the summons in the middle of the night was obviously because the city lord Xiao was extremely angry, and Guan Fangjian of Tiangongfang ran towards the city lord's mansion nervously.

When they arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, the road was unimpeded, and there was no one to stop them.But this scene made Guan Fangjian even more frightened, because it meant that everyone in the city lord's mansion was waiting for him.

After quickly going through the questions that City Lord Xiao might ask and the answers that might be useful, Guan Fangjian gritted his teeth and stepped into the lobby.

"Humble post Guan Zhiyong..."

City Lord Xiao, who was sitting in the seat, waved his hand and interrupted Guan Fangjian: "There is no need for polite words, Guan Fangjian, please sit down."

Supervisor Guan Fang felt distressed, scanned his surroundings from the corner of his eye, and found the nearest empty seat to sit down.

At this time, you must not grovel and hide your head and show your tail, otherwise it will only appear that you have a ghost in your heart.The correct approach should be to sit down in an upright manner, and then answer the questions of City Lord Xiao in a calm manner and give a solution.

After all, everyone is eating the imperial food in the court, and it is not easy to win anyone.If you can make up for it, never kill others to scare others. This is an unwritten rule in officialdom.

"Dongchengmen Waterway, the demon detection device is broken, none of it works." City Lord Xiao calmly watched Guan Fangjian, "When was the last time the demon detection device was inspected? Who checked it? Was there any sign of damage? "

Guan Fang pretended to recall for a moment: "The demon detector is overhauled every three years. The last overhaul was exactly three years ago. This overhaul should have happened last year. At that time, the person in charge of the Dongchengmen Waterway was...Xiao Renhou, according to his report , the demon detector shows no signs of corruption or damage."

City Lord Xiao's expression suddenly changed. Xiao Renhou was his nephew, and he was the one who arranged for Xiao Renhou to work in Tiangong Workshop.Although it wasn't necessarily Xiao Renhou's lax maintenance that caused the damage to the demon detector, once his family was involved, the nature of the matter would be different.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. General Zhao of the City Guard Army and Lieutenant Li of the Monster Slayer Division looked at each other in private, and averted their eyes tacitly.

The city lord asked who was responsible for the maintenance of the waterway, and you answered that it was a relative of the leader's family. Do you think the leader should punish his relatives?Aren't you giving the leader a hard time?

City Lord Xiao paused for two seconds, and continued to ask: "Did you find anything unusual after the inspection?"

Guan Fangjian hurriedly shook his head: "Never."

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

City Lord Xiao's eyes turned to Zhao Feixing, and then to Li Fuchuan: "Deputy Envoy Li, is there anything strange about Dongcheng Gate during this period of time?"

Li Fuchuan was immediately unhappy, he was not under the control of Xiao Zu in the system, after all, Monster Slayer was directly under the royal family.Now City Lord Xiao is throwing the problem on his side intentionally or unintentionally, how could he take such a big blame?

"City Master Xiao, the Demon Slayer is not responsible for the security of the city's entry and exit. This should be the responsibility of the city guards. Even if we want to take care of it, we can't reach there."

City Lord Xiao let out a groan, looked at Zhao Feixing again, and finally turned his attention to Guan Zhiyong: "Go and check why the demon detector is damaged, whether it is man-made or natural wear and tear, and give me an answer tomorrow morning."

"General Zhao, Deputy Envoy Li, do you have any thoughts on the monster attacking Jinxiang City?"

"City Master Xiao, I think the monsters outside the city must be wiped out, and the force must be strong. But now more than half of the monster killers are poisoned and can't fight. We need to wait a few days for Tiangongfang After the antidote is made, it will take a few more days of recuperation before we can go to battle."

This is not unreasonable, but Xiao Zuqi's goal is not to let the demon slayer be the main force.

"Vice Envoy Li, the demon hunters of the Demon Slaying Division put themselves in danger to protect the people of Jinxiang City. I will never force them to go out to kill monsters at this time. But to deal with monsters, the demon hunters are the most professional .So I want you to send capable subordinates to patrol the surrounding area in the near future and mark all the locations where monsters are hidden."

"General Zhao, after the demon slayer marks out the location where the monster is hidden, order [-] soldiers and horses, and go out of the city to slay the monster."

Li Fuchuan's face twitched, but he didn't speak.


Early the next morning, Shi Jiu had just been measured by a tailor who specialized in making the uniforms of the demon hunters, when a monster hunter he had never seen before approached him.

A demon hunter with a big face walked in a hurry, even speaking quickly: "You are Shi Jiu?"

Shi Jiu nodded: "It's right here."

"Come with me, Lord Botang will see you." The demon hunter beckoned, impatiently, "Quick, quick!"

Shi Jiu hurriedly followed, and asked as he walked, "Is it about last night?"

The other party walked fast and fast, and spoke in a hasty tone: "Yes, the boss said that you were transferred from Huainan City to help. Deputy Lieutenant Li has a meeting this morning, and you have to attend." Quickly pacing to keep up: "I understand, understand—what's your name, Xiongtai?"

Zhou Guotai explained without turning his head: "Zhou Guotai, we may directly assign tasks later, and we will be very busy recently. Although you are new here, we don't have time to give you training. Just remember to listen Command, just don’t act casually.”

"Oh..." Shi Jiu suddenly realized, "Then who is Deputy Lieutenant you mentioned just now?"

"The leader of Jingtian Prefecture's Demon Killing Division is Xu Tianming, the envoy of Zhenzhou, with a gold medal of the sixth rank. The leader of our Jinxiang City is the deputy Zhenzhou envoy Li Fuchuan, who is also the gold medal of the fifth rank." Zhou Guotai He explained at a speed that would turn into garbled words if he sped up a little bit, "Below Vice Envoy Li, there are the fifteen silver medals of Hall Master Bai, and then there are our bronze medals - hurry up, hurry up."

Shi Jiu suddenly realized, and he memorized all these basic knowledge, so as not to lick the right person in the future.

During the conversation, Shi Jiu followed King Jiji into the interior of the Demon Slayer.

Bai Shuqiu and another demon hunter with a silver medal on his waist stood in front of everyone, and when they saw Shi Jiu coming in with Zhou Guoan, they clapped their hands: "Everyone is here, let me tell you what Deputy Envoy Li has to say today. things."

Shi Jiu scanned the hall from the corner of his eye, and found that there were already two or three people gathered in the demon slaying division, and there were no more than twenty people in total.

This Jinxiang City is so big, is there only so few people in the Demon Slayer?

"Dear colleagues, when we were encircling and suppressing monsters a few days ago, many brothers were plotted against by monsters. They were rotten and unable to fight recently. But you also know what happened last night. Monsters were rampant, and they dared to openly Attacked my Dagan City. City Lord Xiao was furious, and ordered the demon slayer to clean up all the monsters near Jinxiang City, no matter how big or small, no one will be left alive."

"The task is very heavy and urgent. Although we only have about [-] people now, we must actively respond, take the initiative to take responsibility, and solve the urgent problems for the superiors. We must also give those rampant monsters a strong fight back, let them I know that this is the land of Dagan, not a wilderness where monsters swarm."

"Because of the manpower we can use now, we will divide into four groups with the four silver medals as the core, and start from the four directions of east, west, north, south, and search for nearby monsters."

"But remember, our mission this time is not to exterminate monsters, but to mark the location, which is a reconnaissance mission."

"Do you all understand?"

"Now start grouping, and each silver medal will get five bronze medals."

Standing in the line, Shi Jiu didn't look sideways, but he was thinking about what the information meant.

Obviously, the monsters swaggering into Jinxiang City is no different from the armies of other countries swaggering into their own cities.At this moment, Jinxiang City's face, people's confidence, and force deterrence were greatly compromised by the monster attack last night, and it urgently needed a beautiful counterattack to regain its position.

And those monsters around Jinxiang City suffered disaster.

However... Shi Jiu didn't think that this kind of behavior could really bring any practical effect, it was more like a kind of impotent rage.

Although Shi Jiu has not been out for a long time, he also knows how strict Dagan's management of monsters is.

Daqian Killing Demon Division can kill monsters first and then play. This sentence is not a joke, but a bloody policy that has been implemented for more than 200 years since the founding of the country.

In the first 50 years of Dagan's establishment, all the monsters in the nineteen prefectures of Dagan fled in a hurry, and the elite divisions swept away, and almost all the high-quality monsters that occupied the mountain were made into collections in the palace.

The final result is that it is difficult to find high-grade monsters in Dagan territory, only those monsters that escaped from the wilderness flow into Dagan, or some exotic beasts have cultivated into high-grade monsters.

Shi Jiu couldn't imagine how many monsters he had killed in the past 200 years, but during the few years he stayed in the demon cave in the capital, Shi Jiu dissected no less than a thousand monsters, and sometimes even two or three a day It's all possible-this is still his workload alone.

And under the high-pressure management of Daqian, it is impossible for the monster to organize such a resistance without a strict organization behind it.Since the organizer would attack Jinxiang City, he would definitely consider Jinxiang City's countermeasures in advance.

If you strike back rashly, you may fall into the enemy's trap.

But Shi Jiu didn't dare to express his opinion at this time, after all, he was just a nobody in front of the real big shots, it doesn't matter whether his opinion will be adopted or not, whether people are willing to listen or not is another matter.

More than 20 people were easily divided into groups, and soon, Shi Jiu was assigned to Bai Shuqiu's subordinates.

Bai Shuqiu counted the men and horses, and led them to the inner hall: "Our task today is to scout the southern part of Jinxiang City, and mark all the places where monsters hide on the map."

"So first, don't act like a hero, because our task this time is not desperate. Even if those monsters find us, it doesn't matter, we can escape this time."

"Second, be alert to your surroundings at all times, and pay attention to any unusual places. This monster attack is obviously unusual, and the higher authorities suspect that someone is behind it."

"Just these two points——Shi Jiu, you just came to report to Demon Slayer, and you are not familiar with many businesses. Zhou Guotai, take him with you, and familiarize yourself with everything you should be familiar with."

Zhou Guotai's square face is nothing but perseverance. After all, there is no other expression on this sharp-edged face: "Understood."

"Okay, let's set off this morning. On the first day, we will first check along the Xichengmen River. Don't go too far. Prioritize the safety of Jinxiang City."

"Now go to the arsenal to get your own things."

Zhou Guotai turned to Shi Jiu and waved: "Come with me."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Guotai walked ahead without looking back, Shi Jiu could only catch up slowly.

No way, working with a anxious king made him anxious too.

Zhou Guotai explained to Shi Jiu while walking: "Monster hunters can wear weapons on a daily basis, but the props made by Tiangongfang must be applied in advance. You must register when you take it, and you must also register after returning it. We can apply for the bronze medal The props used are all in the small group, and most of them are more team-oriented.”

During the conversation, the two came to the gate of the arsenal.

The gatekeeper of the arsenal took a symbolic look at the badges of the two, and glanced at Shi Jiu: "New here?"

Zhou Guotai answered first: "Colleagues from Huainan City are temporarily transferred to help us."

"Did I ask you?" The gatekeeper glared at Zhou Guotai, "Why are you so anxious, you are the most anxious all day long, I wonder if you are also the most anxious when you are looking for death!"

Shi Jiu smiled embarrassingly, and bowed his hands: "I am Shi Jiu, the demon slaying division of Huainan City, and I am on my way to take office. Due to an emergency in Jinxiang City, Hall Master Bai hopes that I will stay for a while to help."

The gatekeeper nodded, and looked around Shi Jiu: "Okay, let's go in."

The door of the arsenal was open, and the uncle sat back on the small stool by the door, flipping through the thread-bound book in his hand.

"Who is this?" Seeing the uncle's tone of casually scolding Zhou Guotai casually, Shi Jiu suddenly thought of a setting in his mind.

The gatekeeper of this kind of treasure house is also an old man, usually the kind of sweeper who seems to be inconspicuous but has a very high status...

"My uncle, Zhou Wen, is in charge of the arsenal." Zhou Guotai's answer was concise and to the point.


Your uncle will always be your uncle.


"You are new here, and you are a member of Huainan City, so you cannot apply for weapons and props in your own name. But Hall Master Bai said that he didn't see you holding a weapon, so let us give you one—what kind of weapon do you usually use? "

Entering the arsenal, Shi Jiu did not see the dazzling array of weapons that Shi Jiu expected.Although the number is quite large, there are only a dozen types, covering most of the commonly used shapes.

"The weapons in the arsenal are all stored according to the usual weapons of the demon slayer and the demon hunter. If they are worn out, they will be replaced. So there are not many types here. It is best if the type you are used to is here. If not You pick one you know how to use."

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